3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Rid of Poverty
- How to Meditate- guide meditation
- Aphrodite Wish
- Universe Grant Wish
- Artistic Money
- Open Mind
- Dragon Treasure Spell
- Astral Wish
- Meet spirit guide
- Safe Birth
#2641 - Get Rid of Poverty
During the waning moon, cast a strong circle or square of white light. Imagine this light coming from the Earth and entering your space, attaching itself to the walls. If you wish you could call upon any deity or angel you want or just do the spell as is.
Cleanse all of your tools which ever way you want. Take the black candle with your hand of power and say " This black candle will do as I say, you will work for me in getting rid of poverty from my life. You will work together with all the other herbs and elements that is working with me during this spell"
Grab the sharp tool and carve " Banish Poverty From Me" on it,While you are doing that imagine poverty fleeing away from you. Imagine you being able to pay all bills on time and not worrying about income. Imagine the word Poverty running away from you and your home
Take the picture of yourself and place it in the middle of your alter. Around your picture you will sprinkle counter clock wise the Agrimony ( this will dispel negativity that is near you). Now dress your candle with oil, after that dress it with the crushed red peppers, bits of calamus root. When applying the herbs, roll the candle AWAY from you because you are getting rid of something
Sprinkle the salt around the your alter in a circle formation to protect this spell. You want this spell to work full force without any negativity energies hindering its strength. Light your candle and say three times:
" I stand here today to
Get rid of poverty that is in my life
I stand here today to
Banish poverty from me in anyway
With all the power in me,
All the power in this candle,
All the power in these herbs,
May it all work within the speed of light
Get poverty far, far away from me
Through no harm of course
Banished is poverty which is now gone from me
As I will it, so mote it be"
Un-cast your circle/Square your spell is now done. Trust and believe that your strong desire will come true. Say thanks to your deity or angel if you called for one.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2642 - How to Meditate- guide meditation
In this next stage, it is going to take all concentration. You will be meditating ! I reccomend you be meditating COMPLETELY as I told for at least 1 minute or more. The calmer you are the better.
The time you need to meditate depends on your level of anger or fustration.
message me for help
Hope this works for you!!
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2643 - Aphrodite Wish
Aphrodite please make this true
For I shall do one thing for you.
Get out of the bath and keep the items with you the next few days until what you said has come true.
#2644 - Universe Grant Wish
Place in your palm your quartz pyramid. next, visualize the thing your wish to come true going into the center of the quartz pyramid. Next, chat this while you are both visualizing and believing that your wish will come true.
"By the power of the Universe, I ask of the to send (name of person or object you wish), so mote it be I ask of the, universes energy!"
Now, while you are doing this visualize the wish inside the crystal pyramid shooting out of the pyramid point and going to the universe. Finally, be patient and the wish will come true. some time it is with in hours other times it tacks days and months and can take years as well.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2645 - Artistic Money
Decide what you want to happen then draw it out ( this might take a few days or minutes)Light incense if wanted. If you are using the moon, use this spell for the right time. Cast a circle or square of a strong powerful white light almost a diamond shield around your space. Image it coming from the Earth and surround your space.
Take a few deep breathes and then call upon the spirits and guardians of Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Take time to feel their presence. Call upon any deity that you feel comfortable with ( this Includes Jesus or Buddha etc) Once that is done, color in your art work
Then once it is colored, look at it and charge it again with more energy ( you do that just by looking at your creation and sending it more energy, when you are coloring it in you sent it energy of it becoming a reality for you)
Now grab your cleansed candle with your power hand. Charge this candle with your desire and TELL it that it will do for you as you wish through no harm of others. Roll it in cinnamon and basil, if this is for banishing roll it away from you, for growth roll towards you. Read your words of power.
Carve what you want on it then dress it with oil ( doesn't matter if you go from the bottom up or vice versa, do what feels comfortable) Now grab your drawing, lay it out on your alter or where ever, grab the crystals and form a triangle around your art work, size doesn't matter. Then place your candle on top of this art work in the middle of the triangle
Say your words of power and light the candle. Make sure to say before you close your spell " as I will it, may it harm none, so mote it be" Thank the spirits and guardians of the elements and other deities Now when the candle burns out you could either keep the picture if it is for something positive you want in your life and place it somewhere you will see it everyday
Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2646 - Open Mind
Step 1: Light both of the blue candles. The blue will represent calmness, which means it will represent the relaxation and opening of your mind.
Step 2: Take the eyeliner or marker, or whatever you have that you can wash off that is black, and draw arrows to your eyes. It doesn't matter which direction they are coming from, as long as the arrows are pointing to each of your eyes.
Step 3: Meditate. Focus on your brain, what you think it looks like if it were to absorb all the possibilities in the universe. Meditate for 10-20 minutes.
Step 4: Slowly come out of meditation. Do not instantly jump out of it.
This should take effect within a minute, depending how hard you concentrated, and how much effort you put into it.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2647 - Dragon Treasure Spell
2. Dress the candles with the Dragon's Blood, then anoint yourself. [third eye and wrist]
3. Place the candles onto the alter, and with the sweet basil circle each clockwise sprinkling the herb around each candle.
4. Light the candles, saying three times [once for each candle then a third time for both]
''Great and Mighty Dragons, blessed be.''
5. Rub dragon's blood onto the statue. Hold the statue in your hands while saying three times:
''Great dragons of Earth, Air, Fire and Sea,
Share your dragon treasure with me.
From North, East, South and West,
By the power of the dragons I am blessed.''
6. Continue to gaze into the eyes of the dragon statue, See in your mind wealth coming to you, the dragons watching over you. Let the candles burn down before opening the circle. Place the statue in the North corner of your home or work to attract good luck to you. [North is the direction of Earth, and Earth Dragons are commonly the ones who hoard vast riches.] By next month, the caster will be blessed with extra cash.
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2648 - Astral Wish
Hold the purple object in your hand and say "I will be, in the astral, no body, just a soul so mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2649 - Meet spirit guide
, show your self, so mote it be!
#2650 - Safe Birth
Chant this once and put all of your effort, energy and concentration into it as possible,
- Air, Water, Fire, Earth,
- Merge together, protect the birth,
- Do this for the life entity,
- Do it for the Mum safely,
- Merge together to help this baby,
- Please 'o' please, So Mote It Be!
That's it, now the Mum should have a safe pregnancy and birth and the baby should have a pure life! :)
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.