3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Good Mood
- Becoming In-Touch with the Elements
- Safe Ending To A Spell
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Money Bottle
- Nature Circle
- Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
- Confidence
- Make something happen
- To Summon Kima
#2671 - Good Mood
Write how long you want it to last. Burn the paper. Believe it will work.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2672 - Becoming In-Touch with the Elements
How to make your egg:
I demand and command that anything and everything that is not in total and complete alignment with __________, with my source self, and all that is be removed and contained be sent to its highest form of expression and not be allowed to return.
(Now you may notice the blank. You must repeat this 9x. Each time fill the blank with one of these (preferably in order) gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, unconditional love.)
-after that, say-
I command that gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, and unconditional love be in perfect rotation, seed atom alignment, harmony and resonance NOW!
I place the egg of unconditional lave around me, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, swirling around me, protecting me, and keeping me safe. I fill my egg with divine light, healing energy, Goddess' and God's source.
-now visualize your body filling with white light-
(Now you should feel very relaxed. That was the longest part, this next part is very simple to do, but can be hard to grasp at first... Please be patient.)
- Hold your meditation stone. Visualize your heart, not the cute, emoticon kind, the blood-filled thing beating in your chest, now at the some time imagine fruit-bearing earth, hold that image, now imagine the crop on fire, see it slowly become ashen, now imagine rains quenching the flame, let the clouds pass, see the ashes blow around the earth, reaching you. Open your eyes.-
#2673 - Safe Ending To A Spell
As you finish the spell always think/say ''And if it harm none let it be done.''
This works for all spells. It is best for Black Magick spells, Love spells or Fertility Spells as an extra boost of protection.
#2674 - Smoke and Mirrors
Best times to perform this spell:
- During the new moon
- When the sun or moon is in Scorpio or Pisces
- On Mondays
Set the candle and incense (in their holders) on a surface in front of a mirror and light them. Turn off other forms of illumination. As the candlelight flickers and the smoke swirls in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Say aloud:
"Shadow and light expand my sight.
Open a door to a time before
And let me see a different me."
Continue looking at your reflection for as long as you like, while your mind drifts back in time. Notice changes in your expression, features, coloring, etc. Pay attention to impressions, emotions, or thoughts that arise, too. Don't censor yourselfsometimes strange ideas can be clues to a past personality.
When you've finished, extinguish the candle and write down your experiences.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2675 - Money Bottle
Light a green candle. Combine all ingredients in a bottle, shake it and say: " Herbs and silver, copper and corn. Let my money grow, in my home flow". Close the bottle cap and seal with wax on a green candle. Place the bottle on the table the money anywhere in the house, you can put in a bookcase.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2676 - Nature Circle
First off sit comfortably on any smooth surface and put the candle in front of you. The candle should be the appropriate color (ex; love=red, black=death). Light your candle and take the soil and create a circle around you and the candle. For extra strength, sprinkle sand and salt on the soil circle for extra power. Chant "Water, air, earth and fire. I call upon you"
Then say your spell. The spell has to be nature related, like growth or protection of plants or animals. Have a glass of water near so you can put out the candle with your fingers. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, either let the wind blow it out or pour water on the flame. sit in the circle for a few moments and breathe. Scoop up as much soil/sand/salt from your circle as you can and let the wind blow it from your hands.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2677 - Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
It is better to do on the moon rising in the days of strength from 12 to 3 nights. Buy in the church 40 tapers (not cut). Put them on a beautiful tray. Put the tray on the floor. By the wall leans a little mirror.
Light all the candles and pray in your own words on the implementation of the most cherished desire. Pray until the candle does not go out. Your request must be emotional.
When the candle burned, then pick up the mirror and wrap it in a red cloth. This - the generator of your energy. Now, when you will be overflowing emotions, look in it for 5 minutes. It will concentrate in himself the power of which will come in handy for the execution of your wishes.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2678 - Confidence
Sit cross legged on a carpet, set up you Quartz, Amethyst and Emerald into a triangle around you. Please make sure the Quartz is the top point of the triangle, the Amethyst is the left point and the Emerald is the right. Light the candle and hold it in one hand and say
" Flame so bright, flame so right,
Take away the meek
Give me the wisdom and beauty
Of the Greek Goddesses
Let the salt I shower upon myself carry
What I crave, and upon my wake I be changed
From the shy, cautious one I am
To the confident one I wish to be"
Sprinkle the salt over yourself and blow out the candle. Go to sleep and in the morning you'll feel unstoppable!
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2679 - Make something happen
Once your eyes are open unfold the piece of paper and rip it in half. Try to get either directly through the center of the name or try to rip the crease. The crisper the edge on the rip the more likely the events will happen.
This has worked for me 99% of the time. I've 'wished' for everything from sex (Eh, it's natural), to getting a good paycheck at work. You can write either your name on the parchment or another persons'. The effects will be the same. (If you write your name you ARE wanting the effects for YOURSELF)
Now, as will most magic, this is dangerous. The effects of your 'wish' can be irreversible so think twice before wishing death or something else bad on another human being. If they die, there is no way to bring them back. Mean what you wish!
This 'wish' works best when you are alone with little to no distractions. Give yourself space from most worldly objects. Let your mind drift into the essence of what you are wishing for.
Have fun with this. I've done this quite a lot and it works most of the time. The only time it did not work for me is when I 'wished' for someone to be killed in a car accident. Mind you, the accident DID happen, but they were not killed. Just a few broken bones and a concussion. I really regretted it and I'm so thankful that the person didn't die. So please, heed my warning. Be careful.
#2680 - To Summon Kima
Agron Kitara Fomada Grokay,
Fankro Drekmara Vastada Mokron,
Liikana Vokrada Ognaska Kima,
Loska Demaca Fiska Mikalo,
Draska Modar Loska Drak.
Be warned this spell can be used for anything and i do mean anything, you can ask Kima to lend you one of his minions for sexual pleasure or you can ask him for power to crush all who have ever annoyed you, he will give you anything. I will reupload this a second time when i am able to translate Valkyrian.