3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- How to make cinnamon incense cones
- Jesus
- Teacher Don't Notice Me
- Empower Yourself
- Liquid Luck
- return a lost cat
- To Grant A Wish
- [Mass Revenge Spell] The Eclipse
- Make any Spell work
- A curse from purgatory
#271 - How to make cinnamon incense cones
First, place some cinnamon powder into the bowl. Make sure you have everything ready so you can make the cinnamon cones. With one tablespoon, slowly add in water into the bowl with the cinnamon powder. Make sure it is not too much or you will mess up the job. Keep mixing the water with the cinnamon using the other spoon until it turns into a dirt like substance. It will look like dirt once it is sucessfully done. After you're done with the mixing, you pick up some cinnamon with your hands and form a triangle on the plate. You do this for as long as you like and make how many cones you want.
That's pretty much it. Have fun making some cinnamon incense!
#272 - Jesus
Hold your bible and say out loud :
"God I know I am a sinner,please forgive me. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. Please change my life amen!"
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#273 - Teacher Don't Notice Me
"Teacher don't notice me, for a teacher can only notice what a teacher can see, so the teacher can not notice me. So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#274 - Empower Yourself
1) Cleanse all items in the way you see fit
2) Cast your circle.
3) Light incense and let in move you, dance with it and chant:
“I am graced with power and strength.
Those above grace me with this gift.”
Dance until you feel like you are ready to light the fire in your soul.
4) Light candle and chant:
“I light this flame inside of me.
Strength and passion erupt in me.
I light this flame inside of me.
As I will it
so mote it be”
5) Chant the first incantation as many times as you need to.
6) Open your circle, then say:
“As this magick is done,
With the wake of the sun,
It can not be reversed
Or placed upon,
By any curse.
So mote it be.”
7) Cleanse your objects.
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#275 - Liquid Luck
- Fill the bowl with water three quarters up.
- Add calico cat hairs, place clover in the middle close it up and wait 5 minutes.
- Place charm in and take it back out. rub on wrists in morning.
Warning: Do not drink.
Last edited on May 13, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#276 - return a lost cat
were ever you wonder, were ever you roam i summon you now (cats name)
to come back home, a request sent so far and wide to reverse your steps and quicken your stride
with this intent, my desire so strong, it is my wish that you return safely back to were you belong
my familiar, my friend here me now, here my sound i cast this spell out so you will be found
simply follow the energy feel its vibration i call it done with the end of this citation
as i will it, so mote it be
#277 - To Grant A Wish
On the paper, create and/or draw a sigil to represent your wish/desire. Crumble some sage and bay into the water that you have in your chalice/bowl. Burn some more sage and bay, lighting them with the candle, and extinguish the herbs in the water. Proceed to hold the sigil in your hands and say an incantation and/or prayer to whichever entity you work with explaining what you wish for. When done, quickly light the sigil in the candle and drop it in the water. You do not have to let it burn all the way and I actually suggest against that for fire safety reasons.
Pour the water/mixture outside, and then, upon your altar, sprinkle some black salt to ground your spell.
Sample Incantation:
"God and Goddess, hear my plea,
Grant this wish for me,
I wish for (insert wish here, be specific) to come to me,
that is my will,
so mote it be".
This incantation is only an example, I enourage you to write your own, but if you can't feel free to modify this one.
#278 - [Mass Revenge Spell] The Eclipse
Disclaimer: This ritual is meant to be highly cathartic, emotionally charged, and empowering. It is not for the faint of heart, those who are uncomfortable with curses, or the weak-willed. This is not to be used lightly.
Find a place and time where you are comfortable and will not be disturbed. Performing this ritual during an eclipse is ideal but impractical, and ultimately not vital to the success of this ritual. Allow yourself to enter a meditative state throughout the process. Play atmospheric, repetitive music. Allow yourself to feel things. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream.
Prepare the sacrifice: Write the names of those that have wronged you onto strips of paper with black ink. Take your time. Thing about what they did to you. Let it really seep into you.
Invoke the god hand: Now that your emotions are raw, hold your behelit in your left hand. Let it soak up your energy. Apply your own blood to the behelit.
The feast: Meditate on those that you are sacrificing. Who they are to you, what they have done to you, and how much it hurts. As you meditate on this, draw the brand of sacrifice over each name in red ink before placing each strip of paper onto a surface where you can burn them. Let those feelings of rage, sadness, betrayal, anything you feel towards these people manifest fully.
Sacrifice: Look at your sacrifices. See their faces. Light a match, say “I sacrifice,” and burn the slips of paper until only ash remains. Watch the sacrifices die brutally in your mind’s eye. Feel those strong, painful emotions towards these people, and then feel them fade to a dull ache in the background before vanishing entirely. You may feel disgusted, or ashamed, or repulsed. Feel these things, and then let them fade as well. Those people are beneath you now. Dispose of the ashes as you see fit.
After performing this ritual, cleanse your space well. Wear your behelit or otherwise keep it on your person whenever you are able/comfortable to do so, until you feel that the ritual has worked its way. After some time, you may want to cleanse and banish the behelit. I buried mine in a forest far away from me several months after I completed this spell.
#279 - Make any Spell work
My magickal name was: ''Phoenix Ash Stormwise'' and I am a filipino wizard, I have built my own wizard school but don't want to publish it to everyone, but if you want to be a student Private message me.
To start, just speak these latin words three times then say your spell:
Pronounciation of the latin words:
Deus = ''deh-yoos''
Eloi = ''eh-loh-yee''
Eloim = ''eh-loh-yeem''
Elohim = ''eh-loh-him''
Elohooc = ''eh-loh-hoh-yok''
Have fun casting other spells!!!!
Private message me for more informations!!!
#280 - A curse from purgatory
First, prepare the atmosphere. A dark room with a single light source (a candle for example) is recommended.Next- gather all of your hate and negative feelings towards the person and draw a pentagram on the piece of paper to start opening the portal- then start writing "esse purgatorias" then add more lines to the letters, making them look like runes- don't put any logic behind it just let the hatred for the person guide you. Afterwards, start connecting the letters chaotically, again let the
hatred guide you. do this until you feel that you've cooled down a little bit. then chant this incantation:
"I summon unholy might
to bring forth purging blight
for this scoundrel has no right
to step in thy light
may the gates of purgatory open and punish thee."
Once it has been done, dispose of the piece of paper. you can curl it up and throw it away, ingest it or burn it- the choice is yours
Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.