3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get a Child Grounded
- Speed Up Time
- Reverse Spell
- Learn the Truth
- General Charge
- Feed Me
- One True Wish
- Attracting Extra Money
- Very Simple Want Spell
- Spell of the gods
#2931 - Get a Child Grounded
Imagine the face of the child you wish to be grounded. Now chant the following words:
"Grounded you are, for your sins / You should've known you'd never win."
Say it once for minimum punishment and ten times for maximum punishment. You probably can go higher, but I wouldn't suggest it. Once you've finished chanting, clap your hands once. The child will be grounded (with a good reason) in up to three weeks, no later.
#2932 - Speed Up Time
Draw an imaginary circle on the ground with your wand-item. Spin the wand in that circle while chanting "Time speed up." Time ought to speed up faster until you stop circling the floor.
#2933 - Reverse Spell
Put your strand of hair, his belonging, and the papers into the envelope. Hold it in your hand and your wand in the other and chant:
"Your love for me has raised the bar, now go away and stay oh so far!"
Throw the envelope out the window and make sure it is sealed. See if works.
#2934 - Learn the Truth
Think hard on the subject about which you wish to learn the truth. Light the candle you chose the color of to represent yourself and say, "This candle I light to represent myself. It burns, as does my spirit. It is as myself in all things". Light the two white candles and say, "These are the symbols of truth. They are enjoined about me and to me, show the truth".
Then say:
"As I rove in the night 'cross the brown heath bare,
In the bright moons light saw a castle fair;
Lords and ladies, great and small,
Where crowding in, 'twas a festival,
Grasses in the wind are waving.
They bade me welcome and I went
To drink their wine to my heart's content.
I danced and laughed with the ladies fair.
Ne'er in my life had I such cheer;
Grasses in the wind are waving.
Then all at once there came a cry:
Haro by yaro! Asleep fell I,
While a lady dancing at my side
Seemed like a lizard away to glide;
Grasses in the wind are waving.
I woke in the early light of day,
In an olden ruin I did lay,
O'er the rock and into the sun
I saw a green-gold lizard run!
Grasses in the wind are waving.
Now the truth I know and it stays with me,
For I have seen what I did see,
All secret knowledge came to mind,
Borne on laughter of the other kind;
Grasses in the wind are waving."
Sit then in quiet contemplation for half an hour. In this time will the truth of the subject in question come to you.
#2935 - General Charge
Chant the following:
"Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade: Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made. Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here, to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near. Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way. Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay. Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast, empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!"
#2936 - Feed Me
Put a leaf on the ground. Then, while putting grass in a circle around you and the leaf, say: "Food, food, I conjure thee". Light the candle and repeat the chant. Count to three and you should have food appear in front of you on the leaf you sat out.
#2937 - One True Wish
Place the candles so that the two red candles are at the left and right points. Chant three times: "By the light of the moon, by the light of the fire: Grant me, now, my one desire".
#2938 - Attracting Extra Money
Make sure that you do this ONLY on the New Moon and OUTSIDE, meaning not looking through a window. Turn the couple of dollars over in your purse or pocket. Gaze at the new moon and repeat the following three times: "Goddess of light and love, I pray: Bring good fortune to me this day".
The way you will know it worked is if you found some extra cash in your pocket/purse or find money laying around somewhere unexpectedly.
#2939 - Very Simple Want Spell
Afterwards, place your leaf outside underneath a stone or throw your leaf into running waters.
As the leaf whithers, it takes your desire to the Earth.
In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish!
#2940 - Spell of the gods
Hello god of ____
will you tell me my deestiny
i will serve you well'
just tell me what i shall do.
Pleas ____ tell what to do
have your friend hold your hands and say this till you here a person call your name.This means that the gods have told you what u have wanted to know.also if you feel u must do something do it. this means the gods have given you a task.