3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Banish Poltergiest
- Chant to Increase Confidence
- Writing Your Own Spells
- Treasure Attraction Magick Coin Spell
- Double Action Money Spell
- Mermaid spell
- Money Growth Spell
- Rainwater Sieve Of Conception
- Nine Flowers Bath
- Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity
#3031 - Banish Poltergiest
Stand with your legs apart and bellow at the poltergiest: "Purchai! Putong! Gabindo!".
Use both hands in a downward karate chop while facing the direction you believe the poltergiest to be in.
#3032 - Chant to Increase Confidence
Chant the following: "Gods and Goddesses, I call upon thee to lend me courage and bravery. I am daring, dashing and cool. My spirit is unbreakable, resolution untakeable. With courage of a lion, I become, there's nothing I cannot overcome".
#3033 - Writing Your Own Spells
Draw a pentacle on the floor with the chalk. Then stand inside of the pentacle. Light the candle with a match. Once done, you should concentrate on a specific emotion you feel. If you are angry, make a short rhyme about anger and so on. When chanting, lay your writing hand over the fire of the candle. Once done, blow out the candle and end with, "Harm to none, so mote it be".
#3034 - Treasure Attraction Magick Coin Spell
Step2. At the new moon as you lay down in bed, place the coin on your forehead or chest for 30 minutes. If you fall asleep, that's OK...the longer the coin is on your forhead or chest, the better.
Step3. Do this every night until the full moon.
Step4. Wrap it in a few strands of your hair and place it in a green bag or lucky money box to draw ''hidden treasure'', in the form of money, towards you.
Questions or comments, just message me.
#3035 - Double Action Money Spell
Step2. Carve what you need on the green side of the candle, be specific.
Step3. Trim the bottom of the candle if necessary, exposing the wick so that both ends may be lit.
Step4. Place the candle horizontally on the spiked candle holder.
Step5. Place both hands on the candle and visualize whatever you wish to lose, evaporating from your life. Then, visualize what you desire to materialize into your life. ''See'' what the end result is, and how your life will be.
Step6. Light both ends of the candle and let it burn for 1 hour.
Step7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 everyday until the candle burns out.
Questions or ceomments, just message me.
#3036 - Mermaid spell
''Insouciant Inclemency redoutable mediocracy refewtable humanity make me what I wish to be a mermaid. Witches one and witches all give this power to me.''
After doing so, put your jewelry on. Do NOT take it off until your tail grows. Take a bath every night until your tail comes.
If you want to stop the tail growth, simply take off the jewelry and break it (it is nice to have not expensive jewelry as your ''tail item''). If you get your tail and no longer want it, break the jewelry.
You CANNOT pick your tail colour. It will be a colour significant to you, your personality. You will get a power when your tail is activated, which will also like your colour.
You shouldn't tell anyone, as it may conflict with the spell and break it.
If you break the spell, get a new piece of jewelry and try again.
Odd skin color on legs
Rough skin on legs
The urge to drink, touch, or be near water
Stretch marks around hips
Your legs locking together in random spasms
It may take five days to three months. It depends on you.
#3037 - Money Growth Spell
Step2. Carve your desire on the candle with a toothpick (or anything else you can carve with), be as specific as possible, but not greedy.
Step3. Arrange coins around the base of the candle.
Step4. Light the candle and chant:
''Money Grow, Money Flow
Candle Burn, Watch Me Earn
Money Grow, Money Flow
I'm In Tune
Attract It Soon''
Step5. Close your eyes, take 3 deep long even breathes, slowly open your eyes, and snuff out the candle, don't blow.
Questions or comments, just message me.
#3038 - Rainwater Sieve Of Conception
Collect fresh rainwater the nest time it rains. Keep the container tightly sealed in the refrigerator until you have a bright moonlit night. Place the water outside, exposed to the moon beams overnight. On the following night, pour the water through a sieve onto any woman (it could just be yourself who wishes to concieve a baby). I suggest pouring over her head as she stands naked in the bathtub so that it hits most parts of her body. As the water falls, the woman should visualize the emotion she'll feel holding her newborn in her arms.
#3039 - Nine Flowers Bath
Place three white roses, three white carnations, and three white lilies in a dish and pour hot water over them. Strain out the liquid, reserving the flowers, and bring then to the bathtub or shower. Scrub from head to foot with one flower at a time until that flower falls apart.
When all nine flowers have been used, get out of the water and air dry. Dress in clean clothes, and don't clean the bathtub immediately. Wait several hours or have someone else do the job.
#3040 - Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity
Combine 4 parts powdered sandalwood and 1 part powdered cinnamon. You should use enough to fill a small bowl. Walk out of your doorway, and out to the nearest sidewalk. If you're in an apartment or condo, go out of the building to the sidewalk.
As you walk back to your front door, sprinkle this powder behind you, and stop once you get inside your house. Forget about this ritual, and go about your life...over the next several days, you'll be pleasantly suprised.