Is some one in class or at work annying you then do this quik chant that would work 100%
You may need:
You may need:
Say it and belive that it wil work:
"All your annoyence is getting in my head,
Ireflect all you your negativities,
so go back to your activities.
As I say go away,
as I say you shall obey."
#3082 - Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant
This is a Spell to speed up the growth rate of any given plant sort of in a thought-form; you ultimately project a thought-form that is set to speed up the growth of your plant.
You may need:
) Your voice
) Your willpower
) Your focus/concentration
You may need:
) Your voice
) Your willpower
) Your focus/concentration
1.) Place your Projective (dominant) hand over the area where the plant's root should be.
2.) Close your eyes and visualize the plant growing extremely fast so as that the plant looks as if no time was needed for it to grow.
3.) Then say this Spell:
''In my dear mind, it is I do see,
This plant which grows at a rate extreme.
Bring my thought-form to(day/night) to life,
And assume the role of my desire without strife!''
Be patient for your plant will grow at a faster rate in no time.
Do this spell before you go to bed burn the candle.the visualize the happy moments that you have spend with that person.then visualizing that person's face tell him/her that you love him/her and want to listen his/her opinion. Meditate as long as you can. Then go to bed but don't think anything else beyond him/her. You will get his/her response in the way of dream at night or if it done with great concentration Some good or worst event may happen giving you the direct answer of their choice. So please don't do this if you are sure enough that he/she don't love you.
Another court case spell from Africa. This one silences your opponent, their lawyer and witnesses.
You may need:
Two Bricks
You may need:
Two Bricks
Take the names of your opponent, his witnesses, and his lawyer, and write them a on a piece of paper. Place the name paper between two whole bricks. Put the top brick crossways. On the day of the trial, set a bucket or dishpan on top of the bricks with ice in it. Thats to freeze them out so they cant talk.
A spell to help you win a court case, originating from Africa.
You may need:
6 White Candles
Bucket of Ice
You may need:
6 White Candles
Bucket of Ice
Write all the enemies names on a slip of paper. Put the paper in a can, take soot or ashes and add salt to it. Stick pins crosswise in six white candles and burn them at a good hour. Set the can in a bucket of ice. Recite psalm 120 before court and in court.
a piece of paper with the persons name written on it
You may need:
1 red candle for strength
2 white candle for healing
a piece of paper with the persons name written on it
Now you begin by placing the s white candles left and right from the red
then u light the red candle, left white, then right white candle
while you are chanting these words;
''I burn thy name so it shall be
cast out of my memory
(name of person) your name is as cold as ice
to get over you would be nice''
-this spell works best midnight during a full moon.
Meditate as long as you wish a day for 1 week and if you are worthy you will obtain the power. If you are not worthy try doing good deeds and helping others and the envoriment and that should work.