3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Money Bath Spell
- Deep sleep potion
- Creative energy potion
- Anti Stress Spell
- Lunar Invocation: Moon Rabbit
- Self Initiation into Norse Paganism
- True curse
- Control an element
- Belive
- Karmic Revenge
#301 - Money Bath Spell
Draw yourself a hot bath. As the hot water fills the tub, charge your herbs accordingly:
- Money: Rosemary, sage, lemon balm and spearmint.
- Promote self love and repels stress: Lavender and rose petals.
- Cleansing: Epsom salt.
Once your herbs and salt are charged; throw your herbs into the water. Picture money flowing into your life so you may not stress anymore. Submerge yourself into the bath and soak as long as you want, as you soak think or say this chant:
"Money flows into my life without stress and feeling lost."
The spell should work in times of great need. The more you are struggling in your life, the faster this spell works.
Last edited on May 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#302 - Deep sleep potion
Mix your oils and then add your olive or coconut oil. apply to your skin when you need help with sleep. The best place would be to put it on the bottom of your feet or your neck.
*Note; depending on how big your container is, you should not fill it all the way lest your oils have no effect. if it is above 1 1/2 inches tall you should find a smaller container. if a smaller container is not available, add around 16-18 drops of your deluding oil.
*Note; please use this in moderation, it is possible to get ill and possibly die from using too many essential oils.
Last edited on May 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#303 - Creative energy potion
Mix your oils, and then add your olive or coconut oil. Apply when needing a creative boost.
*note; depending on how big your container is, you should not fill it all the way lest your oils have no effect. if it is above 1 1/2 inches tall you should find a smaller container. if a smaller container is not available, add around 16-18 drops of your deluding oil. you can also use a bowl.
*note; please use this in moderation, it is possible to get ill and possibly die from using too many essential oils.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#304 - Anti Stress Spell
First, sit down on the floor alone in a comfortable position. Put the oil of your choice (if you choose to use it) and place some on where your third eye would be, and where your heart would be. Grab the crystal or rock (if you choose to use one) and place it in your left hand. After that, put the herb or your choice (if you choose to use it) and place it in your right hand. If you have another item, place it on your lap if your hands are full of out it in whatever hand.
Then say this chant:
"Stress stress go away.
I am me and here to stay.
Break these chains and let me freefree.
So, more it be" .
If it feels appropriate, meditate. Now while you do this spell you have to believe in yourself and really connect with your emotions. I really hope this helped anyone.
Brightest blessings.
#305 - Lunar Invocation: Moon Rabbit
- Place the gemstone into the bowl of water.
- Visualize an image of the moon in your mind's eye. Then imagine a white glowing rabbit descending into the gemstone.
- Take a breath, and then imagine the stone and the rabbit becoming one in the form of a glowing orb of white light.
- Call out to this being and ask for a pathway to the future in the form of a vision.
(Notes: During step 4, you do not need to ask for specifics; the moon spirit will provide you with what is right, best, and just for your individual mind and experiences.)
#306 - Self Initiation into Norse Paganism
Initiation Instructions:
Undress and step into the bathtub with the Norse Holy Water.
Pour the water on your head and let it run down. Say this as you pour the water on your head:
“I baptize myself in the name of the Norse Gods. I proclaim and declare that I am now a Pagan. A Heathen. A worshipper of the Norse Gods. All the bad things are gone. I am made new. I now worship and serve the Norse Gods only. May I be blessed in the names of the Norse Gods. So Be It.”
Thank the Norse Gods.
Welcome to being a Pagan. A Heathen. A worshipper and servant of the Norse Gods.
#307 - True curse
Take the item, and put it in a circle of black salt. Meditate on yourself, and the item. Imagine exactly what you want to happen to the victim.
Music box that makes the victim cry whenever he hears it.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#308 - Control an element
Walk into a quiet place and meditate. Then chant:
"Element of (your element) give me your power forever. So mote it be."
Last edited on May 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#309 - Belive
Some of you are going to say I'm wrong about this,but, I believe all magik is real even transfiguration magik. There was a post like this back in 2016 but since then it has gotten even worse. I think that wet can make connections to other worlds with magik we don't have. I know people will think I'm wrong but I believe that ìf you believe something enough you can make it happen.
#310 - Karmic Revenge
1. Use Salt and/or sage to sprinkle a circle around your space of performance. This will keep negativity from entering. In other words, less chance of backfire.
2. Create a sigil detailing EXACTLY what you want to happen to your enemy. Emphasis on EXACTLY. Bear in mind that as you continue this spell anything on your mind could change the results.
3. When completed, copy the sigil in red pen on a clean sheet of paper.
4. Say a chant of your own, preferably ending in "mote it be". Then light the candle and burn the paper. Be cautious. I am not responsible for burned hands or houses.
When you are done it is always nice to thank your deities and guides for the future success of your spell. Take a bow to the East. And again towards the West. Do so while remembering and thanking all of the great magicians who came before you.
Be sure to cleanse your space and cast a strong protection spell when finished. Karma is a brat. You don't want to get in its way.