3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Money Growth
- Remember Dreams
- Moonlight Candle Blessing
- Summon a Bus
- The Money Tree Spell
- Money Rock
- Wish to Diana
- Truth spell
- Mood Relief
- Reveal What Someone Thinks of You
#3111 - Money Growth
Carve and dress a green candle to express your desire and intent. Place it on a saucer, then arrange coins around the base of the candle. As you light the candle, chant: "Money grow, money flow. Candle burn, now watch me earn. Money grow, money flow. Flame shine on what is now mine".
#3112 - Remember Dreams
#3113 - Moonlight Candle Blessing
Place candle(s) on your window sill in the moonlight. Stand before them, with your hands outstretched over them. Concentrate, visualise the moons light charging the candles with loving protection, and say:
"Charge this candle by my will, The colour one sitting on my sill. Charge with power and with love, And protective rays from up above. From sun to moon and moon to me, to this protection candle, so mote it be!"
Another variation of the chant is:
"Mother Moon, Please come soon. Lend me your love, And your light from above. Make me a light, To carry through the night. Charge this candle with protection, colour and tall like your protection. Shine your love for all to see, A protection candle, so mote it be!"
Say it as many times as you feel is necessary. Leave the candle on your sill in the moonlight overnight.
#3114 - Summon a Bus
Hold the pentacle (if you have one...if you don't its fine) in your left hand, the bus fare (token, money, pass etc) in your right. Concentrate, visualise the bus coming, you getting on the bus, and say:
"Earth, Air, Fire, Water, send a bus to pick up another. Dirt, Flame, Wind, and Sea, send me a bus number, so mote it be."
Keep visualising until the bus arrives. This can probably be adapted for trains, but I've never tried. Feel free to send me a message with questions.
#3115 - The Money Tree Spell
''Bring to me what I see By thy power, Hecate,''
Spin rapidly deosil and go outside and toss the new penny in the air. Wherever it lands, bury all 5 pennies, saying:
''I give thee money - Hecate
Return to me prosperity.
I give thee five
Return by three
As I will
So mote it be.''
Return to your altar and snuff out the candles. Next week, at the same day and time, return to your altar with your talisman bag and the parchment. Light the orange candle. Visualize money flowing onto the altar. Unearth the coins and bring them to the altar. Wash them in the chalice water to purify them. Pass them through the incense smoke and the fire from the orange candle. Place each coin in the talisman pouch, old coins first. Add nine pieces of rock salt, close the mouth of the talisman pouch and face east and say:
''Bring to me what I see
By thy power Hecate.
Altar power Must it be
Earth and Air
Fire and Sea
Bring to me What I see
By thy power Hecate.''
Place the bag inside your clothing and wear it every day for 7 days. Leave it on your altar every night visualizing prosperity. On the 7th day, hide it in the eastern portion of your house.
#3116 - Money Rock
Charge the green candle with money attracting energy. See yourself already enjoying the money that you need. When you are ready, light the candle. In the glow of the candle Flame, paint symbols for money on the rock ($)...or any other symbol that makes you think of money. As you do this, concentrate on how this rock will bring needed money into your life. After 7 minutes snuff the candle. Everyday, light the candle for 7 minutes until money appears.
#3117 - Wish to Diana
You may use this only three times in between the new moons.
While gazing at the moon, repeat the following:
"Moon, moon, beautiful moon, brighter than any star,
Goddess of light and love, Diana if it might be,
pray bring fortune unto me".
A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket, or seeing a hare before dawn. Note: The spell won't work if done with evil intent.
#3118 - Truth spell
Cast a circle if you do that, if not, find a quiet time and space where you will not be disturbed.
Stand in the middle of your space and place the first candle directly in front of you.
Light it and say,
I am I
and I
seek truth
Place the second candle slightly behind and to your left.
Turn towards it, light it and say,
I am you
and I
seek the truth.
Place the third candle to make up the triangle, light it and say,
I am we
and I
seek the truth.
Now sit down in the center, facing the ''I'' candle.
Close your eyes, breathe up into a meditative state and until you are quite calm and clear.
Now, see you and him sitting opposite each other, facing each other across a candle.
Let yourself rise up and out of your self until you are above the scene and you can see both of you beneath you.
Slowly turn and move so that you are BEHIND the other.
Say in your mind, say to yourself,
I seek the truth
and nothing but the truth.
Now slowly move forward and into the other, until you see yourself sitting across from the you.
Observe, see, know, talk, listen.
When you have learned what you need to learn, GENTLY move backwards and out of the other. Then rise up to the central position where you can see both of you again, then move straight back down into your own self.
Say in your mind to the other whatever you want them to know, or you need to say. Thank them for their presence, and slowly breathe down until you are back in the room, facing your candle.
You can take that time to think about what you have learned and what you need to do or change now in the hard world; when you are done, blow out the candles in reverse order, bow your head and use what you have learned for the good of all, and harm of none.
Good luck,
#3119 - Mood Relief
Just relax and breathe. You may visualize with this chant. Now say and repeat as necessary, "Let my spirit sour. Remove my depression, let it not return anymore."
#3120 - Reveal What Someone Thinks of You
Write the name of the person you are wondering about on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, then half again. Draw an eyeball on the outside of the folded page. Slip the page under your pillow and before bed and chant:
"With dreamers eyes I seek to see what this person thinks of me. Be it good or be it will reveal to me as is my will."
Close your eyes and picture this person sitting across a crowded room. The room is all a buzz with conversation you cannot hear clearly. This is gossip about you that this person started. It may be good things and/or it may be bad. As you move towards the person let yourself fall asleep.
When you wake, jot down what you heard in your dream, particularly anything she or he said or did. Your answer will reveal itself. If you do not get the answer to your questions, consider what was revealed to you instead. Perhaps there is a truth you are missing that is more compelling then the one you seek. Blessed be!