If you have a question that needs answering, this is the right spell for you.
You may need:
Glass Jar
White Dish Soap
White Candle
You may need:
Glass Jar
White Dish Soap
White Candle
Fill the glass jar with water half full. Pour some dish soap into the jar with the water, and add a pinch of glitter. Light the white candle. Rotate the jar clockwise 3 times infront of the candle. Then hold the jar infront of the candle. Study the jar and the soap and search for shapes and hints. This is the answer to your question. Also look for certain movements of the soap/glitter, such as if the glitter moves from the lower left to the upper right, this could mean a positive answer. If the soap/glitter moves from the upper left to the lower right, this could mean a negative answer. Like with all spells, if you don't get it the first time, dont be discouraged.
This spell is extremely dangerous! Black magic at its fullest. I have done this spell and I hear lucifer now every night.
You may need:
2 Red Candles
2 Black Candles
Athame Knife
1 Quart of real Goat's Blood
1 Picture of Lucifer
You may need:
2 Red Candles
2 Black Candles
Athame Knife
1 Quart of real Goat's Blood
1 Picture of Lucifer
First you need to image lucifer in your mind. Then take the athame and point at lucifer's picture.
Then chant:
"I invoke thee lucifer bright morning star you are to show me power and wisdom and help me gain my ever lasting desires."
Then light the candles on the altar all 4 of them .
"I invoke thee lucifer,this is my oh divine purpose lucifer to have communations with you, do my bidding lucifer with no strings attached.
I ask for the powerful goddess Tyche to aid me in getting you lucifer to obey me."
Then drink the 1 glass of the goat's blood .
The 2 glass leave as offering to lucifer and goddess tyche.
Then wait but something will happen after you do it, make your wishes and demands when you hear the voice of lucifer.
This is extreme black magic! And this spellis extremely dangerous. I assume no responsibly for what may happen.
A spell to bring revenge upon anybody who angers you or whatever.
You may need:
Black candle
Picture of the person
You may need:
Black candle
Picture of the person
Light your candle and place it over the picture or name of the person you wish revenge on, and say: "Thou hast scolded me and in turn thou shall be scolded as well". Visualize what you would like to happen to the recipient. Make it realistic! Blow out the candle while you say, "As I will, so it shall be".
Fill the room with the aroma of the lemon. Write whatever it is you need to learn in the notebook. As you write, imagine that what you wrote is evaporating into smoke, and you breathe it in. It then sticks in your mind. Then say:
"Once I feared of my exams
but now I am brave instead,
may my magic shed some light.
May it help my weary head,
may I study with true ease,
and all things so far I've read,
in my mind will be preserved,
like a neverending thread."
This spell will turn you into a mermaid within two months.
You may need:
Bathtub filled with water
Extreme concentration
You may need:
Bathtub filled with water
Extreme concentration
Sit in the bathtub. Clear your mind of all thoughts except those of mermaids. Say the following thirteen times: I wish to be a mermaid with a _____ scaly tail and different powers galor! I will have the power to choose when i transform. So mote it be!...Fill in the blank for the color you want your tail to be. This spell works best at night. Results for this spell vary depending on your level of magic and concentration. You also must believe this spell will happen in order for it to work. If you do the spell right you should transform within two months. Transformation times may vary.
Erases one's mind of anything that occured in the last 24 hours.
You may need:
Victim's Mind
You may need:
Victim's Mind
First, focus your eyes on one's mind.
Then say:
''On this day & in this hour, I call upon the ancient power. Make him/her/them forget, what has been done, before the rising of the sun. By the powers of spirit, water, fire & air, your memories you shall never bare.''
Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.
Now imagine that money is coming to you like your body is sucking it in. Then imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:
"Money is powerful, money is mine. Money for me, none for thee. On the ground in the sky. Money will be all mine. Money is every where. Now make me take it from there."
Open your comic book to the page you want. Say "I love this comic book. Because of that, I am hooked. I shall evaporate into this page, and if not I'll rage".
If you don't have a comic book, use a piece of paper and pen to draw your own. Then chant the same spell.
To come out of the book, say "I am sick of this book. No longer am I hooked. Get me out, don't make me scream. Wake me as if from a dream".