3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Enter a cinema screen.
- Wishing
- Money
- Knot Money
- To attract [good] luck
- Job Seeking Spell
- Wish Spell
- Contaminate Water
- Asphyxiate
- Rain Come Here
#3251 - Enter a cinema screen.
We drink the first potion to enter a cinema screen,and we drink the 2nd potion to enter the cinema screen. To make the potions, simply mix the ingredients listed in this spell.
#3252 - Wishing
Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony. Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house.
Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth. When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these "seeds" always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.
#3253 - Money
Create a circle with the coins around the candle. Light the candle and chant this three times: "Money flow, money grow, money shine, money mine!".
Sprinkle the bag or cloth with cinnamon and collect the coins and place them inside. While chanting this three times three: "Bring me money!".
Keep the pouch or cloth with you for awhile.
#3254 - Knot Money
Chant this while tying knots in the cord/ribbon:
#3255 - To attract [good] luck
At this point in time you should anoint the bag with holy water and say,
#3256 - Job Seeking Spell
This spell is best worked during the waxing phase of the moon. It can be performed with or without a circle depending on whether you intend to call on the deities.
While visualizing the job you are seeking or the type of work you wish to do anoint the black candle with patchouli oil, working from the base upwards to the wick and place in a holder. Wash your hands of all traces of the oil before using the other candles. Still visualizing anoint the other three candles with the cinnamon oil, this time from the wick to the base and place in holders.
Wash your hands of all traces of the oil and set up your altar. Place the black candle in the center of the workspace with the yellow candle above it to the north, the brown candle to the left in the west and the green candle to the right in the east. The chalice can be placed wherever convenient but within easy reach, dont forget the matches or lighter.
Before starting your rite, you may wish to meditate for a while on how to achieve your goal. Burning a prosperity incense (Benzoin, Cedar, Cinnamon or a mixture) may also help. Form a magick circle (if your using one) and call the Goddess and God to aid your spell. As you light each candle focus your intent. Start with the yellow astral candle, light it and say something like: "
Visualize yourself reading through and selecting jobs out of the vacancy sections in the local newspaper or looking through the notice boards at the job center. Write on a slip of paper a single word or brief description symbolizing your intent (in this case it might be change). Light the paper in the candle and as it burns push out your thoughts and see yourself finding what you are looking for. Place it in the chalice and let it burn out. Light the black candle and say something like: "
Visualize yourself filling in application forms or mailing out your C.V. to prospective employers. See your mail-outs arriving at their destinations being accepted, and your name being added to interview lists. Write on a slip of paper your intent (break-down barriers). Light the paper from the candle, push out your thoughts and see interview appointments being made in your favor. When its burned out, light the green candle and say something like: "
Visualize yourself arriving for interview calm, confidant and smiling. See yourself shaking hands with the interviewer and discussing and agreeing to details. Write on a slip of paper the intent (Just Rewards). Light it from the candle, push out your thoughts and see, feel and know the interview has gone well. When its burned out, light the brown candle and say something like: "
Write the intent (Opportunities, Work, Rewards) on the last piece of paper. Light it from the candle and visualize yourself in a successful new job receiving your first pay packet, push out your thoughts to make it real and happen.
When you have finished thank the deities for their help and close the circle. Leave the candles to burn out completely. Remember a spell wont work on its own, you need to actively seek a job. Listen to all your hunches and follow up on any leads. Each night for a week, burn a 2nd brown candle for 10 minutes while meditating in preparation for the job and the good you will gain from it.
#3257 - Wish Spell
#3258 - Contaminate Water
''By the powers of Water, I cause this [LIQUID] to become brackish and tainted!''
When cast, this spell will cause any liquid body to become brackish and tainted. The drinker will suffer pains for most of the day. Magickal liquids cannot be affected by this spell.
#3259 - Asphyxiate
''Sylphs of Air I conjure thee, enter that person and make his Air leave him, now!''
This spell will cause its victim to become helpless for about 30 seconds, as if after a severe winding. While under the influence of this spell, only choking and gasping and feeble attempts at movement are possible.
#3260 - Rain Come Here
Rain come to me,
So let it be,
make it rain,
Let it take away my pain.