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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Everything Will Work Out Enchantment
  2. Mermaid Spell
  3. Grow Wings Spell (2018)
  4. true love spell
  5. Tea Drinker's Chant
  6. Truth spell
  7. How to make you own Annabelle type doll. (untested, but should work.)
  8. Soul Healing
  9. Feet Curse Spell
  10. Curse With Feet Spell

#351 - Everything Will Work Out Enchantment

This is a simple jar spell/enchantment that I wrote quickly in order to solve a problem. This is an enchantment to help show solutions to a problem you are dealing with, solutions that will end positively and in your favor.
You may need:

  • small vial or jar
  • blue yarn or ribbon
  • origami stars
  • small pieces of paper
  • green marker
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    You may need:

  • small vial or jar
  • blue yarn or ribbon
  • origami stars
  • small pieces of paper
  • green marker
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    (((copied straight from my digital grimoire, sorry if the formatting is awkward)))

    Preface (optional' you don't have to read this at all):

    I was writing this spell while I was hyped up on adrenaline. My friends' and I's movie plans were almost ruined because of me and while I was calming down, I decided to sit down and write a spell. I didn't have time to do much research so I mostly went off of my own knowledge and what materials I had nearby. This is mainly a spell to have things turn out in your favor with also a dash of luck. Once the small vial/jar is done, I suggest trying it to a bag or item that you usually carry around with you, I usually tuck this jar into my backpack.

    Why I chose these materials: I didn't have much reason for technically making this into a jar spell. I only had a jar nearby, thought it would be convenient and easy to carry around. It was also the same for the origami stars, they also symbolized soaring free and escaping troubles. The stars can be any color, mine are various neon colors, but I suggest making them yellow or white to symbolize pureness and optimism. The blue yarn is tied around the jar in order to center the energies inside and to also symbolize steadfastness and stability. I also believe that blue has a calming influence. The green papers are just to sprinkle in extra luck.


    "Whatever problems I am facing will positively work out in the end and in my favor."


    1. blue yarn or ribbon
    2. small vial or jar
    3. origami stars
    4. small pieces of paper
    5. green marker


    I suggest making the origami stars beforehand, they can be any color and all that is required is that they fit in the jar/vial that you will be using. Before starting any spellwork, make sure to center, ground, and cast a circle.

    For the first step, place or hover your hand/wand over your vial.


    "My troubles, they pester

    they bubble boil and fester

    but with this jar will hold much luck,

    to fight against the force of dark

    and make my troubles ignite and spark."

    Take your pieces of papers, and start to color them with your green marker. As you color say:

    "These papers show how fragile and small my problems are,

    green ink to pierce my problems' shield,

    and to make them yield."

    After this, place your now green papers into the vial (you can crumple or fold the papers if you wish for something better looking).

    Take the origami stars and hold them in your hand, hover another hand/wand above the stars if wanted. Say:

    "With these stars, I shall break free of my chains and soar

    my problems will hold me no more.

    They will bend to my will,

    and turn out in my favor,

    my strength will not waver,

    I will turn out on top."

    Now seal your container.

    After sealing it, take your blue yarn and tie it around your vial.

    While tying it, say:

    "With this thread,

    I seal these contents,

    to be with me,

    to give me luck,

    and to bring me prosperous futures my way.

    Here, this magic shall stay."

    You may conclude the spell here, or say whatever closing statement you wish. Remember to close the circle you've cast and thank any spirits or deities that took part in this enchantment with you. I also suggest leaving your jar out overnight in the moonlight, to charge it even more with power, the mindfulness, and stillness energy the moon gives off.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #352 - Mermaid Spell

    This a 2018 mermaid spell
    You may need:

  • Symbol (if it's close to you or given to you
  • by a friend, loved one, etc it'll work better)
  • Water (it'll be better if you're in a body of water like the
  • ocean or a tub but you don't have to be in it; one
  • body part is fine)
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Symbol (if it's close to you or given to you
  • by a friend, loved one, etc it'll work better)
  • Water (it'll be better if you're in a body of water like the
  • ocean or a tub but you don't have to be in it; one
  • body part is fine)
  • Belief
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    What 2 Do:
    Put on the symbol and get in water or
    put one part of the body in it then say
    this spell 3x

    I want to be with the ocean
    I want to be a part of the ocean
    Swimming through the deep
    With a (color) tail and no feet
    I wish to be a mermaid/merman
    With powers of (3 powers) to use
    I shall be swimming among the blue
    This is my lifelong dream
    I now want it to come to me
    When I touch water, I shall grow a tail
    When I am dry, I shall become human again
    (I want to be this forever)
    I shall get my this wish in 1 week
    So mote it be

    The line "I want to be this forever" is optional
    If you want to be a mermaid/merman forever then
    you can say the line, if not then skip it

    You can choose up to 3 powers

    The symbol can be anything

    Added to on Sep 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #353 - Grow Wings Spell (2018)

    This is a spell to give you wings.
    You may need:

  • Nothing but belief
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    You may need:

  • Nothing but belief
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    What 2 Do:
    say this spell 3 times

    Wings shall grow from my back
    So I can fly high
    Throughout the sky
    With the flowing wind
    My wings shall be the color (the color you want)
    and shall stretch out to (number) in length
    My wings shall grow when I (word, motion, etc)
    and shall fold into my back when I (word, motion, etc)
    Please give me this
    This is my long lasting wish
    I want to soar as high as the breeze can take me
    To soar and fly
    Whenever and wherever I shall be
    Grant me this in 1 week
    So mote it be

    For (word, motion, etc) you just pick whatever
    you want for your wings to grow like waving your hand,
    saying fly, etc
    You just pick a number for how long you want your
    wings to be

    Side Effects:
    Back aching, changing color, growing bumps, etc
    Feeling lighter
    Dreams of flying
    Shoulderblades aching, growing bumps, etc

    Added to on Sep 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #354 - true love spell

    it is a spell/poem about sending your true love to you . this is a spell that i just wrote myself.
    You may need:

  • put under your pillow and dream of your true love
  • say out loud about 10 time's
  • ROSE'S
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    You may need:

  • put under your pillow and dream of your true love
  • say out loud about 10 time's
  • ROSE'S
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    Added to on Sep 15, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #355 - Tea Drinker's Chant

    A simple and easy spell to either bring things into your life or banish them from it.
    You may need:

  • Your favorite drinking mug/cup
  • Stirring spoon or stick
  • Desired drink (While tea is the example I'm using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
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    You may need:

  • Your favorite drinking mug/cup
  • Stirring spoon or stick
  • Desired drink (While tea is the example I'm using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
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    Firstly, prepare your tea. While it is brewing, keep your mind calm and clear. Focus is important, as with any spell, so you want your mind as free as possible.

    When your tea is finished (and still hot!), add any ingredients you enjoy (If you don't take anything in your tea or beverage, skip straight to the stirring step) Such as sugar, honey, mint candies, etc. As you add these ingredients, take soothing deep breaths as if meditating.

    Now for the stirring, which is the most important bit. To bring something into your life, whether it be money, luck, or even friendship, you must stir clockwise. To banish something from your life, such as depression, anger, or bad luck, stir counterclockwise.

    As you stir, bring an image to your mind of what you want brought to you or banished. Stare into the cup as you stir, focusing on the center of the swirling liquid.

    Next, say the names of the things you want brought or banished, aloud or in your head, as you stir. Example:

    To bring luck, love, happiness and fortune, you would say; "Bring Luck, love, happiness and fortune into my life"

    To banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune, you would say; "Banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune from my life"

    Once you've finished chanting, however many times you feel necessary, drink your beverage and continue your time as you normally would.

    Added to on Sep 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #356 - Truth spell

    To have someone speak the truth
    You may need:

  • White or red candle
  • Bowl or ashtray
  • Matches
  • Strand of hair (from the person you want to speak the truth I used hair from a shaver)
  • Piece of paper and a pen
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    You may need:

  • White or red candle
  • Bowl or ashtray
  • Matches
  • Strand of hair (from the person you want to speak the truth I used hair from a shaver)
  • Piece of paper and a pen
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    Arrange everything on your alter , light the candle and cast your circle. Call upon your own god/goddess and then chant.

    No more lies I will accept

    It leads to hurt and disrespect

    I call my goddess near

    To help make (name of person) disappear

    Only the truth I want to hear, from this day until the end.

    This is my will so mote it be.

    Write the name of the person on a piece of paper and place the hair on the paper, fold it over and burn the paper and place it in the bowl. Focus on the flame and think about your real intentions or say the chant again.when the paper has stopped burning thank your goddess for their help and close your circle .

    Added to on Sep 03, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #357 - How to make you own Annabelle type doll. (untested, but should work.)

    This teaches you how to create a killer doll like seen in the film Annabelle. Warning: This doll (if you decide to proceed with this) is a weapon made by my race, the yuk, and one that is designed for covert assassination. You must put into circulation of it after a week as it activates a week after your creation of it. You must set the target(s) and deploy it by then...or the doll targets you. At which point, it will kill you off in a period of three days. Note: the doll takes a month to reach each target, and takes a period of three days to assassinate each target. And it assassinates each target by cause of accident(s).
    You may need:

  • Sheets of Fabric of various for making a doll.
  • White string. (Your own hair works too, however, only use your own hair if you know how to add it to a doll to give it a scalp)
  • water.
  • Your blood.
  • A captured demon.
  • The full names and birthdays of your target(s)
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    You may need:

  • Sheets of Fabric of various for making a doll.
  • White string. (Your own hair works too, however, only use your own hair if you know how to add it to a doll to give it a scalp)
  • water.
  • Your blood.
  • A captured demon.
  • The full names and birthdays of your target(s)
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    Part 1.


    If you are lazy, or do not know how to sew, you can simply buy a doll provided the doll is 13 inches high. and the doll in question must have a height of 13 inches. But the hair (or top of the head if it is a bald plushy) must be dyed completely red with the blood dye you shall be taught how to make.


    1. sew together your doll, and make it 13 inches in height, however, do not add the string or hair to do doll just yet.

    2. prepare the dye. take a Table-spoon of your own blood, and two table-spoons of water, mix together until both are well blended.

    3. soke the string or hair you have in the dye, and leave overnight. It should by completely red by morning.

    4. add the now dyed string or hair to the top of the head of your doll, and form the scalp.

    5. Capture a demon using your best method of doing such.

    6. Force the demon into your doll, and bind the demon to the doll by this spell: "Onto you, I bind this to you. I make it so, so mote it so."

    7. Wait a day.

    8. Time to set your target(s) Ex: "Target 1 is Alfred E. Newman. Birthday Second of November, 1983"

    9. Deploy your doll by either giving it to goodwill, or tossing it into the year of the home some little girl resides.

    Added to on Aug 31, 2018
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #358 - Soul Healing

    This spell is to heal your hurting soul.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Focus/Concentration
  • Willpower
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Focus/Concentration
  • Willpower
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    Stand barefoot outside on the grass and

    Say this 3 or 7 times or however more until you feel peace.

    O mother o mother please heal my soul I no longer want to hurt no more.

    This is my will so mote it be.

    Added to on Aug 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #359 - Feet Curse Spell

    With this spell you can curse your enemy who has harmed you in a way.
    You may need:

  • Pen or marker
  • Your foot/feet
  • Creativity
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    You may need:

  • Pen or marker
  • Your foot/feet
  • Creativity
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    Warning: Don't use this spell if you just had one argument or a bad day with your friend. Do it on someone who has wronged you many times on purpose or caused serious harm on you. This spell could be extremely powerful.

    Spells Instructions:

    Get a marker or pen and write on your foot or both of your feet the name of the victim. Everything you step on you with your foot/feet you step on your victim, it can cause them serious harm depending on what you step on and how you step. If the name written on washes off write it again

    Disclaimer: This spell is not mine, I found it somewhere and I'm testing it myself. If it doesn't work for you you can dm me or if it works for you tell me your progress so I can know if it really works

    Added to on Aug 27, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #360 - Curse With Feet Spell

    With this spell you can curse your enemy who has harmed you in a way. WARNING : Don't use this spell if you just had one argument or a bad day with your friend. Do it on someone who has wronged you many times on purpose or caused serious harm on you. This spell could be extremely powerful
    You may need:

  • Pen or marker
  • Your foot/feet
  • Creativity
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    You may need:

  • Pen or marker
  • Your foot/feet
  • Creativity
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    Get a marker or pen and write on your foot or both of your feet the name of the victim. Everything you step on you with your foot/feet you step on your victim, it can cause them serious harm depending on what you step on and how you step. If the name written on washes off write it again

    Disclaimer : This spell is not mine, i found it somewhere and i'm testing it myself. If it doesn't work for you you can dm me or if it works for you tell me your progress so i can know if it really works

    Added to on Aug 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters