3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Audrey Hepburn Spell
- Attract a Wealthy Lover/ Spouse
- Love Spell
- Peaceful Sleep For Children
- Heart medning spell
- Enter Equilibrium
- Voodoo Secret Revealing Spell
- spell to make you hate something you love complete spell
- Minty Money Growing
- Animal love
#411 - Audrey Hepburn Spell
Light the candle and place it on top of the photo of Audrey Hepburn. Then hold your dominant hand over the candle and chant:
"Audrey, Audrey, Audrey Hepburn.
I call your spirit from the heavens to show me your power.
I summon Venus' power to change my appearance.
Audrey, Audrey. Make me look like you.
This is my wish so mote it be!"
WARNING: Do not try if you are male.
#412 - Attract a Wealthy Lover/ Spouse
Begin by visualizing the type of partner you desire. Try and avoid thinking of a specific person, but rather, the qualities they posses. Are they tall? short? funny? serious? etc. Write these qualities down on your piece of paper. Take your time doing this, you could even make drawings or symbols, anything that helps you visualize your perfect match.
The second step is to light your candles. While your candles are burning, state to the universe the type of partner you desire, and that harm come to none. Fold the paper towards you, not away from you! Fold it as many times as you can, turn it so you can keep folding it towards you.
The third step is to seal the envelope with the wax from your candles, put a few drops of each. And at this point you can say "This is my will, so mote it be!"
Keep this envelope in a pouch wherever you go to attract a potential lover.
These are not required but can help achieve your desired results much quicker!
- Use love and money oils to anoint your candles.
- Put a rose quartz stone in your pouch.
- If your intent is marriage, put white rose petals in your pouch.
If you need help substituting ingredients or have any questions, please message me! :)
#413 - Love Spell
Take the rose and hold with your right hand. Apply the lipstick. Drink the water. While thinking of him/her, say: I love you. Love me. Remember what we used to do, it will make you happy. Kiss me and leave her, the path is so clear. I love you always, my dear. Results will appear next time you see him/her.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#414 - Peaceful Sleep For Children
First things first, make sure you have everything set up in their room first. Night light should be plugged in at this point.
Now make sure they have a full stomach, and then run their bath water and put in three drops of Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Baby wash. Wash them up so they begin to get sleepy.
Next get them out and dry them off, and wrap them in their towel. Now rub them down with the Baby lotion, and get them dressed and lay them in bed.
Get your IPhone/IPod/IPad Tablet etc. Go to YouTube and type in 24 hours of Meditation music for children or you can even use 24 hours of Disney Piano Music.
Hook up the speaker and put it somewhere high enough so that they can still hear it.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#415 - Heart medning spell
First of all you're going to want to make sure that you are ALOUD to light candles in your house/outside (comfortable space) then precede to light the RED CANDLE. If your wondering why the RED candle, well it's because a RED CANDLE symbolizes love and harmony. Oh so I've heard. Light the candle. Put the candle on the floor. (MAKE SURE NOTHING IS FLAMMABLE!!!) Then close your eyes and repeat this chant:
Hear my cries, Oh hear my cries. I don't want to be hurting anymore. Gods and Goddesses (mother, father,son, daughter.) please help me. I come in a quest to mend my broken heart. I've been hurt and i don't want to hurt anymore. I'm not asking for you to punish the one who hurt me, but instead help me. Please help me, i just want to move on, move on past this drag of a memory that is dragging me down. Please help. Thank you for listening to my pleads.
Thank the Gods and Goddesses (Mother, Father son daughter, etc.) Then blow out the candle. recite the spell as many times as you need to. Or just 3 times.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#416 - Enter Equilibrium
First get into the meditational trance. After your mind is clear and you feel your energy awaiting use, imagine yourself as a demon, think very carefully into what that demon is and what they are like, take notes if you have to. Then alter that image into that of an angel, then do the same thing. After you have gathered enough information about them separately, imagine their bodies fusing into one singular being, and learn what it is like. Once you find yourself satisfied, you may open your eyes and continue with your day, but know that your soul currently will take that form until you release the spell. To do this, you simply imagine the being unfusing and the two halves of them fading away as they step away from each other. You should now know a little more about yourself, and hopefully, be able to be comfortable with your existence. I have tested this spell and it works almost perfectly.
#417 - Voodoo Secret Revealing Spell
-Place an offering for Papa Legba into the bag, some offerings for him are black coffee, rum, coconut, cigars, pipe tobacco, peanuts, pennies, small toys, candy, palm oil, Palm oil candles, chicken, sweet potatoes, peppers, sweets & breads.
-Write the person's name on the paper three times and place it inside the bag.
-Hang the bag in a tree where its not going to be disturbed.
*You could also write Papa Legba's Veve on the back side of the paper
#418 - spell to make you hate something you love complete spell
1.trace cap on paper
2.cut out the circle
3.glue the circle on to cap
4.wright the ting you want to hate on the cap
5. say enchainment:
i wish to not like (thing you wont to hate). I wish for it not to be part of my life. remove (thing you want to hate) from me. I wish to hate (Thing you want to hate). so mote it be .
7. the bottle cap with the blade as your blade sinks into the cap say the enchantment again.
warning: does not work on living things, if it does not work you spelled it wrong, or you hesitated, or you dont realy want to.
#419 - Minty Money Growing
Cleanse the quartz before you begin!
Take the mint plant and place it somewhere in the sun, inside your house. Bury the quartz in the soil while saying,
"I desire good fortune, prosperity, and wealth. Grant me my one wish o gods"
Let the mint plant grow up to be big and strong! While the mint is growing, you will get more money as it is attracted to you.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#420 - Animal love
So let's say your friend has a cat that is so shy and you want to become friends with it. Here I will teach you how.
Read everything before you do this!!!
Before approaching the animal close your eyes and imagine you are that creature. Take deep breaths and step into a room with the animal. Do not look threatening and do NOT corner it. Sit down and close your eyes. The animal has to first get used to your presence. Staring at the animal is a sign of dominance. Lay one hand on each side of you and take deep breaths. Do that for five minutes.
Open your eyes and set a restful glare upon the animal. Do NOT stare into its eyes. Again that is a sign of dominance. If you want you can hum a joyful melody. Sometimes this can freak the animal out. So the decision is up to you.
Say in a loving voice:
"I have meant no harm. For I am here for comfort. Another protector and lover. You may not know me as you know your family but, soon we will. So mote it be..."
Now imagine being that animal again. Imagine it feeling a friendly connection with you and walking toward you confidently. If this doesn't work try again later or another day. Some animals are trickier than others.
Send me a private message if it worked or didn't work.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.