3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Magic Fertilizer
- Make a Wish Spell
- Beauty Spell
- money oil
- Magick "Treasure Fleet" Spell
- Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity Spell
- Become a mermaid
- wand spells
- A Powder Wish
- Good Luck Spell
#431 - Magic Fertilizer
Its highly advised you meditate before performing this, and think of the earth. It also works best if your element is also earth.
Blend the eggshells, banana peels, and coffee in a blender. You should get the fertilizer from mixing those. Take your plant and place the fertilizer in. While placing, practically sing the following:
Ill give the life that this plant needs,
So it can rise up from its seeds.
Grow green and strong and dont decay,
And blossom into something great!
Once you finish, make an offering to the earth goddess. Wait up to a month for this to work. Message me if it does.
#432 - Make a Wish Spell
Before you begin the spell, decide which method you will be using.
The stash method. (Recommended.)
You will be storing your paper with the wish in a small container, like a box or a bag. This container must be kept somewhere safe and can be decorated however you desire. You may want to stick in some jewels, confetti, or ribbons inside, as well as a fresh scent if you desire. However you want is the best way. This container and the wishes inside may NOT be found by anyone else or they will NOT work... and people will see what you wrote.
The nature method. (Second-most recommended.)
You will be throwing your paper out a window. This works best if you live in the woods or on a high story of a building. Make sure you don't throw it where someone will find it. If you like the element Water, it may be best to toss it into water, such as an ocean or river.
The trash method. (Not recommended.)
If you simply cannot do the methods above, you may try this method. You will be disposing of your paper in the trash. It's easier than the above methods but not recommended, as you would be treating your wish like trash.
Now, here are the instructions for the spell:
1. Write your wish (phrased: "I wish ...") on a piece of paper. Take care to remember exactly what you wrote.
2. Slip the unfolded paper under your pillow and lay down on it for about 5 minutes. It's best to close your eyes and fantasize about what you'll do when you get your wish, but you can do whatever you want if you get bored.
3. Take the paper out from under your pillow, fold it 3 times, and touch it to your cheek or kiss it.
4. Dispose of/put away your wish in one of the methods explained above.
5. Once that is done, pronounce the word 'Jaaval' four times, then repeat exactly what you wrote on the paper.
It's that easy! Contact me through SoM mail if you have any questions, I'd love to hear if it worked for you.
Best wishes!
#433 - Beauty Spell
If you want to have better chance for it to work then say these few words:
Spirit of beauty
Spirit of peace
Please share
Your gifts with me
Then just say thank you. Repeat this process for 5 days.
#434 - money oil
now place your herbs in one by one and enchant each one by either chanting or visualizing a green energy going into the jar jusr intended amount in the jar and close with a lid.
use to annoing money or
Last edited on Apr 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#435 - Magick "Treasure Fleet" Spell
Make sure it's one that you can put things in.
STEP 2: Fill it with play money, real coins, sparkling gems, sparkling beads, and crystals.
STEP 3: Strategically arrange the boat on your altar so that it's easy to visualize your ship arriving at your ''home port''.
The boat must be pointed TOWARDS you, not away from you.
STEP 4: Intensify the effect with green candle burning and money drawing incense.
STEP 5: While the candles burn, sit at your altar and visualize a real ship filled with treasure coming towards you at sea.
STEP 6: Once the candles have burned down, place a three of wands Tarot Card UNDER the boat, and leave it there until money finds you
#436 - Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity Spell
More wealth and prosperity just in time.
Y'> It's too much easy-to-use.
More wealth and prosperity just in time.
You can do this spell once in a month.
STEP 1: Combine 4 parts powdered Sandalwood and 1 part powdered Cinnamon.
You should use enough to fill a small bowl.
STEP 2: Walk out of your doorway, and out to the nearest sidewalk. If you're in an apartment or condo...go out of the buliding to the sidewalk.
STEP 3: As you walk back to your front door, sprinkle this powder behind you. And stop once you get inside your house.
STEP 4: Forget about this ritual, and go about your life.... over the next several days, you'll be pleasantly surprised...
#437 - Become a mermaid
2.Turn the candle.
3.Say: ''O sovereigns of the oceans, hear my vow, I want to be like you, to be a mermaid, the color of my tail will be [color of your choice], my powers will be [powers of your choice], in a day my tail will appear when I put this necklace and say ''Mermaid'' and when I say ''Human'', my feet will come back and it will be like that forever, according to your will. ''
3.After, take your jewel and put it on you (PS: It must be either a bracelet, a necklace, or earrings)
#438 - wand spells
first take out your wand hold it in your hand facing forward to you channel your energy to its tip then state setheron of the of the deep. enlighten!
this spell makes a random thing happen to whatever you were pointing your wand at.
Growing tree spell:
repeat the steps above just change up what you state because this time you have to say ''pather enchant this life essence''
this spell will make crops you or a tree grow faster than it should grow this works for me because im short and I can make myself grow whenever now.
Banishing spell:
yet again point the wand blah blah blah then state ''almighty lore of travel let it be true and leave dusk to gravel''
this banishes evil or your enemy i dont know what your gonna do with it but go right ahead. and by banish i mean disappear but if its a physical opponent then they will be cursed to keep walking and walking until they are completely out of your sight
(BTW if you see a boy with a really big forehead walking with no direction tell him I said hi)
#439 - A Powder Wish
Last edited on Aug 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#440 - Good Luck Spell