3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Aphrodite Flirting Confidence
- Success For Permit/Driving Test
- Wonka 3 Course meal Gum
- See the Demon in Yourself with a Mirror
- Necklace Enchantment
- Attraction Charm Bags
- Bring change to your life
- Wings
- Lamia Ritual A
- Kethleen's vampire spell with cure
#501 - Aphrodite Flirting Confidence
For this spell we are going to be calling upon Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, lust, desire, and the arts. She loves to see us in pleasure, and in love with ourselves and others. We are all beautiful in her eyes and she is happy when we are confident in ourselves. Be sure to leave an offering for her, which could be as simple as chocolates, love letters, or a list of things we adore about her (which you know she'd love!). You could even draw her a picture, write her a song, etc.
Alright, first you'll start off with a pink sachet bag. I got a pack of 20 for $1 at Dollar Tree in their baby shower section. Set it aside with your herbs and sit and ground yourself, also taking your pink candle and infusing it with your personal power. I put on the Classical Romance Spotify playlist because 1) I felt it was fitting because Aphrodite is also a goddess of the arts and 2) it was great for visualization and made me feel beautiful and graceful. I could imagine myself turning the heads of everyone in the room, but locking eyes with that one special person, and having the confidence to smile at and approach them. Really lose yourself in the music.
After you've done that, light the candle and begin to fill the sachet. Meditate with it, direct all of your desires for confidence and attraction into that bag. Say:
''Aphrodite, goddess of love, lust, and the arts,
Grant me the confidence to be flirty
And to never again worry
About the woes of rejection,
Because I will make the proper selection.
Whether they be male, female, or in between,
My flirting skills will be keen.
Magick herbs of love, lust, and femininity,
Please lend me your power and divinity.
When I carry this sachet,
I will have the best mindset
To be confident, charming, and flirty.
This is my will, and harm none, so mote it be.''
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#502 - Success For Permit/Driving Test
On the night before your test, cast your circle and meditate with the candle and crystal. Infuse them with your personal power and visualize yourself scoring well and passing your test. When you feel that you are in the right mind state and that your candle and crystal are charged, say the following words:
''I will score well on this permit/driving exam.
To do so, I will give it all that I am.
Passing will bring about so much change
And opportunities not currently in my range.
I will remember the rules of the road,
As I have done my best to memorize the code.
If this is what I do,
Then soon I will be able to
Go wherever, whenever.
All I have to do is be clever!
I will do my best
And pass this test.
This is my will, & harm none, so mote it be.''
Let the candle burn until it's halfway gone, then in the morning, let it burn until it's done. I hope this helps!
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#503 - Wonka 3 Course meal Gum
#504 - See the Demon in Yourself with a Mirror
#505 - Necklace Enchantment
Set the candle side by side in front of you. Make sure they are as close as they can get to each other. Using a match or a lighter, light only the white candle. then use the white candle to light the green. Then holding the necklace by the chain, dangle it in the candle flame while saying this spell loud and clear.
"O, great god(ess) (your deity)
Please grant me a wish in the flame,
I call upon you to bring me good luck,
Luck is just the same,
Please, O great god(ess) (your deity)
Change my luck to good!"
Say the above 3 times loud and clear so the universe can hear.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#506 - Attraction Charm Bags
Fold the paper and put it inside of the bag along with the catnip. The catnip is there as the main power to attract whatever it is you wish to you. Like a cat is drawn to catnip, so too your desire will be pulled to you.
If you choose to add a crystal, do it at the same time you add the paper and catnip before you close the bag.
For Love/Friendship - Rose Quartz
For Money/Luck - Tiger's Eye
For Healing - Bloodstone or Dragon Stone
For Protection/Emotions - Amethyst
If you don't have any of the above, clear quartz is always a pure energy amplifier that will do the same as any of them. If you want to charge or purify the stone, do it before hand using any method of your choice. (Full moon, energy ball, running water etc.)
When you are done, tie the bag with a colored string to correlate with your wish, or simply seal it if you are done.
For Love/Friendship - Pink, Yellow, or Orange ribbon
For Money/Luck - Green ribbon
For Healing - Red or White ribbon
For Protection/Emotions - Black or Purple ribbon
When you are finished, carry the bag with you or put it somewhere you go often. If you ever wish to undo the charm, unwrap the bag, burn the paper, throw away the catnip (Or give it to your feline friends!), and cleanse your crystal for future uses.
Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#507 - Bring change to your life
Make sure that it is completely still and you can see yourself clearly
Pick up a roughly fist sized stone and hold it in your hands.
Think about the boredom in your life and how you want to be rid of it.
When you are ready say this: my life is stagnant and a bore.
Please end this suspense which I hate and abhor.
Let my life flow once more.
I wish to end this strife.
Please let me have an eventful life.
Throw in the rock and watch as your reflection dissolves then re solidifies.
You will be given an exciting opportunity in the future but it is up to you to realise it.
#508 - Wings
Place the tarot card in the middle of a square of the four lit candles. If you have a feather, hold it. Light incense or spray a spray. Now you may begin the spell. Say nine times:
"Great stars of life,
Free me of strife
Give me my flight
Hide it from sight
Give me each plume
Protected from doom
Break from my shell
With wings I rebel
Give me the speed
To fly as I need
Give me the strength
To travel at length
Give me agility
And flexibility
Balance unfailing
Feathers atrailing
Give me the senses
For flight intense
Give me healing
To protect the feeling
Give me a size
Even and wise
My wings fly proud
Over the clouds
And hide from sight
Like shadows at night
Dusk to dawn
I fly strong
My wings that fly
I soar through the sky
Wings of light
Wings of flight
Wings of sky
Wings on high
Wings of youth
Wings of truth
Wings spread wide
Wings that hide
Wings of sea
Wings on me
Wings of moon
Wings soon
Wings of sun
Wings of fun
Wings of stars
Wings fly far
Wings of earth
Wings' rebirth
Wings of fire
Wings of ire
Wings of air
Wings appear
Wings of water
Wings that flutter
Wings of speed
Wings I need
Wings of birds
Wings of words
Wings, wings, all I've ever needed
My desire permeates and my requests are heeded."
After repeating the above nine times, yell this as loud as you are able:
"Now by the wind
Their growth begins!"
Now take a minute to imagine your wings as vividly as possible. Imagine them growing, and feel them grow. Once you finish visualizing (maybe meditate on wings for a little), then blow out or snuff the candles. If you lit incense, put it out.
Side effects:
- Deep pull to get off the ground and fly.
- Minor outer body changes to accomodate wings
- No fear of heights
- Losing weight
- Oily or flaky back
- Bumps on back where wings will be
- Aches and pains
- Getting faster
- Getting stronger
- More muscles
- Much thinner
- Healing much faster from injuries
- Healthier teeth, bones, body
- Better vision, hearing, smell, etc.
- Air affinity
- Phantom wings
- Sharper, stronger teeth and nails
- Fearless
- Determined
- More will to live
- Wing dreams
When your wings are growing, exercise them every day. You will know how to cloak your wings, and when cloaked they are completely invisible and intangible. This has the side effect of making you unable to fly as your wings will pass through the air, but when you have your wings uncloaked they will automatically be large enough to fly with. Your wings will automatically waterproof themselves with oil or powder down, and it is a good idea to cloak them when directly in water.
When your wings begin developing, your body will change a bit. You'll lose a lot of weight, and become less sensitive to heat, cold and pain. You will get lighter bones and be lighter overall. Your teeth and nails will become sharper, especially for those with bird of prey wings. Your muscles will be a bit bigger, but not very big, although your strength will greatly increase. You will also be a lot healthier and heal faster. Your organs will change to facilitate flight, and you may notice your breathing patterns changing. You may even develop a third eyelid. You will be able to handle high speeds and g forces better than humans. Your bones will be far lighter, but also stronger, and you will be incredibly agile and fast. Your back and stomach muscles will develop a lot to let you fly. Some of your features will be a bit more obvious than others, and cannot be hidden by cloaking, but your blood will still read human. X rays will also not be able to tell your bones have changed. But be a bit careful if they need to operate. Wing growth is an amazing thing, and this spell makes it far easier to live with wings. But you must still be careful.
When flying, make sure to take off from a place where nobody will see you. Get high fast, so maybe your silhouette can be mistaken for a bird. It's best to fly in unpopulated areas, or if all else fails places where nobody will see you. When flying, be careful never to pass a high window, or fly too close to a place someone may see you. Be careful with your wings. You only have one pair and one life, so protect both. You will have urges to fly. Satisfy them by doing high-up activities, like rock climbing or jumping off cliffs into the sea, or just go out to somewhere unpopulated (maybe part of a national park, or out in some farmland) and take off, circle around a bit then come down. Do exercises every day like flapping your wings and imitating takeoff, and try to find places to practice takeoff and landing.
When becoming an avian, two of the first things to come in are flying, taking off and landing instincts and urges, nesting urges, and more of a connection to magick, which means you benefit more from stones. Indulge your instincts by mimicking flight and jumping off things, starting small and working up to trees or off high places into the ocean or another safe landing. You will then start getting very hungry. Eat lots of healthy food to fuel your growth. Spell-grown wings grow faster than shifting-grown or subliminal-grown wings, but they still need to grow on their own
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#509 - Lamia Ritual A
Make a pentagram. The top point is the blue candle, then the black and white candles at the outer two points, then the bottom two are the teal candles. Light them all, then light any incense you may have. Place the snake totem in the center and say:
"Goddess of serpents and moon on the rise,
Watch me over with your all-seeing eyes
As the circle is blazed alight
Scale my legs with holy light.
As the blue ocean rolls
Pierce me through and make me whole
Breathe in the aqueous air
Serpent's magick and slitted glare
Swiftest speed of sun and moon
Stars together, falling soon
At my will and moonbent glee
Lamia I shall forever be."
Now pick up the snake totem and imagine your legs fusing together and being covered in the scales of a snake in the colours you wish. Also choose the colour of your eyes in your lamia form. Focus hard on the feeling of your legs fusing and melding into a tail, how it would feel. Force that sensation. When you,re done focusing, blow out or snuff all the candles.
Side effects:
- Sensations of legs fusing into a tail
- Legs sticking together
- Desire to exercise and be in nature
- Phantom tail
- Pains and rashes on legs
- Cat eyes
- Eyes changing colour
- Running faster
- More agile
- More fluid movements
- Better swimming ability
- Water affinity
- Desire to meditate more, deeper meditations
- Connection to snake energy
- Deep 'need' for your tail and to use it
- Holding breath longer
Effects: As a lamia, you will be able to manifest the tail you imagined at will. With it will come eyes like a cat in the colour you wanted. When your tail isn't out, your eyes will be normal. You will have several superhuman abilities: strength, speed, agility, flexibility, flowmotion, underwater breathing, pain resistance, intelligence, and senses. Breathing underwater will feel like breathing incredibly fresh air, and your eyes and ears will never be filled with water, as if there is an invisible field around them. You can hear things underwater as well as you can on land. It will be far easier to learn forms of water manipulation, and to a lesser extent easier to learn shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, or telekinesis. You will also have a hypnotic voice and be a great dancer and manipulator.
Lamias can synergize with: Avian (wings probably can't lift you while your tail is out but you can try), Shapeshifter (all form shapeshifters can even use incompatible-with-lamia forms due to their form mastery, but they will be harder to use), Fae (it will be a bit hard but not impossible), Vampire (i don't see why that wouldn't work), and kemono/other mostly humanoid forms (although tails might not work).
Lamias CANNOT synergize with: Mermaids (tails conflict), Sirens, Scylla (same reasons as mermaid), anything super small (too much mass in the tail to convert to something tiny like a cat), certain shifters (some shifters have sharply determined paths that they can't stray from).
Anything else you'll probably have to try for yourself. I may be wrong about some of these, so you can try them yourself.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#510 - Kethleen's vampire spell with cure
Put on your necklace
Rock in front of you
Light candle
Heat up rock a little bit
Say spell 3x:Vampire one Vampires all please grant my wish I wish to be a vampire that can walk in the sunlight with one or both daylight charms on .I wish to have the powers of super speed,super strength,super senses quick heal and compulsion.I will have retractable fangs and only drink blood when I want.If a human has my blood in their system and sees my fangs they will become a vampire.whenever I have water and say blood three times is will turn into blood so I do not have to hurt anyone.I shall not be immortal and a bit harder to kill I shall be able to have claws at will and u shall be able to turn my humanity off so I do not have to feel bad.I shall burn in the sun.my weakness will also be wooden stakes and vervain.so more it be
Cure you have to get water and put the neck lace and ring inside and say
I have made a horrible mistake please reverse
Say three times for spell and say five for cure.