3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Dragon
- Honey Jar of Luck and Careers
- Dream of Anything
- Get Fatter
- Casting Tips
- Fogetful
- Incantation for a Wonderful Suprise
- Summoning Spell
- Magic Door
- Elemental Powers
#761 - Dragon
First, light the candle if you have one. The claw is to show how fierce a dragon is. Hold the claw near the light source. The light shows how good a dragon can be, or how bright and beautiful the dragons flames are, if it's a fire dragon.
Now focus on the dragon you desire, every scale, every inch of its blood cells.
Think about the dragons personality, if the dragon can talk to other humans, if the dragon is feared. Think if it's a luck dragon or if it has 4 limbs or more.
Chant while imagining, and holding the claw near a light source:
"Dragon of scales,
Dragon of power,
This dragon will fight for me until its final hour.
Dragon with grin,
Dragon with frown,
Dragon who brings me that golden crown.
Dragon who loves,
Dragon who hates,
Dragon with thick (color of the dragons scales) armoured plates.
Dragon is free
Dragon is mine,
Dragon who stays with me.
So more it be"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#762 - Honey Jar of Luck and Careers
First write your job preference (retail, IT, food, etc or something you have expierence in). Draw a pentagram around your field of choice, next write the following chant.
"I would like to work as *your field of choice* very much, this is my wish, I ask by all the power of the gods and goddesses to help me in my time of need. I pray to my Heavenly Father to answer my prayers tonight, for He will light my path to my field of choice and my dream job, this is my wish so mote it be!"
After you are done writing, fold the paper up as much as you can stand, light your candle, and seal your paper with the wax, drop the paper in the jar, fill the jar with honey, screw on the lid tight, drop some wax on the lid. Place jar some where safe.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#763 - Dream of Anything
For best results, do this spell in your bedroom before you sleep.
Draw three dream clouds on a piece of paper. On the right cloud, put chamomile or peppermint inside to remember the dream. On the left cloud, draw what you wish to dream of. In the middle cloud, put a white quartz crystal. Make sure to put the crystal in last. Do this in complete concentration with no interruptions.
After your clouds are full, stare at the paper and say this spell. Replace the blank with what you drew.
"I wish for a dream of ____ tonight,
For in my heart it feels so right!
No fear, or sadness, or evil filled dreams,
but one of ____, and ____ it gleams!
While I drift asleep upon a cloud,
Let me dream of ____ and dream so proud!
Connect my heart's wish to my sleepy mind,
and a dream of ____ is what I'll find..
So mote it be."
Chant it once or until you feel it has been charged, and go to bed. In bed, daydream or imagine about what you wish to dream of and when you fall asleep, it will be there.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#764 - Get Fatter
Just say this once:
"Gods and Goddesses help me feel like I am hungry as much as can be, this is my will, so mote it be".
And the next day, when you wake up you will feel hungry and want to eat a lot. Only say this if you really want to be fat.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#765 - Casting Tips
What to Know
You need more than belief to make a spell work.
You need like energy, imagination, patience, etc..
So make sure you try to achieve those things for better spell casting.
Try other Spells
Since spells require confidence, energy, etc, you can try spells
to get you these like you can do energy spells, confidence spells, etc
to help you achieve the spell
What I recommend is that you try and forget the spell. I saw and it said
it will help you in spell casting. Once you cast a spell, don't put a lot of thought
into it.
While doing a spell, try to focus into it. Like keep thinking
of what you want from the spell,
what you want the spell to do, things
that deal with the spell etc..
Like when doing a mermaid spell, focus on what
deals with mermaids like water, fishes, etc..
This is one of the big problems with spell casting.
People get too scared to try them and it ends
up with the spell not working for them. Try to overcome that.
Spells is about confidence too.
Confidence also get spells to work.
Try not to be scared, get ready for the effects.
You can also try the confidence spell on my channel.
This is the biggest problem with spell casting.
A person's belief can go down by giving up, other people, etc..
Believe what you believe in. While doing the spell, think "It will work" "I can do it" etc..
Try to put more positive thoughts into it. Do not put negative thoughts.
You can also say "I believe" in your head while chanting the spell
Some spells require ingredients. Some require a lot, some require a few,
and some don't require anything at all. When getting ready for the spell, when it
says the items you need for it. Try to find some that goes along with the spell.
Like for a fairy spell, when it says items that represent the earth. Try to
find some leaves, flowers, etc..
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#766 - Fogetful
Fill the bowl with water and sprinkle the lavender in. Then float the candle in the water and light it. Clear your mind and think of what you want to be forgotten. Dip your hand in the water and drip it onto your/ the photograph's forehead.
Drip water on the forehead 3 times and each time say: "Take this water of forgetfulness, forget this memory and forget what has been done" Blow out the candle.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#767 - Incantation for a Wonderful Suprise
In the morning, chant the following: "Divine Father, Mother Goddess,please bless me a wonderful suprise on this day. May it be good, as it should, so mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#768 - Summoning Spell
Draw your animal from front, back, left, and right.
Color it in.
Chant this 5x:
"Goddesses and gods hear me, I want you to summon thee, a (animal type) that looks like this (hold up picture) have it here by midnight,this is my wish so mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#769 - Magic Door
Find a door and cover up the bottom. Put all the candles around you. Hold the purple one in your dominant hand and the white/gold one in your other hand. Chant the following three times: "When I knock three times, the door will open. It will take me where I want to be, so mote it be"
Visualize with strong intent where you want to go. Put the candles down, then knock and open the door.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#770 - Elemental Powers
Put the white and gold candle on your non-dominant side. Set the purple candle in front of you. Put the elemental candle on your dominant side. Light all of them.
Take the paper and rip it into 4 pieces. Burn 1 piece on each different candle that you set out. Then burn the last piece using the lighter. Take the ashes and bury them.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.