3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Recalling
- Wish Protect Spell
- Reality Creation
- Beautiful Singing Voice
- Mirror Mirror
- Predict Your Future Husband in 4 Days
- Productivity
- Advanced Money
- Simple Luck
- Werewolf Ritual
#811 - Recalling
Take a deep air and air your mind by stop thinking. Now enchant this in your mind "Oh great Orandinal, I give a humble respect, help me recall where I lost my/the (call what you lost).Thank you for hearing me plea."
Now stay quiet until you hear a voice speaking to you in your heart telling you where you lost what you are looking for.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#812 - Wish Protect Spell
Sprinkle the Basil and bay leaf into the water (the water can be in a cup or it can be in a river, any place with water) Get the bamboo leaf and dip it seven times into the water each time saying your wish. After the seventh time, wrap it around your necklace and dip it all in water, say your wish seven times again. After the seventh time saying it take the necklace out of the bamboo leaf and put it on. Bury the bamboo leaf in a special place. Visit the place you buried it seven times. Every time you visit kneel and whisper your wish.
Your wish will come true.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#813 - Reality Creation
(1) Before you even start on creating your reality you must think of what your reality is at and how big does it consist of a small planet or does it consist an entire universe? Also what are the individuals that live in this reality? How many are they what is there to current level of Technology do they speak the same language as you and much more questions you can ask yourself when you are using the spell? Once you figure out what you want to create you can do so as many times as you like if the first reality fails.
(2) Gather up your magical energies no matter where they come from you need an enormous amount of energy to create this reality. If you had concentrate on creating a small planet you will not need as much energy I recommend you take medication together up the energy necessary creating your reality. Meditate for at least a whole a week if not a month to gather up enough energy. Try to do it daily without any distractions. There is no real technique that will give you the appropriate amount of energy.
(3) This part is rather important. Find object whether small or large it doesn't matter so long as you can add it into this spell. What the object will is create an anchor for both your reality and yourself as an anchor will allow you to travel to your reality and back to your original reality. It still is completed the object will fade from existence but it will still be there existing outside among the two reality as a bridge between them as the object from reality it becomes an immortal object. Even if you find a way to go between reality and ,find that object it cannot be destroyed no matter what force comes at it
(4) Sigil the information for this is available online this is only to be used to boost your magic effectiveness of it this tool that you would probably have to use requires some detail of research and practice. If you cannot use it that is fine it just means the effectiveness of the successful reality creation will be lowered by 45%, there is still room for success but it may require more energy and concentration.
(5) You can use chanting in this spell as long as you visualize your reality taking form as well as the objects beginning to fade from this reality and becomes the bridge to the reality that just formed. You can use any method that you see fit in chant may use the songs or riddles whatever seems to work best with you.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#814 - Beautiful Singing Voice
Take a deep breath and breath deeply over the bowl. After a few minutes, dump the water on your hands. Don't speak for seven minutes.
#815 - Mirror Mirror
First, Look in the mirror. be sure to look your reflection in the eyes.
Next, keep looking in the mirror, and now say this spell:
"Mirror mirror,
Reveal the truth.
Mirror mirror,
Tell me please,
Am I a normal human being?"
If cast correctly, the mirror will show, not your reflection but a message, telling you if your normal or not.
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#816 - Predict Your Future Husband in 4 Days
Tonight, put five bay leaves under your pillow. This is best done on Valentines Day, but can be done any other day as well. Then youll have a dream of your future lover or husband.
Then, make an infusion but dont drink it. If youre allergic to any ingredients, dont use them. But remember you wont be drinking.
Get a chalice or blessed cup, and put a little amount of basil (which resembles spicing up your love life), calendula (for joy), sugar (for a sweet man and a sweet relationship), cinnamon, fennel, oregano, ketchup (the tiniest of amounts), yarrow, and lavender. (Put in a little water or tea.) If you cant get all of these things, use as many as you can find. Then put a little salt. Dont put in any lemon, even if its your signature. You dont want, as Ive said in many of my spells, a sour marriage!
Then put in a little apple juice into your mix. Remember to give a whole apple outside, to the nearest tree, for Aphrodite if you want a beautiful relationship. If you dont need an apple, give some rosemary, a rose, a cinnamon stick, or a little ginger.
Give a bowl of strawberries to the goddess Hathor. Then give yourself one ripe strawberry. Chant, if you wish.
Dont give your infusion in your blessed cup to anybody you dont love, not even to yourself. Dont even give it to the gods or goddesses-yet! Then, in three days, go outside and give the cup with your infusion. Pour some on a tree, or the grass, for the god Eros. Then give the cup with the infusion to Aphrodite the goddess.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#817 - Productivity
#818 - Advanced Money
If you understand the warnings you must read this incantation 133 times. Once you start saying the spell you MAY NOT STOP. And yes you have to read it one hundred thirty three times. (I said this was hard didn't I)
This is a real spell and not a joke, this consults real Gods to make the decision of helping you or cursing you. Once again, use at your own risk.
Chant the 1ST Spell and then the 2ND Spell.
"Gods and godesses, the elements and the universe I humbly request enough power to cast this spell. This is my will so mote it be"
"Deos universi elementa fictilia deorum Aegypti opes superbae et iustitia mihi abs te . Equidem merui opes rogo . Pro obsequio et militantibus eueniat opes et te meque recipio . Hoc volo ut fiat !!!"
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#819 - Simple Luck
Go into your quiet room and sit down to meditate. Do your OWN type of meditation. Do this for atleast 30 minutes before attempting the spell or more to make it more powerful. After this is done chant the first spell and then the second spell, if you do not perform this spell in that order it will definitely not work. When the spell is over get some rest and within 3 days Ebisu will see to it that you have 33 days of luck.
"Wind fire water earth, I call on you to make this spell magic so mote it be! " "Quaero abs te Deus Ebisu dabitis mihi triginta tribus diebus fortuna iuvat . Difficulter Ego auxilium facere melius opus et vita . Obsecro te quaeso ut me adjuvet. Et hoc volo ut fiat !!"ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#820 - Werewolf Ritual
Place the bowl before you. Put the spoon next to it, and the wolf item on the other side of it. Place the body item into the bowl.
Pour milk into the bowl, then mix in honey. Sprinkle in powdered basil, bay leaves and cinnamon, then add a pinch of salt. Stir until the salt is dissolved and there are no clumps or large pieces of the herbs.
Look up at the moon and close your eyes. Imagine wolves running, moving, playing, hunting. See the way their bodies move. Then recite this chant. (You may print it or write it down.)
''Moonglow, mist, muscle and bone
Black and water weathered stone
Blood drawn death and muted screech
Scraping for magic within reach
Violet blood through crimson vine
Lightning strike and frothy brine
Fangs and talons, eyes of awe
Power held by bloodied claw
Control is false, instinct is law
The weakened body, modern form
Will never survive the storm
Drowned away, the pulse is dead
But the harvest moon shines red
The wild soul that I call mine
Belongs to a body lupine
Moon, the packsong cries for thee
And now the call reaches me
The wolves will come to set me free
Sinews, fur, fangs, but no pain
Over the world the Moon shall reign
A change comes when it calls my name
And my mind shall stay the same
Conscious thought, but instincts wild
The pack-mother welcomes her new child
My siblings in the hunt and prowl
Pack-brothers and sisters shall meet me and howl
And I shall change under midnight's cowl
I will know the tongue of my family
We will sing, hunt, and run free
Senses give a second sight
So I can find prey under cover of night
My wolf form stronger in every way
And I return to my normal form by day
I shall have magic in my fang
So I can change any woman or man
And packs will be born across the land
Eventually I will gain full power
I may choose to change at any hour
After a while all will be freed
To change back and forth as they need
And when they don't need the moon to change their form
It will no longer cause them to transform
And wolf packs will grow as more werewolves are born
All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn
To the moon and our packs forever sworn.
By the sun, the moon and the power of three,
Stars and spirits and powers that be,
Wolves of the forests that listen to me,
This is my will, so mote it be.''
If your body part could be choked on, remove it now. Anoint the representation of the wolf with the liquid you prepared, then anoint yourself. Touch your left hand to each of the four elements, then to the wolf, to your heart, and to the liquid. Now drink the rest of it, and sprinkle salt in the bottom of the bowl. Close the circle in any way you wish, then bury the feather, stone and fire item, and pour the water over where you buried it. Put the containers for the potion and water inside the closed circle, then go inside and sleep.