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2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2998 Love Spells
2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2998 Love Spells
  1. Love Chant
  2. Simple Lipstick Blessing
  3. Create Your Own Plane Of Existence
  4. Attractive Potion (Girls Only!)
  5. Attract the Ideal Lover
  6. Love Binding Spell
  7. Bring Love to you Sugar
  8. Sabbat Game
  9. Close Relationship Spell
  10. Bonding Ritual

#1121 - Love Chant

Brings love to you.
You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Repeat silently or out loud at any time:

    "Star of my love, burn so bright
    Unite my true love tome tonight
    So I will it, so mote it be"

    Added to on Apr 07, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1122 - Simple Lipstick Blessing

    Use this small chant to enchance your positivity, attractiveness and beauty.
    You may need:

  • Lipstick
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    You may need:

  • Lipstick
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    While applying the lipstick, say this three times: "Bless this lipstick and make me beautiful," and that's it!

    Added to on Apr 04, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1123 - Create Your Own Plane Of Existence

    Create a plane just for you.
    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Meditation music
  • Another person
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Meditation music
  • Another person
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    Sit in a meditation position and pour the water into the bowl. Best you shall dip your hands into the water while you tell your friend or other person to put on the meditation music.stare at your hands without blinkng and you shall not see your hands anymore. Do not panic, this is the most delicate part of this spell.

    Think about a new world a world so rich in resources that nobody would have to go hungry ever again. Carefully imagine a world being created before your very eyes. Next imagine a door way connected to your new world and the world you lived in before. Now you can break your concentration. Only you at that point can enter your plane but if you create another door others will be able to go.

    Added to on Apr 04, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1124 - Attractive Potion (Girls Only!)

    This Spell will show you how to do an Attractive Potion. It will make your true love come to you. It is a truly powerful Potion, so use it wisely!
    You may need:

  • 1 hair of you
  • 7 rose petals
  • Cinnamon
  • A wooden bowl
  • A suitable Potion bottle (e.g. I used a small decorative Italian vase)
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    You may need:

  • 1 hair of you
  • 7 rose petals
  • Cinnamon
  • A wooden bowl
  • A suitable Potion bottle (e.g. I used a small decorative Italian vase)
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    Take the Potion bottle and place it on a flat surface. Fill it halfway up with hot tap water, then while you're putting in the ingredients, recite the Spell:

    'Goddess of Beaty, Goddess of Love, please find my true love (put in 2 rose petals).
    Let him find me in one weeks' time (put in a quarter of your cinnamon).
    I (put in your one hair) shall be more beautiful (put in a rose petal) than I am now (put in another quarter of the cinnamon).
    Make me the most beautiful girl around (put in 3 rose petals and quarter of the cinnamon).
    Make my true love (put in a rose petal) love me (put in all the cinnamon that's left).
    So let it be! (put in the last rose petal)'

    After you have recited the Spell, put the lid onto your Potion bottle and shake it five times. Then open it and tip the Potion into the bowl. Take all the rose petals from the bowl and apply them onto your face and eyes and wait 7 minutes. Then take them off, rip them all up and put them in the bowl again. Dip your face in the Potion. Then dip both of your hands in it. Say 'Thank you' and leave the Potion to cool for 10 minutes.

    Added to on Apr 03, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1125 - Attract the Ideal Lover

    This spell should help you to attract the perfect lover. This is my first spell sorry if it does not work for you! This spell is not to attract a specific person.
    You may need:

  • You need a red or pink pen
  • Some paper
  • Candles (can be fake or real)
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    You may need:

  • You need a red or pink pen
  • Some paper
  • Candles (can be fake or real)
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    First,the only light you should have in the room you do this should come from your candles,the moon and/or a small lamp. Light or switch on your 2 candles and leave enough space in between them for paper.

    Write down on the paper:

    • physical qualities of your perfect lover.
    • mental qualities
    • other details of the lover.

    Then say: "Oh God's and Goddesses hear my plea! Attract this boy/girl to me! This is my will so mote it be!" Say this 3 times.

    Place the paper between the candles for 8 minutes. Then rip up the paper and throw it away. Turn off the candles.

    Added to on Apr 01, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1126 - Love Binding Spell

    This spell is for the one you desire to become bound to your heart and soul. Please be mindful that this spell is powerful, and will require a lot of power to undo.
    You may need:

  • A red or black candle
  • Two pins
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    You may need:

  • A red or black candle
  • Two pins
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    Stick the first pin near the starting of the candle, but not too much. Once you've stuck the first pin in say: 'When this candle burns to the pin, the process of love and desire will begin.'

    Now stick the second pin in the middle of the candle, remember to not go to hard so you don't brake the wax. After putting the second pin in, say: 'When this candle burns to this pin, the process of love and desire will come to a successful completion, and end.'

    Light the candle, and let it burn to the first pin. Now, you must picture with your eyes your lover that you wish to be with, picture what you will do together. For example, you holding hands, you laughing and snuggling together, you kissing passionately, etc.

    While you are picturing this, look into the flame as it moves through the first pin and continues, so must you. Look into the flame and say this:

    'The Goddess of the moon,
    I summon thee.
    By the light of it's rays shine bright on me.
    My wish is for my lover to never leave,
    His will to be bound to mine.
    Only I have the power to brake such a bond,
    Strong as the Universe and as pure as water indeed.
    This is my wish,
    When the flame hits the pin it will come true.
    This is my wish, so mote it be!'

    Let the candle burn down to pin, and let it drop like the first one. Keep a pin with you, it will ensure that it works. Make sure to give the second pin to your lover.

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1127 - Bring Love to you Sugar

    A spell to sweeten love or friendship into your life to slowly and gently bring them into your life. This spell takes some planning and time, but with each passing day gets stronger!
    You may need:

  • Sugar (Can be White granulated or Organic Cane Sugar)
  • A heat safe dish
  • Red or Pink Taper Candle
  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen or Marker (Red or Pink ink preferred)
  • Anointing Oil for Love or Romance
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    You may need:

  • Sugar (Can be White granulated or Organic Cane Sugar)
  • A heat safe dish
  • Red or Pink Taper Candle
  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen or Marker (Red or Pink ink preferred)
  • Anointing Oil for Love or Romance
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    Take your piece of paper and write down the name of the person you are trying to bring into your life. You can use a regular pen if it's all you have, but a red or pink inked marker or pen works best. Once you have the name written down on your paper, fold it towards you, turning it clockwise if you need to turn to fold in another direction. You will then place this small folded paper and place it into a dish filled with sugar and bury it in the sugar.

    Next you will take the candle you've chosen, and place it in the sugar just enough to keep it up right. You can anoint the candle before you put it in the sugar with a love strengthening oil of some sorts if you'd like. After you've put the candle in the sugar, you will light the candle and you can say a chant in your mind, say their name if you wish to, or just visualize the person you're trying to bring closer slowly open their heart and come to you at a easy pace.

    Burn the candle for a short while, but don't over do it, you want to burn a little bit of the candle every single night and snuff it out once finished. On the last night, the full moon, you will burn the rest of the candle completely. If wax builds up to the bottom and melts into a clump with the sugar, hold onto it, you can bury it on your property or even keep it on your altar in a separate dish or even keep it in the one you've used.

    Added to on Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1128 - Sabbat Game

    •Credit: OP unknown, but found a page on Wiki.
    •This game may only be played on the following occasions: St Tomas’ Feast Day, Christmas Eve, Yule, the first full moon after Yule, St. Stephen’s Feast Day, Midsummer, Lucia Night, Twelfth Night, New Years Eve, Easter, Summer Solstice.
    •According to Wiki, Årsgång (pronounced Oshgong) is ‘a Swedish pagan rite of the tradition of seidr that was later Christianized. Translating to ‘Year Walk,’ Årsgång is a complex divination ritual to forsee the future and discover mysteries.’ It can also be used to contact supernatural entities.
    •This is designed to be a personal test and may ask more of you than you are willing to give. People have also reported that the glimpse of the future they were given was not worth the trouble.
    As always this ritual doesn't belong to me.
    You may need:

  • A weapon of some kind.
  • The lasabrjotur symbol
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • A weapon of some kind.
  • The lasabrjotur symbol
  • Belief
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    •Isolate yourself in total darkness and silence for 24 hours. You may only drink water during this time. You may not speak or laugh. •At exactly midnight walk to a church and circle it counterclockwise three times. •Lay the Lasabrjotur symbol on the church lock and say, ‘all trolls reach into the lock; Devil reach in so that it may break.’ •Blow forcefully into the lock. •The walk has started. •Your goal is to get to a cemetary and foresee the future without being killed by draugr along the way. •You may encounter the following entities during the Year Walk: ◦Skogsra: Seductive women who will guide you to the woods, where they will kill you. ◦Backahasten: A type of supernatural animal who will entice you to ride it in order to reach the cemetary more quickly. Instead it will take you to a body of water where you will be drowned. ◦Mylingen: The draugr of unbaptized babies who will accompany you to the cemetery. They will force you to bury them and then take you beneath the earth to keep them company. ◦Nattravnen: Night Ravens are nocturnal ravens with holes in their wings. If one sees the night sky through these holes, illness and death will quickly follow. ◦Kyrkogrimen: Church Grims inhabit parishes and guard them from desecration. These will be the first entity encountered by any walker. It may disguise itself as a priest. ◦The Wise Man: If you perform the Year Walk each year for seven years in a row then you may encounter an armed man on a horse. He will carry a wand which is decorated with magical runes. You may be able to grab the runkavle, ending the ritual. If you are able to obtain the wand then you can perform divination at will from then on and should gain secret knowledge. •Brief interpretations of some of the various things you may see are offered below: ◦If you see spirits emerging from graves then plague and disease are coming. ◦If you see elves carrying wheat, or mice pulling a cart of hay then a good harvest is coming. ◦If you see people chopping things, or armed men in the streets then it means war is coming. Safety first Wandering around in the dark while looking like you’re up for a bit of trespassing is not always a good thing. Risk level High.

    Added to on Mar 25, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1129 - Close Relationship Spell

    This is a spell that will help to solidify a relationship you already have, to create a deeper bond between you and a loved one.
    You may need:

  • • A pink candle
  • • Sandalwood oil
  • • 2 sheets of white paper
  • • Pen or pencil (red is good but not necessary)
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    You may need:

  • • A pink candle
  • • Sandalwood oil
  • • 2 sheets of white paper
  • • Pen or pencil (red is good but not necessary)
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    This is a spell you should do together, so hopefully your partner appreciates and accepts your witchcraft practices. The first step is for each of you to create a list of the qualities they like and admire most in the other person, written on the white paper. This should be a well thought out list, not something hastily written down. Have at least 6 to 10 items. Both of you should bring your lists to your altar area when you plan on doing the spell (Friday nights are best).

    Light your candle and get comfortable facing each other. Call Aphrodite (or other appropriate love goddess) and repeat the ritual:

    Lady Aphrodite, join our ritual tonight
    Bless our union and bless our rite
    Help open our eyes,
    Help strengthen our bond,
    Help bring us together,

    Both you and your partner should repeat the words. When finished, each take out your list and read aloud the items on it. When you are done, dab a little sandalwood oil on your thumb and press it to the top of each page like you are leaving a thumb-print.

    Thank Aphrodite for joining your spell, and then blow out the candle. Fold up the sheets of paper and keep them both together in a safe place in the bedroom

    Credit for spell goes to where it was originally posted.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1130 - Bonding Ritual

    This is a spell that will help to solidify a relationship you already have, to create a deeper bond between you and a loved one.
    You may need:

  • • A pink candle
  • • Sandalwood oil
  • • 2 sheets of white paper
  • • Pen or pencil (red is good but not necessary)
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    You may need:

  • • A pink candle
  • • Sandalwood oil
  • • 2 sheets of white paper
  • • Pen or pencil (red is good but not necessary)
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    This is a spell you should do together, so hopefully your partner appreciates and accepts your witchcraft practices. The first step is for each of you to create a list of the qualities they like and admire most in the other person, written on the white paper. This should be a well thought out list, not something hastily written down. Have at least 6 to 10 items. Both of you should bring your lists to your altar area when you plan on doing the spell (Friday nights are best).

    Light your candle and get comfortable facing each other. Call Aphrodite (or other appropriate love goddess) and repeat the ritual:

    Lady Aphrodite, join our ritual tonight
    Bless our union and bless our rite
    Help open our eyes,
    Help strengthen our bond,
    Help bring us together,

    Both you and your partner should repeat the words. When finished, each take out your list and read aloud the items on it. When you are done, dab a little sandalwood oil on your thumb and press it to the top of each page like you are leaving a thumb-print.

    Thank Aphrodite for joining your spell, and then blow out the candle. Fold up the sheets of paper and keep them both together in a safe place in the bedroom

    Credit for spell goes to where it was originally posted.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters