2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Love Perfume
- Knot Attraction
- Empathy
- Dreaming Your Crush
- Bay Leaf Wishes
- Truth Spell
- Immortal Bow
- Gender Switch
- Hypnotic Song
- Asking Blessings from the Greeks
#1281 - Love Perfume
Add 3 tbs of purified water to your perfume and shake it while saying: "(Crush) you shall love me and I shall be yours". Now spray it on you three times.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1282 - Knot Attraction
This spell is for any person to channel any deity aphrodite, Venus, cupid or mother maiden crone , as long as they are involved in love. Do this on a full moon in the afternoon
Sit crisscross applesauce and have the 3 candles around you and light them all. Take the bracelet and tie a knot but put a rosemary needle like leaf in the knot or put a drop of the essential oil on the knot. Then dip that knot into the wax and do the same with the other 2 knots.
Put that bracelate outside in the light of the full moon dont take it away unless the moon phases are gone. Bury the remaining rosemary and blow out the candles
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1283 - Empathy
"Although our hands may never link
Our emotions can become in sync
For a certain given time
Our hearts shall be more intertwined"
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1284 - Dreaming Your Crush
Write your crush name in a piece of paper then fold and chant this:
"Oh mother moon
I want to dream my crush
His/her name is (name of your crush)
This is my wish so shall it be"
After saying that kiss the paper then before you sleep put it under your pillow.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1285 - Bay Leaf Wishes
When it is completely burned throw the ashes into the wind.
Last edited on Sep 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1286 - Truth Spell
#1287 - Immortal Bow
Sit down and place some sticks on the ground in the shape of a bow use leaves for string. Chant this "Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. I call upon your power to use a weapon of faith."
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1288 - Gender Switch
Say 3x "Their/my gender they/I wish to change. Make me/them a gender for a day. A day so bright, so they might, change into a gender. It shall last if they want forever more. A day for now, but if they want, always and forever they shall have it. This is my will, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1289 - Hypnotic Song
Close your eyes and think of a lovely, hypnotic melody. Then chant these words 2 times: "I shall control people by my song, whoever hears my voice shall be enchanted. The only sound they will hear is my song". Reverse spell: "I no longer wish to have this enchanting voice, let my voice be reverted to normal"
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1290 - Asking Blessings from the Greeks
Before asking for a blessing or favor, make sure you know which God or Goddess to ask your particular blessing from. Example: Aphrodite is the Goddess to go to if you want someone to fall in love with you, or if you want the blessing of beauty. However, you wouldn't ask Ares, the God of War, for this particular blessing.
Candle colors for each God or Goddess (there are more colors, but my sources are limited):
- Zeus: Gold or purple
- Hera: White, royal blue, purple, rose, dark green, silver, or grey
- Poseidon: Grey, blue, or green
- Hades: Black
- Demeter: Green, dark brown, gold, navy blue, or pink
- Hephaestus: Red or orange
- Athena: Gold, orange, yellow, emerald green, or royal blue
- Aphrodite: Red, pink, violet, silver, aqua, pale green (seafoam), or any shade of light blue
- Ares: Dark red
- Apollo: Gold, white, or yellow
- Artemis: Silver, white, red, green, or turquoise
- Hermes: Any color
- Dionysus: Purple
- Hestia: Gold, dark rose, lavender, silver, or black
- Hecate: Black, orange, yellow-orange, or red-orange
Make sure if you are asking more than one God or Goddess for a blessing, try to make sure each candle is a different color, but it's okay if you have to use the same color.
Sit cross-legged on the floor and place the candle(s) in front of you OR if you have enough candles (for several Gods and Goddesses), you may set them in a circle and stand in the middle. Take the first candle and light it.
Stare into the flame and clear your head of all thoughts. Then concentrate on the God or Goddess the candle represents and greet them warmly. When and IF you feel an emotional connection, you may begin to speak. (You may leave the candle on the floor or pick it up as you are speaking, if doing so makes you comfortable.)
There are no memorized incantations. Simply ask the God or Goddess for the blessing/favor politely and respectively. Explain why you would like to have it. Be humble and respective. NOTE: Do NOT ask the God or Goddess to kill somebody.
When you are finished with the first candle, repeat the process with the next. When you have completed to process with all the candles, go back to the first candle. Repeat your request and then blow out the candle. Do this for every candle.
This spell can be used for good or bad reasons. If the reason is out of the question, then you will not receive your blessing or favor.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.