3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Madly in Love Spell
- Speak to Animals Spell
- Bottle Magic
- Communicate with a Dryad
- Bring your Lover back to You
- Charge a Crystal Pyramid
- Smooth Skin
- How to Make a Spell Book
- Demon
- Simple Love Dourna
#1301 - Madly in Love Spell
Light the Red candle and focus a few minutes on the person you want to attract.
After focusing, spray the paper with some honey (very little).
Fold the paper in four and save it under your pillow two nights.
After the second night,
burn the paper and store the ashes,
until the spell is fulfilled.
#1302 - Speak to Animals Spell
I. Somehow get your animal into a quite room with you.
II. Look into their eyes and imagine you as ( whatever animal they are ) and them.
III. Chant 3x '' From your mind to my mind, you may comunicate with me, from my mind to your mind, you shall see, anywhere, anytime, we shall hear each other when we shall speak, trust is the key. ''
IV. After that, say, '' By the power of three, so mote it be. ''
So tell me if it works, sorry if it doesn't, my first time trying, so yeah. Well I hope it works.
#1303 - Bottle Magic
Dragon's Blood ink (Powerful, all-purpose ink)
1 part dragon blood resin
15 drops of alcohol
1 part gum arabic
Dove's Blood ink (abundance, love, fertility)
1 part dragon blood resin
2 drop of cinnamon oil
2 drop of bay oil
10 drop of alcohol
1 part gum arabic
2 drop of rose oil
Black Blood Ink (cursing, binding, communicating with dead, creating havoc)
2 part dragon's blood resin
2 part myrrh resin
2 drop of cinnamon oil
2 drop of indigo
12 drop of alcohol
2 drop of nightshade juice that is extracted with vinegar
1/2 part of gum arabic
After doing that, smudge the place you are going to cast spell with sage and rub sage to candle(s) and bottle you are going to use. After splash some consecrated water to candle and bottle and dry them. Then write what do you want on rice paper, normal paper (do not raise pen while doing that) and carve the same thing onto the candle with rhyme (write same thing on both papers). You can use colored paper as well (make sure it's color is same as the candle's) Mix essential oil that represent you intent and charge it with your thought and desire. Meditate on that while anointing candle from up to middle and down to middle. (Cast circle now if you want now). Fill the bottle with a liquid like vinegar, water or honey (select the one that represents you intent). Add some herbs into the bottle and even some coloring (make sure it's same color as the candle's color). Add rice paper into the bottle and light the candle. Burn same herbs that you put into the bottle (burn them with something like tongs) and when they are fully burned, burn the normal paper with same method. Imagine energy is flowing into the wax while doing this. After they are completely burned wait until candle goes at least 1/2 of size and think about the energy inside of wax getting more intense and concentrated. visualize you intent. Think you watching it like a film inside you head. Turn that film into a drop of water and pull it through you ''third eye'' and put it into the bottle. Put 1 drop of wax from the candle into the bottle. Close the bottle and shake it until rice paper gets completely dissolved, while doing this chant some incantations you like. After paper got dissolved seal the bottle with some wax and place candle top of the bottle. Focus on your intent while it's getting smaller. Let candle burn down on it's own. After flame of candle has extinguished, chant:
''Wick of cotton, wax of bee
Attend alert listen to me
Candle burn consumed by fire
And come to pass
What I desire
Flames creep down to iron pin
Relase power contained within
Power rise as twisting smoke
Attain the goal that I invoke''
Keep bottle near you or the person you are casting spell on. After you achieved the goal that you wanted and don't need spell anymore, open the bottle burry everything inside of it or throw it to a natural big running water, wash the bottle with consecrated water and smudge it with sage. Do not allow things inside of bottle to rot. This is the combination of a lot of spells that seemed working for me. Be careful with fire, spell may take 3 days to 3 weeks to work actively. You can use crystals while doing this spell. Pay attention to planetary hours, phrase of the moon and which sign moon currently is in. Good luck!
#1304 - Communicate with a Dryad
When you find a tree. Sit down next to it. Say: "Oh Mother Nature hear my plea I wish to speak to your daughter, the spirit of this tree. I wish to speak to the dryad. So let it be". Then get into a meditative state, and then ask a question. If you make friends with the dryad, then you could get good luck.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1305 - Bring your Lover back to You
Ask each of the elements for help with the spell.
Place your hair in the pouch and say:
''Oh mighty elements, I ask for your help, my love is fading, I wish that it will be strong again!''
Place your lovers hair in the pouch say:
'' As our love grows stronger, let our hate fade. Let us be together, forever, until our last day!''
Place the petals from the flower in the pouch and say:
''Oh mighty elements, hear my plead, lead my voice be heard! So mote be!''
Place pouch under your or your lovers pillow. May take some time to work.
#1306 - Charge a Crystal Pyramid
Put out the candle. Let the incense burn out. This works best I you use a small amount of incense. Also, it is imperative that this is done on a cloudy day.
#1307 - Smooth Skin
Put 1 1/2 cups of dirt in a mixing bowl and then put 1/2 or 1 cup in with the dirt and mix it. Add about 10 leaves and one whole flower of rose petals mix all the the ingredients together and put the mixture on your skin and leave it there for 5 minutes. Ten take it off, dry your skin and feel how smooth it is
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1308 - How to Make a Spell Book
Now a you want to take a book any book will do. The one you select will be your spell book. It'll have your dreams thought and experiences. Remember spell books aren't just to keep spells in. They are also used to keep the knowledge of the past in. On the site their is a shortcut to their shop it has some blank books that you can purchase if you want.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1309 - Demon
Take the piece of paper and draw a pentagram . Then take the knife or sharp and cut the tip of your finger. Then put left hand on paper and right hand up. And say "I (your full name) shall serve satan and honor him he is now my lord my king my master."
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1310 - Simple Love Dourna
On the paper make two columns, one with your name, the other with your crushes's name. Under each column write physical attributes. Roll up the paper. Light both candles. Take the wax from one and stamp the paper shut, make sure it's rolled up.
Take the paper and hold it over the flame of the other candle, be careful it's not close enough to catch on fire. Close your eyes and send your wish, mentally. When your done open your eyes and say: "By the will Auranaza, hear my cry and help".
Hide the paper in your hiding spot where you go when you want peace, someplace no one goes to. I'm not quite sure how long it takes though, but if it doesn't work after 2 weeks then it probably won't work.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.