3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Aphrodesia Passion Tea
- Hearts Join in Love
- Get your Crush to like You
- Reuniting Reflections Spell
- Make someone Attracted to You
- A Reappear Spell
- Mermaid Enchant Charm
- Visualization to find Anything
- Simple Love Spell
- Flame of Aphrodite
#1491 - Aphrodesia Passion Tea
Remember that even love potion spells have limits. Trying to make someone love you can be tricky and not always the most successful idea, especially if the person is really not interested in the first place.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1492 - Hearts Join in Love
On the fresh piece of paper, write: "Love is strong, Love is mine. I will love a (werewolf, Vampire, human)" Fold the paper in half and kiss it. Put one drop of red food coloring on each side to represent blood and your hearts coming together. kiss it again. Say: "I love him and he loves me, from the sky, woods, land or sea, I summon you lovers, Come to me". The next day, guys will be much more attracted to you!
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1493 - Get your Crush to like You
Side effects-
-You wanting to see your crush more
-your crush wanting to see you more
-you having dreams about your crush
#1494 - Reuniting Reflections Spell
Write your name out in full, and below it write the full name of your missing lover. Now you need to place the paper and mirror so they face each other (more or less). Tip the mirror downwards a bit so it's facing the paper but don't prop up the paper. A makeup mirror on a tilt-able stand works great.
Place your crystals over both names, and repeat the following chant:
Mirror, mirror do you see?
Bring my lover back to me.
You should hear news of your returning loved one soon. Now these spells will really only be successful if you use them on another person who already loves you (or has loved you).
#1495 - Make someone Attracted to You
in a window where it will receive moonlight (full moon light is best).
Put the scent container in front of the candle and say:
Venus, grant me the love that I lack;
Through this scent, my mate attract!
Let the candle burn out naturally, then carry the scent with you, spraying on
a little whenever you are out or may be meeting people. Increase the power of
the magic by repeating the invocation as you put on the scent!
#1496 - A Reappear Spell
Needed for this spell is a Red Candle and a Crystal.
Light the Red Candle. Meditate for a few moments on your desires while holding the Crystal.
Then recite these Words...
I call on forces higher then I,
To awaken the dreams that I hold in inside
Through this connection that knows my need
I ask for love's enchantment with all speed.
May this work for me in the most correct way attracting
the love I need today....
I call on thee in perfect love & trust working
with me sending whats just...
Harming none and helping all is how it
Shall be
This I make true x3
This spell is bested begun when the moon is waxing,
but if you cannot wait that long go ahead and do it.
Take a photo of your lover and a photo of yourself.
Using a paper clip, hook the photos together so that the faces
are on top of each other.
The idea is that the person cannot see past your face.
Take the photos and place them at the bottom
of your underwear drawer.
The person should soon write, call, or reappear.
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1497 - Mermaid Enchant Charm
Put the salt and water in the cup and mix. Then take the shell and drop it in there. Next, take your charm and put it in the mixture. There you have it a mermaid enchanted charm!
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1498 - Visualization to find Anything
Concentrate on the third eye while concentrating on what you desire to find. Picture it where it could be. Concentrate on the intention and desire together while visualizing looking into yourself.
Find it within yourself by looking into your own soul with your concentration. If you lack the energy but know your element you could probably boost your focus by surrounding yourself with materials relating to your element or you could visualize a beam of energy based on the element coming from the universe to you or try picturing your own system of getting energy.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1499 - Simple Love Spell
Wait until it's dark outside and stand on top of the hill naked. make a circle of salt and place the gold/silver candle in front of you. (The gold/silver one represents the target: gold for a boy, silver for a girl. If you are a girl targetting a girl, you need 2 silver and none gold, vise/versa for a boy)
Next, but the red one directly to your right. This candle repressents love.
After that, put the last remaining candle on your left. It represents you.
Say once:
"Draw him/her too me, so mote it be."
Light the candles and sit until they burn out. (You can sleep in the salt circle until the dawn is there and the candles have burnt out.)
When you're done, take a handfull of the salt and scatter it in the wind.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1500 - Flame of Aphrodite
Write down the personalities, traits, and features of your love with the red pen(if you chose the red pen, use the pink candle. If you you use the pink pen, use the red candle). Once you have done that, fold the paper towards you, burn the paper, and say
"Goddess Aphrodite, hear my cry.
Grant me love that match my
desired personalities, traits, and features.
This is my will, so mote it be."
Once it hits the flame put it in the bowl. You don't want to burn your hand.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.