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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Popularity
  2. Infinte Love
  3. Love
  4. Abandonment Spell
  5. Homeless Animals Spell
  6. Love Spell
  7. Singing Spell
  8. Lost Pet Spell
  9. Love Attraction Ritual
  10. Charming an Item for Good Luck

#1581 - Popularity

This spell will cause you to be noticed more so that people engage with you and like you.
You may need:

  • A marker
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    You may need:

  • A marker
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    Sit down close your eyes and visualise you walking down a hall. Imagine a bunch of people are crowding you. Then take a marker and write "popular" on your arm.

    Added to on Jan 02, 2014
    Last edited on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1582 - Infinte Love

    Worked for me, hope it will work for you as well. This spell will bring you love.
    You may need:

  • 5 red/pink candles
  • 2 white candles
  • A bowl of sand/dirt
  • Red rope
  • Some water
  • Your favorite incense(it works better with sweet one)
  • A ring, necklace, bracelet(optional)
  • A knife
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    You may need:

  • 5 red/pink candles
  • 2 white candles
  • A bowl of sand/dirt
  • Red rope
  • Some water
  • Your favorite incense(it works better with sweet one)
  • A ring, necklace, bracelet(optional)
  • A knife
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    Draw a pantacle on a plat surface and put a red candle in each spot of it. Place the bowl with the sand/dirt in the middle of the pentacle. Then light the red candles by following the lines of the pentacle and say this words:

    "Fire burning,wind howling,water flowing and earth strengthening. Witness me and be my guide"(X5)

    While saying this throw some water on the pentacle,be careful not to turn of the candles! Then write your's and your lover's or the one you wish to atrract full names on the white candles,one on each. Take the red rope and tie the white candles with the infinity symbol(turned 8)while doing this imagine there's a red rope tying you and your love.

    Place the tied candles in the bowl of sand and say 5 times:"forever and ever" while imaging both of you holding hands. Light the white candles while chanting:"as they are binding so shall we"(X5) Again think of both of you.

    If you want to use some jewelry you can take your piece put it in the dirt and say:"when gift will be accepted so shall our love"(X5) After chanting the ring give it to your love. Then say the final chant:

    "Elements around me united as one,
    our love shall be hot as much as the sun.
    binded forever by the long course of life,
    our love won't be cut as the red rope by knife."(say this 10 times)

    "nos amant in aeternum"(say this 5 times after finishing the first chant)

    Cut the red rope using a knife.(don't get the candles out of the sand). Burn the candle using each one of the red candles(burn it using one and blow,then the other-again by the pentacles lines) Burn the red rope using the white candle you wrote your name on. Then spill some of the red wax into the bowl with the white and candles and let them burn.

    Added to on Jan 02, 2014
    Last edited on May 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1583 - Love

    This will help make the one you love or like love or like you back. But be warned they will not actually love you they will be under a spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 jar or large glass
  • 1 paper
  • 1 pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 jar or large glass
  • 1 paper
  • 1 pen
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    Take your candle and jar or glass and put some water in the bottom of the glass but just a bit. Then put your candle in and light it. Now put that aside and take your pen and paper and write down the name of the one you have feelings for down.

    Fold it up and put it in the jar with the candle to burn. While burning say this. "He/she will love me but be in a trance if he/she to find out they will never love me again". Let the paper burn then snuff the candle out and say may blessed it be.

    Added to on Jan 02, 2014
    Last edited on May 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1584 - Abandonment Spell

    A spell if you feel abandoned and lost. Great to help those kids that are ditched by their parents for one reason or another.
    You may need:

  • 2 Votive White Candles
  • 1 small Gray Candle
  • Incense blend of the following: Pinch of Cinnamon, Pinch of Chicory Root, Pinch of High John the Conqueror, 2 pinch of Chamomile flowers
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    You may need:

  • 2 Votive White Candles
  • 1 small Gray Candle
  • Incense blend of the following: Pinch of Cinnamon, Pinch of Chicory Root, Pinch of High John the Conqueror, 2 pinch of Chamomile flowers
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    On your altar place the candles. Invoke you divinities as you see fit and light your general candles. Take the herbs and blend them together. As you do think about how people are often abandoned and alone and how happy they could be if they find those they are searching for; be it family or friends. Concentrate on this till your feel the energy in the herbs come alive and vibrant.

    Now take the herbal mixture and start to burn it on charcoal. take a breathe in of the mixture to help awaken yourself.

    Now take up the gray candle in your hand. Hold it tight and start ti infuse the candle with strength energy. Visualize the candle as being the block that separates the people/person in question and those they are searching for. As you do this chant the following:

    ''Strong you are and strong you may be,
    But even mountains fall to sands of grain.
    So stand your ground for the moment
    But know that you can not stand for ever.
    And when you do indeed fall,
    that which you hide will be revealed.
    The power of abandonment you are
    And the power of such you may well be,
    But you will soon fall and set _______ free.''

    Place the gray candle down and pick up one of the white candles. Empower and infuse this candle with the image of the person abandoned. As you do this, chant the following:

    ''Sweet _______, so loving, so caring and so alone.
    Stand strong and stand tall.
    Know that nothing lasts forever
    And what you look for closer than you think.
    The stronger you stand ______,
    the faster your obstacles will fall.''

    Place the white candle on one side of the gray candle. Now take up the other white candle. into this infuse the image of those who said person is searching for. it does not have to be a specific person, but a caring family member or new friend. As you do this chant the following:

    ''You _______ who seem so far away, you how are so caring
    someone is seeking for you who cares and loves so much.
    That which separates you two will be destroyed
    And soon you will be together.''

    Now place the candle on the other side of the gray candle, opposite of the first white one.

    Now light the gray candle. Followed by the personal candle and then the goal candle.

    Now hold our hands over that candles, not too close! Chant the following and you empower the set of candles:

    ''That which is, shall soon no longer be.
    S/he who has been abandoned will soon be set free.
    By earth, fire, water and air,
    Abandonment I now make gone, This I demand, this I swear.
    Abandonment now more shall be a part of ____ life
    No more tears will be shed, no more strife!
    ______ feel abandoned no more.
    To you I bring peace and love to your door.''

    Now let the candles burn down. The gray candle, being smaller will burn out first. As soon as you see that has happen take up the personal white candle and place it against the goal candle, thus, the wall that separates person from goal is gone and people are united.

    (All my spells are well worked numerous times over by myself and others. Time goals and end effects may vary with each person. If you have any questions, please ask.)

    Added to on Dec 31, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1585 - Homeless Animals Spell

    A spell to help find homes for animals that have none. Best for newborn animals you are looking for homes for.
    You may need:

  • Brown Candle
  • Symbol, pic or drawing of the gods of animals.
  • Best performed on a Thursday
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    You may need:

  • Brown Candle
  • Symbol, pic or drawing of the gods of animals.
  • Best performed on a Thursday
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    Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke your gods or gods appropriate to the powers of animals. (Never invoke divinities that are foreign to you.)

    After opening prayers and offerings draw the symbol of the goddess of your pantheon that guards over animalife. You can also use a drawing or a photo of them. As you hold the image in your hand, speak second prayers to the gods.

    Now take up the brown candle in hand and charge it with brown animalistic energy. Picture the animal in question and chant the follow 9 times:

    "Sweet and tender ___(animal)___, my heart goes out to you
    Here in this candle I charge for thee
    your energy and the powers to locate a home.

    Now place the symbol of the Gods that guard over animals underneath a brown candle. Light the candle and see the burst of animal enegery just feel your room and your home. Concentrate on sending love and healing energy to the homeless animal/s. Speak this prayer aloud:

    "With this candle burning bright
    I send this prayer to you tonight.
    I hope that you will hear my call
    for the animals great and small.
    ________, my God, keep them strong
    as they walk this path that's long.
    ________, my Goddess, send your love
    and shine upon them from above.
    Hold them close, let them not be alone.
    Please help each one find a home.
    And with this prayer may people see
    animals need them. So mote it be."

    Let the candle burn out. Gather the wax and picture and place it in a nice safe closed place like a decorated wooden box or something of the like, till your pet finds a home.

    If you are doing this spell for lost and homeless animals in general, you may want to repeat this spell frequently because more animals are abandoned each day.

    Added to on Dec 31, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1586 - Love Spell

    This is a white magic love spell for any single person who wants to meet the love of their life and overcome loneliness. This spell should preferably be carried out in the week after the new moon.
    You may need:

  • Red rose petals
  • 1 white candle
  • 3 yellow candles
  • A glass of mint tea
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    You may need:

  • Red rose petals
  • 1 white candle
  • 3 yellow candles
  • A glass of mint tea
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    Cast your circle. Arrange the three yellow candles so that they form a triangle in front of you, and place the white candle in the middle. Spread the rose petals around you.

    Recite the following love spell incantation:

    "I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can find my soul mate, I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can overcome my loneliness, Such is my will"

    Drink the glass of mint tea, then extinguish the candles one by one, starting with the white candle. Collect the rose petals, let them dry for one week in between two sheets of aluminium foil, and then scatter them in a river or stream

    Added to on Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited on May 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1587 - Singing Spell

    This spell makes you sing like an angel.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Body
  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Body
  • Mirror
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    Look at yourself in the mirror. Start singing a song and watch your throat. Sing for 30 seconds. Now recite these words 3 times.
    ''Make my voice beautiful. Make me sing like the angel, that i am.'' After reciting those words, your done!

    WARNING: If not done right, may lose voice forever.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1588 - Lost Pet Spell

    To guide a pet home that may be lost.
    You may need:

  • 1 brown candle
  • 4 white candles
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    You may need:

  • 1 brown candle
  • 4 white candles
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    Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Particularly gods that are guardians of domestic animals (Reye, Herne, Artemis and so on) Never invoke a god that is not of your faith.

    Perform first prayers and gift your offerings.

    Place the white candles in the 4 directions of your altar (north, east, south and west) Take up the brown candle and charge into it brown animalistic energy and images of your lost pet. Say the following 9 times:

    ''May this candle come to be
    __(Pets name)__, who I want to see.
    __(Pets name)__, come home to me,
    And as my will, so mote it be.''

    Place the candle down in the middle of the the 4 candles and light them all. Hold your hands over the candle display and say the following 9 times while picturing your pet returning:

    ''May the wind blow in the direction of my love,
    May the sun light your way home so long as you are lost,
    May the rain quench your thirst, since I can't,
    May the Earth give you strength beneath your feet,
    And may the Goddess ______ hold you in her arms.
    And if you can't find your way home to me
    Find a new home with someone as loving as me.''

    Let the candles burn as long as you can let them. It may take a few days for your pet to return, so be patient.

    Added to on Dec 25, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1589 - Love Attraction Ritual

    This is a 2 part ritual to help you remove negative blocks and attract love into your life.
    You may need:

  • Sea salt or epsom salt
  • Lavender oil
  • Love bath crystals (purchased at pagan store or online)*optional*
  • Apple blossom or rose insense
  • Red or pink candle
  • Pink parchment paper
  • Pink red or white tealight candles
  • Red pen
  • White clothing
  • Rose petals
  • Rose quartz
  • Rose tea
  • Honey*optional
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    You may need:

  • Sea salt or epsom salt
  • Lavender oil
  • Love bath crystals (purchased at pagan store or online)*optional*
  • Apple blossom or rose insense
  • Red or pink candle
  • Pink parchment paper
  • Pink red or white tealight candles
  • Red pen
  • White clothing
  • Rose petals
  • Rose quartz
  • Rose tea
  • Honey*optional
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    Prepare your bath and fill it with warm water put as many tealights as you can in your bathroom. Add the salt lavender oil and bath crystals into the water. Now close the lights and emerge yourself in the water with the intention of clearing your heart mind and soul from all negativity.

    Say a small prayer to your chosen diety asking to cleanse you from all negativity while doing this you should be pouring the batg water on your relax and clear your mind of all thoughts and meditate for at least five submerge your whole body if you can into the water three times. Give thanks to your diety and you can shower off with only water. Get out of the tub and let yourself air dry. Fill and save a cup with the bath water

    Now wear the white clothing and move to your altar set up your altar with the herbs and rose quartz. Light the insense again clear your mind and using the red pen and parchment paper write down your wish as if you already got it for example *thank you goddess i am so happy and greatful for all the love you have brought into my life* etc...

    Write everything you want in detail and give thanks as if its already yours. Now when your done dress the red candle with lavender or any other love drawing oil make youself a hot cup of rose tea and put the parchment paper with your wishes under the candle. Light the candle and meditate on our desired outcome visualuzing love surrounding you. Keep the parchment paper under your pillow for 30 days and during these 30 days everyday thank your diety for the best thing that occured to you that day. After the 30 days your wish will come true and love will be attracted to you like a magnet.

    Added to on Dec 25, 2013
    Last edited on May 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1590 - Charming an Item for Good Luck

    This spell will make any item you wish a portable good luck charm.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or Marker(they need to have green ink)
  • The item you wish to Charm
  • Any color yarn
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or Marker(they need to have green ink)
  • The item you wish to Charm
  • Any color yarn
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    This spell has to be performed at night or dawn. First you draw a pentagram on the piece of paper. Put the item you wish to charm in the center of the pentagram. Focus on the object,and then imagine power flowing from your soul to the item.Then say the following words

    "Lady of Luck, please send me your good luck. Make this item filled with good fortune. Send a lot of good luck so mote it be"

    After you chanted those words wrap your item in the yarn. But be creative(i made my item into a necklace). Finally, soak the pentagram in water, then tear it up into little pieces, then you can bury the paper,put it in a box,or a bag.

    Added to on Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters