3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Isis Love Spell
- Charm A Ring
- Love Vision
- Soul Mate Hex (Chaotic)
- Charmed Fruit: Love
- Using The Right Incense For Spells
- Change your Hair Color
- Become a Fairy
- Charm a Protective Necklace
- Black Love For Teens
#1671 - Isis Love Spell
#1672 - Charm A Ring
Chant x5: "I summon the greek god (name)" then slip on the ring and chant: "I charm this ring with the (power of nature)". Repeat.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1673 - Love Vision
So, All you need to do is chant this 3 times ending with So Mote it be:
"Two friends in love need reassurance. Bring her that dove of peace and endurance. Give her the vision that loves been smitten. Give her the key, to bring her some glee."
There you have it If it doesn't work, try it again, it may just hit your friend on a subconscious level but she will know.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1674 - Soul Mate Hex (Chaotic)
#1675 - Charmed Fruit: Love
First get a fresh pomegranate, start to put your energy in it, Put it in sun light and the moon light to absorb their energy. After you do all this: On a waxing cresant moon eat two seeds to get bueaty or get your lover to eat one and you eat one and you guys will start to be even deeper in love.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1676 - Using The Right Incense For Spells
- Air - Intellect, Communication
- Altar - Altar, Smudging tools
- Amber - Love, Happieness
- Ambergris - Psychic ventures
- Apple Blossom - Peace , Success
- Astral Travel - Aids in sleep or meditation
- Banishing - Repel negative influences
- Bayberry - Protection , Control
- Benzoin - British Coronation, Occult
- Bergamot - Attract money , Uplift spirits
- Black Opium - Opening hidden worlds
- Cedarwood - Healing , Purification , Unhex
- Chocolate - Peace , Soften strangers
- Chocolate Mint - Relaxing , Happieness , Energy
- Cinnamon - Purifying , Stimulating , Money
- Clove - Stimulating , Stress relief
- Coconut - Protection , Chastity
- Copal - Love , Purification , Uplifting
- Cypress - Protection , Uplifting , Peace
Desert Rain - Revitalize , Cleansing
Divination - Smudge tools prior / Divination
Dragon's Blood - Potency , Protection
- Earth - Money, Stability, Peace
- Egypt.Musk - Love , Lust
- Eucalyptus - Healing , Purifying
- Fire - Courage ,Power , Purification
- Frankincense - Astral Strength , Protection
- Frank/Myrrh - Purification, Healing
- French Vanilla - Love , Psychic abilities
- Gardenia - Peace , Love , Healing
- Geranium - Power in rituals / Magick
- Ginger - Success , Empowerment ,Money
- Healing - To speed healing in all areas
- Hi John - Strength , Confidence , Prosperity
- Honeysuckle - Money , Psychic power
- Isis - Goddess of Magick / Mystery
- Jasmine - Love , Money , Dream
- Juniper - Calming , Protection
- Jupiter - Prosperity , Spirituality , Money
- Kyphi - Attract love , Success , Banishing
- Lavender - Cleansing , Healing , Love
- Lemongrass - Psychic / Mental clarity
- Lilac - Warding off , Soothing
- Lily of Valley - Peace / Comfort
- Lotus - Opening , Elevating , Protection
- Love - Personal opening , Love drawing
- Magnolia - Peace , Luck , Stability
- Mars - Sexual / Physical energy
- Mercury - Eloquence , Mind , Study
- Moon - Prophetic dream , Peace , Love
- Mulberry - Peace , Joy
- Musk - Aphrodisiac , Prosperity
- Myrrh - Hex breaking , Meditate , Healing
- Nag Champa - Most popular scent in the world
- Neroli - Chance , Opening , Clarity
- Night Queen - Chance , Success
- Oak Moss - Native American , Breathing
- Orange Blossom - Attract Men , Peace , Luck
- Patchouli - Mystery , Growth , Love
- Peppermint - Cleasning , Protection , Success
- Pine - Grounding , Strength , Cleansing
- Prosperity - Attracts abundance , Riches
- Protection - Deflect negative inflences
- Psychic - Increase psychic awareness
- Purification - Cleansing self of negativity
- Rain - Cleansing & Purification
- Rose - Love , Houseing blessing , Fertility
- Rosemary - Rememberance , Energy
- Rue - Protection from hexes / Cures
- Sabbat - Holiday , Celebration , Feast Day
- Sage&Cedar - Healing / Protection
- Sage - Wisdom , Clarity , Purification
- Samhain - Oct. 31 - November 1
- Sandalwood - Spirituality , Protection
- Saturn - Longevity , Vision , Purification
- Smoke Eater - Alleviates smoke pollution
- Spice - Cleansing , Clearing , Grounding
- Spirit - Awareness / Spiritual realm
- Strawberry - Love , Luck
- Sun - Energy , Protection , Illumination
- Temple - Use in your sacred space
- Tropical Rain - Grounding , Beginning
- Vanilla - Lust , Mental power
- Venus - Love , Joy , Happiness , Friendship
- Vetivert - Unhexing , Money , Peace , Love
- Violet - Awareness , Luck , Love
- Water - Love , Dreams , Psychism , Healing
- Wisteria - Spiritual realm , Grounding
- Ylang Ylang - Euphoria , Harmony , Love
- Yule - Winter Solstice
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1677 - Change your Hair Color
Think of the color hair you want it to be. If it is a lift color stay in a very bright room and chant "Make it change I will look beautiful I don't so I ask ye to change me so mote it be"
Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1678 - Become a Fairy
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1679 - Charm a Protective Necklace
Place candle directly infront of you (if you're using a table or something place it on that if not just use the floor). Fill a bowl of water and put it to the left of that. Fill a bowl of salt and place it directly across from the candle.
Put the feathers to the right of the candle. Light the candle at this point (preferably with maches) Tape or pin the pentacle to a wall with the necklace over it.
Starting over the candle move your non-dominant (receptive) hand over each element going clockwise and chant: "Elementa ignis, aqua, terra, et a'ris per hoc monile protegas me ex mali spiritus et infitialis industria".
Continuing to chant and moving your hand hold your other hand over the necklace. Channel the energy from the elements to the necklace focusing on the thought of it protecting you and warding off evil.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1680 - Black Love For Teens
Set the three candles down alligned in front of you. Light all of the candles from the middle one and outward from left to right. Move the objects one by one in a circular motion around each of the flames, from left to right. Have the motion of the object depend on the speed of the person your attracting. Example: If you want the relationship to start slow and speed up later, Start motioning around the flame with the object slowly then speed up. Do not burn the object. And send your energy of *Want* and *Love* out your hand and fingers. And visualize the person or think of the person. Recite this while motioning the objects:
"I summon thee, element of fire,
Through passion and love I now invoke,
The wall beyond free will shall now break,
As I cast this upon his/her body, mind, and heart"
Once done with the spell, it's not done. Return one of the physically close to items to that person, but keep the Emotionally and one of the physcially close to items with you. Put them in a safe place, A Red bag, or carry them around with you. To stop the spell, smash or crash, burn, or destroy the emotionally close to item in a way. Do not leave it in good shape at all.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.