2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Changing Your Eye Color
- Mirror spirit
- Spirits Power
- Bound Scythe
- Absolute Beauty
- Latin Summoning Spell
- Springtime: Draw Love
- New Moon Love
- Spell To Draw Good Energies To You
- Spell To Repair A Friendship
#1741 - Changing Your Eye Color
Sit down and put the candle in front and light the candle. Then chant 3 times: "(color of your eyes) to (color you want them to be) is what I want, now change them into (color you want)".
Drink the water, then blow out the candle. Look in the mirror your eyes should be changed to the color you want.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1742 - Mirror spirit
Mail me for any questions at darth_mavy :)
#1743 - Spirits Power
Take your wand and point it at your spirit then say:
"By the power of my wand I give (spirits name) the power of humans. Moving objects, casting spells, breaking items, at ease. I mote it be."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1744 - Bound Scythe
Relax, center yourself, raise a cone of energy and say:
"Bring me my handle,
bring me scythe,
may this scythe take this demons life."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1745 - Absolute Beauty
Say once
"Make me pretty
Make me cute
When they see me their voice will mute
Make me pretty make me a star
They'll think im beautiful whoever they are
Between the ages of # and a#
They'll think im a beauty
This is what I say so mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1746 - Latin Summoning Spell
The invocation: I invoke you, ye holy one! Regal and majestic! Glorious splendour! Mighty arch-daimon! Denizen of chaos and Erebus, and of the unfathomable abyss! Haunter of sky-depths! Murk enwrapped, scanning mystery, and guardian of cults! Flame-fanning terror darter! Heart-crushing despot! Satanachia of daimons! Invincible Lucifer!
The prayer: domine deus meus in te speravi conlitebor tibi domine in toto corde meo quem ad modum desiderat cervus ad fantes aquarum. Ouver! Chameron! Aliseon! Mandousin! Premy! Oriet! Mayorus! Esmony! Estiot! Dumosson! Danochar! Casmiel! Sadirno! Eparinesant! domine meus Lucifer!
The conjuration: I conjure thee spirit to come and show thyself in fair and comely shape without guile or deformity by the name of Casmiel! By the name of beloved Lucifer! By the dread day of final judgement! By the omen! By the changing sea of glass! By those beasts having eyes before and behind, and having one hundred hands!
The pact: Je renonce à tous les biens tant spirituels que corporels qui me pourraient estre conferez de la part de Dieu! De la vierge Marie! Et de tous les, oui, les saincts du Paradis! Pareillement de mon patron saint Jean Baptiste! Saint Paul! Saint Pierre! Et Saint François! Et de me donner de corps aaaaaaaaaaaa Lucifer!
Rituel: Astrachios asach abedumar silet scigin lord of all, Lucifer, whose glance searchest the abyss, grant me the power to conceive in my mind, and the power to execute that all which I desire to do! Oh Lucifer! I give unto thee my soul! My inward parts! My desires! And my entire being! Sweet lord Lucifer!
The Vision: I am the daughter of fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. The heavens address me! They covet and desire me with furious appetite! I am shadowed with the hot circle of stone, and encovered with the crimson warning clouds! I am deflowered and yet a virgin! Behold! I will bring forth children unto you, oh my husband, Lucifer!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1747 - Springtime: Draw Love
Cast your circle and invoke a deity of love, such as Venus or Freya. You may also simply invoke the Goddess. Light the candles and meditate on your intentions with the penny in your receptive (non-dominant) hand. If you like, you can play soft romantic music, burn incense related to love such as rose or lavender, or anything else to set the mood. Then, rub the penny between your fingers until it is warm and chant the following incantation:
"My love is pure, my heart is full
Goddess, hear my plea
Send a new love to my side
Wherever s/he may be"
Visualize the penny glowing with light of a relevant color, such as red or pink. When you are ready, conclude your ritual but always keep the penny with you, in your hand or perhaps your pocket. Go to the tree or bush and bury the penny beneath it. If you can, it would be especially good to perform this spell outside with the tree or bush actually in your circle, so that you do not have to end your ritual before going outside and burying the penny. If you are able to do this, bury the penny before you close your circle.
Be sure that you perform this spell well before the tree or bush stops growing for the year. If possible, perform it before the plant flowers. This way, the power of the spell will grow as the plant grows and flowers. Some especially good plants to use include rose bushes, lavender shrubs, and apple or cherry trees. If you like, you can also bury the penny in a flower garden. If you have no other place to put the penny, a potted plant could be a good alternative.
Be sure to dig up the penny before the plant starts to fade for the year. You dont want your love life to wither as winter approaches.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1748 - New Moon Love
On the night of the new moon, write on it this incantation:
"As this heart glows in candlelight, I draw new love to me tonight."
Then bathe and change into night clothes. When you're ready, light a red candle and read the spell aloud. Hold the heart in front of the flame and let the candlelight shine upon it. Visualize it glowing with loving, magnetic energy that will draw love into your life.
Then place the heart and spell in a new envelope and seal it with wax from the candle. Conceal the envelope and leave it undisturbed for one cycle of the moon.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1749 - Spell To Draw Good Energies To You
''This magnet will attract and draw good energy to me.
Good things will come my way and Ill accept them happily.''
Visualize good things coming your way, imagining the feeling as clearly as you can. Then unwrap the paper from around the magnet and catch it on fire by the candles flame. Quickly put it in the flame-proof dish. Imagine the energy you put into the paper being released into the world to do its work. End your rite and close your circle. Carry the magnet with you to draw good energy.
#1750 - Spell To Repair A Friendship
''A friend and I have had a fight
I need some help to make things right
I truly want to stay good friends
So help me, then, to make amends''
Draw the symbol you carved on the candle at the top of the paper. Then write down what you feel: what youre sorry for, what youd like to have happen, how you feel about your friend, why youd like to remain friends, etc. Sign your name at the bottom of the paper. Then take the materials to make your gift and put it together. As you begin, say:
''I make this gift with love and care
In hopes that it will help repair
The damage done, the hurt and pain
And help our friendship to remain''
Pour love and compassion into the gift as you make it. Visualize it glowing with a soft, peaceful, loving light. When youre done, place the gift as well as the paper inside the envelope. Seal the envelope with wax from the candle. Gaze at the candle for a little while and visualize your fight coming to an end or your friendship returning to an undamaged state. Think of having a conversation with your friend and imagine everything going well and the fight being resolved. When youre ready, give thanks and close your circle. When you next see your friend, give him/her the envelope. Have a sincere conversation and do your best to heal the friendship.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.