This spell is a spell I made to strengthen relationships and I have personally used this on my own and it has and is working.
You may need:
Bay leaves
Lemon juice
A pot
A stove
Glass jar/tube/container
You may need:
Bay leaves
Lemon juice
A pot
A stove
Glass jar/tube/container
Mix the herbs and spices into the pot and add water (only an inch or two high).
Boil on high and add lemon juice.
While boiling for 5 minutes, picture your significant other and your love and bond growing stronger and imagine both of you smiling and happy.
(Optional) ask your deity to bless your spell.
Poor herbs/spices and the water into the glass container.
Leave container out in moonlight for one night.
When ready to be used, rub a small amount of the liquid across your wrist, heart and forehead with your S.O . In mind.
A basic homemade love spell to increase your CHANCES with a particular person of your choice. Must be done on a Full Moon
You may need:
Full Moon
Cast the Circle
Call the Elements
Herbs-Basil and Cinnamon
Stones(If you have any) to increase the spell.
Paper or Parchment Paper
Invoke your chosen Deity for me it would be Bastet
You may need:
Full Moon
Cast the Circle
Call the Elements
Herbs-Basil and Cinnamon
Stones(If you have any) to increase the spell.
Paper or Parchment Paper
Invoke your chosen Deity for me it would be Bastet
Focus your intent on what you want.
WHY you want the spell to be done?
Cast the Circle and Call the Elements and invoke your chosen deity corresponding with Love or Romance.
Make SURE there is a full moon.
Meditate with energy so you can charge the pink candle with that energy so its charged, cast the circle call the elements and invoke your deity,anoint your pink candle with the herbs (Basil and Cinnamon), light the pink candle, write on a piece of paper ''(your name or someone else's name) and then write the targets name on top of your name or someone else's name'' the spell can be done for a friend.
Visualize within the flame that your goal is complete and that these two people you have chosen are together. Make a Crystal grid around the candle to increase the energies.
Then you must chant:
''Upon this Blessed Night
I ask that the Goddess (YOUR GODDESSES NAME)
to unite these two souls so that they
may find happiness, may their romance
together warm the hearts of themselves and others,
with the power of these herbs and stones
So mote it be''.
Thank your deity and leave an offering, if its for a friend tell them to leave an offering and a thank you.
Light the candle and meditate. Then write your full name on a bay leaf and drop it into the bottle. Write why you need the money on the paper, and add this to the bottle.
Drop the dimes in the bottle and for each one you drop in chant:
"Towards this wish the money grows
It leaps it bounds it over flows
Coins that jingle coins that shine
Come to me now for you are mine"
This spell will make your dream guy or boy come true.
You may need:
You may need:
Say: "Dear Aphrodite and Morpheus hear me plea I wish for my dream guy/boy to come true. I wish he (say a very specific description of your dream guy/boy)"
Protect your plant(s) and not only that but will also help them grow and prevent death.
You may need:
1 green candle
The plant(s)
Atheme and or wand
Other candles
Moon/sun water
A bowl
You may need:
1 green candle
The plant(s)
Atheme and or wand
Other candles
Moon/sun water
A bowl
Light candles and cast circle. Picture the plant(s) or seed(s) growing and maturing. Recite this spell:
"Kitty in the garden,
Doggy in the meadow,
Wolf in the forest,
Elk grazing in the vally.
Grow to aid my ailment .
Grow to look pretty.
Grow with the essence of life,
Heart, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit at hand.
I here by Bless (Plant Name(s))
With the Light and Energy
So mote it be."
You can use it for anything. Examples: love, health, wealth, etc.
You may need:
1 small stone
1 candle(correct color for desire)
Yarn or string the same color of candle
Salt water
Table salt(iodized or uniodized)
A cloth
Oil(olive,jasmine,or mint)
Bowls(glass or crystal)
Appropriate herbs and incense(optional)
You may need:
1 small stone
1 candle(correct color for desire)
Yarn or string the same color of candle
Salt water
Table salt(iodized or uniodized)
A cloth
Oil(olive,jasmine,or mint)
Bowls(glass or crystal)
Appropriate herbs and incense(optional)
Light candles and incense. Hold stone in your right hand. Run rock through flame three times. Put into salt water. Cup hands over bowl.Take rock ouut of salt water and sprinkle herbs on it. put rock into dry bowl.Get rock out and sprinkle with oil then put back.Sprinkle salt on rock. Wrap rock in cloth and tie with the yarn or string and leave for at least 24 hours. Let candle and incense burn out on its own; leave rock (wrapped), incense, and candle together.
It will make your crush love you if he feels the same way.
You may need:
1 vial of your crushes blood
1 Vial of your own blood
A mixing dish small or medium
Your crushes fav thing
A small pot
You may need:
1 vial of your crushes blood
1 Vial of your own blood
A mixing dish small or medium
Your crushes fav thing
A small pot
Take the two vials of blood and your crushes fav. Thing no matter what it is mix it in the mixing bowl. Now put these things in a pot you can make a spray or a drink.
Take some sugar (brown or white)
1/2 cup of vanilla
Sprinkle two teaspoons of cinnamon and coco
Drink warm
Mix the blood counter clockwise
Add sugar
Put it in a spray bottle
Spray once a day around you and your crush
''Goddess of love,
Please grant me my wish
to win (name)'s love
so we can live happily ever after.
I will dream of him,
He/she will dream of me,
'So mote it be' must be written as big as possible. Fold it in half again with the herbs. (if not herbs spray perfume on the paper)
Draw a heart on the paper and a pentagram on the other side of the paper.
Now everytime you go to bed, cast:
''Goddess of love,
Please grant me my wish
to win (name)'s love
so we can live happily ever after.
I will dream of him,
He/she will dream of me,
After that, kiss the piece of paper and hide it under your pillow or in your pillowcase. If you don't feel comfortable with shouting SO MOTE IT BE you don't have to XD
If you don't have a really specific person to win love from, only use:
'goddess of love,
please grant me my wish,
to win love,