3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Imprinting
- Create True Love
- Love Drawing Spell
- Crush on Me
- Sirens Love Song
- Eden's Enchanting Love
- Pink Rose Love Potion
- Beauty of Aphrodite
- Making a Charm
- Night Mother Love
#1911 - Imprinting
On the picture of the person spread your spit and blood over the persons heart with your left hands index finger. Light two red candles and on the piece of paper write:"(full name) is mine. I imprint him/her as mine."
Then, chant three times: "I imprint on (full name) as mine to belong to me. I claim you to protect you, love you, and take care of you. Blessed be!" Then blow out the candles.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1912 - Create True Love
On your alter place a red rose, rose quartz, a paper heart, and burn love incense. Any offerings of love will enhance this spell and may be used as symbolism and/or an offering. Light all of the candles and place them on your alter. In a bowl add a strawberry and apple. Smash the two fruits together making it a combined mush.
Add the rosemary and honey to the mush mixing it all together. Meditate with the energies of love surrounding you. Think about your every hope, wish, dream, and desire of love coming true. Focus on all of those thoughts, visualize, and concentrate. Think about all of the qualities that you want in a lover and look for wanting in love. Chant:
"True love I seek to see for you to come find me. My soul mate so far away come closer near me. With words of love and your love from above surround me with your embrace. True love come to me, the one for me, you belong to me. As I will it, so mote it be!"
Allow the candles to burn themselves out while leaving everything on your alter over night. If you wish, you may eat some of the mush but leave most of it.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1913 - Love Drawing Spell
''I draw this love to me so real. Awaken and exist as I create you. Come to me for we are meant to be. We will meet to fall in love. It is you that I call upon, I'm calling out to you. A love so true this is my wish, as I will it, so mote it be!''
Then blow out the candles one by one.
#1914 - Crush on Me
Get out the picture of ur crush/love. Then say, "(name of crush/love) will love me for (amount of time you want them to love you)."
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1915 - Sirens Love Song
''The call of the siren reaches out to you awakening off of your senses. Your soul can hear the sirens song of love. Come to me (full name) and fall for me. My love you can not resist. The beauty of a pearl and soft as a dove. The waves of the sea just like our love. With this song you will come to me, miss me, and dream of me. With this spell my love is irresistible. As I will it, so mote it be!''
Blow out the candle and keep the rose quartz with you until you no longer feel the need to.
#1916 - Eden's Enchanting Love
Then, take the three papers and light them on fire by the candle flames. One paper for each color of candle. Pink, red, and purple. After the papers are ash in your bowl, release the ashes into the wind to be blown away freely.
#1917 - Pink Rose Love Potion
''Goddess of Love bind our love together, bless our love and romance with your grace, for our hearts will melt by feeling true loves sacred flame. Enchant us with your magic as we drink this potion. With butterflies, fireworks, happiness, and devotion. Bring love into our lives to last. As I will it I call upon thee, so mote it be!''
After the chant serve the potion. Make sure whoever drinks it, drinks all of it.
*~::Blessed Love Magic::~*
#1918 - Beauty of Aphrodite
Take the apple and either cut it in half or eat it until you reach the apple core. Next, fill a bath tub with water adding the apple in half or the core. Add whatever you have, the pomegranate, a tablespoon of honey, and be sure to mix the ingredients well in the water. This will be a ritual soak for beauty.
Light the red candle, then the white, and the three pink candles. Set the candles on a flat surface around the bath tub before you soak. Before you get into the tub, stand before in front of the tub. Remove any and all clothing. Be sure that you will not be interrupted while performing this ritual. Close and lock the bathroom door. Rub and touch your body anywhere you want your beauty to be enhanced.
Chant: "Aphrodite I call upon thee, the Goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality. I ask of you to bless me with beauty. This is my wish to become more beautiful, I ask of you Goddess to please grant my wish. From the back of my neck to the arch in my feet, Aphrodite's beauty take over me. As I will it, so mote it be!"
Then you may enter the bath and soak in the beauty for at LEAST a half hour. When you are finished blow out the candles one by one.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1919 - Making a Charm
Take the object in your hand send energy into the object and while you are doing this think of what you want the item to do.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1920 - Night Mother Love
On the top of the paper write "night mother love spell". Then on the paper, with feelings of yearning and love, write: "On this day, on this night, I plea to thee. Let true love find me". Now light the candle and place it beside the paper. Write: "(Name of person): I choose thee to be with me. Gods I invoke, make it be".
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.