On a Saturday, light a Black candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud, three times each, as the candle burns.
Here is one half of the pair, Now his (her) love nest will soon be single And the Gold in my heart will jangle jingle. For what seems plain now seems plain And what was Sunshine has now turn to rain.
At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you!
Think of his his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity:
"Fire come from below,
bring me love that I do know,
make my heart blaze and shine,
to bring the love that will be mine!
Soon my love will come a day,
three times strong and here to stay!"
At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity...
''Fire come from below,
bring me love that I do know,
make my heart blaze and shine,
to bring the love that will be mine!''
Soon my love will come a day,
three times strong and here to stay!''
gain confidence and protection by calling the winds of fate
You may need:
You may need:
Go outside in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset
meditate for about 1 minute,concentrate on your surroundings.
then chant:
''Oh nature please don't hate, send me a wind of fate
give me confidence for my self,one must remember them self''
After that you will feel the wind blowing on you.
this works best at a waxing crescent moon.
I prefer to use candle magick for real love spells.
You may need:
1 pink candle
Rose water
You may need:
1 pink candle
Rose water
Focus your intent and energy and cleanse the candle with the rose water, being careful not to wet the wick. Because we are bringing love to us point the candle at you and start smearing the water from the bottom of the candle up towards you. Keep your desire in mind while you are doing this and really focus your energy.
If you do this properly, it should make your crush like you within 24-72 hours.
You may need:
-Lip Gloss/Stick; any type or color, doesn't matter.
-A clean sheet of plain white paper.
-Paper Clip
-A safe place to keep it.
-Quiet Room
-A focused mind
You may need:
-Lip Gloss/Stick; any type or color, doesn't matter.
-A clean sheet of plain white paper.
-Paper Clip
-A safe place to keep it.
-Quiet Room
-A focused mind
Go into a quiet room. It really doesn't matter if someone else is there with you as long as they're quiet and aren't distracting you. Sit crossed legged on the floor and take your lipgloss ( or lipstick ) and apply it thoroughly to your lips.
Take the piece of paper (rip it into a rectangle-type shape), and press your lips to the center of the paper; essentially kissing the paper.
Then, take your means of writing ( Pen, pencil, marker, etc.) and write your crush's full name above the lip print; example: Jamie (if you know his/her middle name then put it there but if you don't it really doesn't matter) Quinn Maslow.
Put the paper in front of you, as you sit cross legged, and hold your hands about a foot above. Close your eyes and really concentrate on it *think of your crush AND the spell*
You should feel a slight pull towards the paper but resist it.
Say ''*Crush's full name* needs to love me. Have him/her see the true qualities that consist in my soul, and I shall do the same. Spread our love eternally and forever until we both die. He is funny, smart, and witty, along like me and I promise to do nothing but saint-work for eternity.'' JUST ONCE!
Open your eyes and fold the paper in a hamburger, kiss a side, fold it again until it's like a square. Kiss that once more then use the clip to keep it shut.
Make sure to keep that safe until you want the spell broken.
It worked for me, and I hope it works for you. Message me if it does!
A simple love spell
It may or may not work
If you believe, then anything can happen
You may need:
1 red/pink candle
1 needle
1 spool of red/pink thread
1 picture of yourself
1 picture of your lover
Red pen (optional)
Red/pink lipstick (optional)
You may need:
1 red/pink candle
1 needle
1 spool of red/pink thread
1 picture of yourself
1 picture of your lover
Red pen (optional)
Red/pink lipstick (optional)
Sit cross legged in an open area
If you believe in calling on the gods to help you, recite this before casting the spell -
I, (Insert your name here), call upon Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, to aid me with this spell.
If not, just skip that part.
First light the candle and find your inner peace. Next, you'll need to put the picture face to face. If they are not somewhat even, you'll need to trim them before the spell. (( PS. Thread the needle before too!))
Recite the following spell over and over until you are done sewing the edges of the paper together -
Red hot love, burn bright in the sky
We are connected, make this ship fly
I know I love him(or her), I hope (s)he loves me too
Ours hearts are as one, we will make do
True love, find me
So mote it be
- If you had called upon Aphrodite, finish up by saying this -
Aphrodite, I release you. Thank you for your help. Blessed be.
After that, blow out the candle and drip a small bit of the wax onto the paper. If you can, before it dries, trace the wax into a heart. If not, just draw a heart with a red pen or pink/red lipstick
Put the sewn paper in a powerful place. I put mine in my chest that holds all my spell casting equipment.
Message me if this works
Blessed be.
If you are close to the Greek gods then cupid can temporary make you fall in love with anyone you desire.
You may need:
You may need:
Pray to cupid in your mind or out loud say with a deep connection and love for the gods say " Cupid shoot me with your arrow of love" and if you feel a arrow head shoot into your heart chakra energy and the arrow head feels like a heart shape then it has worked.
If you are feeling warm this is a simple spell to cool the room down.
You may need:
Cold water
You may need:
Cold water
First go to your bathroom and run cold water over your hands. Then dry them but dont stay too long becuase you still want your hands to be cold. Then go into the room you want to make colder
Stand in the middle of the room and spin in a cyrcal with your arms out and then chant: "As cold as ice as cold as snow make this rooms tempature drop down low"