3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Magick Balm to Heal a Broken Heart
- Dream Spell
- Truth Serum
- Love spell
- Truth
- Make Someone Love You
- To make someone think of you
- Make Lover Attentive
- Love More
- Jewelry Enchantment
#2111 - Magick Balm to Heal a Broken Heart
1. Wash the rose quartz and the jar with mild soap and water.
2. Pour the olive, almond, or grapeseed oil into the jar.
3. Add the essential oil and inhale the fragrance, allowing it to relax your mind.
4. Crush the chamomile leaves very finely and sprinkle them in the oil.
5. Add the rose quartz.
6. Cap the jar and shake it 3 times to blend and charge the ingredients.
To use the Magick Balm:
Before going to bed, pour a little of the magick balm into your palm and dip your index finger in it. Then rub the oil on your skin at your heart center. Feel it gently soothing the pain. Take several slow, deep breaths, inhaling the pleasant scent, letting it calm your thoughts and emotions. Repeat each night and each morning until your sadness diminishes.
#2112 - Dream Spell
#2113 - Truth Serum
1. Brew an herb tea from the water, nettle, Chamomil, and yarrow, and pour it into a cup. Add a little honey to sweeten it. Sip the tea slowly while you allow your mind to relax and grow receptive.
2. When you have finished the tea, place the candle in it's holder and set it on your altar, a table, or other surface so the candle flame will be at your eye level when you are sitting down.
3. Light the candle and gaze into its flickering flame for a few moments. Set the scrying tool near the candle, so that the light reflects in it.
4. Think about your lover and the issue about which you have concerns. When you feel ready to learn the truth, look into the scrying tool and behold your lovers face before you in the reflective surface. Ask him or her whatever you would like to know. You might see visions, hear a verbal response, feel a reaction in your body, or sense whats true.
5. Continue scrying for as long as you wish, asking more questions if you desire. When you've recieved all the information you need, blow the candle.
#2114 - Love spell
2)After you done meditating go somewhere comforting. Now imagine how great it is to be in love. Imagine the person you love with you, having a great time with you.
3) Now chant: ''Goddess of love hear my plea make this girl/boy fall in love with me. Make it whenever she/he sees of me make her/him com closer to me, and whenever she/he thinks of me make her/him cheeks turn red with embarrassment. This is my will so mote it be.''
4) While you're doing this visualize her/him doing these things. Such as coming closer to you or their cheeks turning red.I hope this worked for you
#2115 - Truth
Stir their wine with your pinky after whirling your pinky in your ear and say "in vino veritas" they drink it and ask them your question.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2116 - Make Someone Love You
Do this spell on a Friday. If you cant do this spell on a Friday during the full moon then dont worry! Try to find corresponding days and moon phases that work with your schedule. Be careful! Love spells are not something to play with and what you sow you will reap. Be careful what you wish for
With 6 red roses you remove the petals and cast them into the bottle, saying: "If you want to love, if you want to listen, open your heart, never forget me" (or your own words). Spray some of the fragrance into the bottle with petals.
Take the cord or string and chant while wrapping the cord around the pictures say: "If you want to love, if you want to listen, open your heart, never forget me" (or your own words) Place the pictures into the jar and place it on your altar.
Cover the jar for 7 days and on 8th day uncover to let the smell float freely. On the 9th day the person you did the spell on will love you deeply, if it is their hearts desire. After the spell is done you can dispose of the jar or keep it. If you dispose of the jar anyway is find but some witches prefer to bury the spell jar in the earth.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2117 - To make someone think of you
With these magic words I plea
Each time you see your reflection you will think of me
This is my will, so mode it be....
Keep the mirror in your purse or pocket but carry it with you wherever you go...for 30 days you will see the results long before this but it could take up to 30 days ..... Just believe.
#2118 - Make Lover Attentive
This is for when you have a lover but he or she is not as attentive as you would wish.
Sit before a dying fire and gaze into it, clearing your mind of all but thoughts of your lover. Have a small basket of laurel leaves between your knees. Keeping your gaze fixed on the fire, dip your left hand into the basket, take out a handful of leaves, and toss them onto the fire. As they burst into flames, chant out loud the following:
"Laurel leaves that burn in the fire,
Draw unto me my heart's desire."
Wait until the flames have died down, then repeat the action. Do it a third time. Within 24 hours your lover will to visit you.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2119 - Love More
Sit with your legs crossed.
Straighten your back.
Think of your Crush/Person you love.
Close your eyes and clear your mind.
Then say, three times:
When I cast this spell, I know.
She/He will love me more than He/She.
Please grant my Request, Aphrodite/Venus(other gods of love)
After the third time, Say:
#2120 - Jewelry Enchantment