3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Soul Mate
- Mine All Mine
- Of Me You Will Think
- Poppet Binding Spell
- Jar Love Spell
- Love for Couples
- Dream of Me
- Spell to Banish Jealousy
- Peace and Understanding
- Acceptance Spell
#2121 - Soul Mate
#2122 - Mine All Mine
Take the pin, and carve your love's full name into all three candles. Set the candles in a triangle around your altar pentacle. white at the top, pink on the right, and red on the left.
Take the chalice and set it between you and the altar pentacle, and fill it with water. Next light the candles, white, then pink, then red. and focus all your energy on the triangle.
Dearest Aine, goddess of love and beauty, hear my plea.
I've found the one, the love of my life, and all I want is their love.
Let me know their love and touch, let me feel the warmth of love.
Make them mine, all mine, I beg, this is my wish. please hear me.
Take a sip of water.
Then pour the melted wax into the bowl keeping the candles lit.
then say it again.
drink another sip of water.
Pour the wax
Continue alternating between saying the spell and taking a sip of water then pour the wax. Say the chant, take a sip,pour the wax; say it again take another sip pour the wax. Continue doing this until the chalice is empty. Even after the chalice is empty continue saying the chant and pouring the wax until the bowl of wax is full.
When the bowl is full, carve a heart into the bowl of wax, and your and your lover's initials.
Put it in a safe place and wait
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2123 - Of Me You Will Think
Make or buy a red poppet, sew it up leav ing the head unsewed. turn it inside out so the stiching is on the inside. Fill the doll with stuffing. Add the herbs in with the stuffing. Then put the picture inside the doll's head and sew the head closed.
Take the ribbon and tie it in a bow. If you are casting on a boy, sew the bow like a bowtie on the front of the doll. If you are casting on a girl, sew the ribbon on like a hair bow.
Now that you have your Poppet, tell it, it's name (the name of your love),and tell it that you wish to contact the one you care for. Hold it close to your heart and tell it how much you love them.
Carry the poppet with you until your love returns your affection.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2124 - Poppet Binding Spell
Cut out two small paper hearts. On one write your full name and birthday, and on the other write your husband/wife's full name and birthday. Then put them in the heads of the appropriate doll, and sew the heads shut.
Next take the two poppets and press them together. Take the pink ribbon and wrap it around the poppets as many times as it takes to keep them together. (For me it was three)
Once you've done that say thrice, Love so true, love of mine, stick with me for all of time.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2125 - Jar Love Spell
On a piece of parchment paper big enough to fit their whole name(from birth) and birthdate. Write it 5 times to represent earth,water,air,fire and spirit.
Then write your name at a ninety degree angle over theirs, 5 times. It should look like this +.
After you have the names and birthdates write what you want in cursive around the names with the red pen. Do it in one consecutive loop, don't lift the pen from the paper till the first word connects with the last. Try to keep it simple like want me,mary me, forgive me, etc...
If there are certain love herbs you would like to add put those in first such as: cinnamon stick, etc...
Then put some red wine in the jar and visualize your target drunk with love for you. This is optional but if you don't mind bleeding you can put 5 drops of blood in and for women 5 drops of menstrual blood.
After you have put in your herbs,personal concerns, and petition paper fill with the honey or lavender
Seal the jar and place the red/pink/white candle above, letting it burn completely so that the wax from the candle seals the jar.
For the first week burn a candle everyday over the jar praying and visualizing your goal coming to fruition. The the week after that move down to three days on Monday,Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since this is for positive influence you'll want to start this on the waxing moon as the moon is growing. After two months put the honey jar in a safe spell and forget it to help you petition to come to fruition, if you obsess about it it could cause negative energy to enter your spell and wipe out the positive energies you put out there.
Place the jar in a secret place until your lover has responded to you. Take the jar to a stream or lake and deposit it there when you have achieved your desire (i.e. you got married to the person or are moving in with them, etc )
#2126 - Love for Couples
You can easily do this while you're on holidays/vacation, or if it's not possible at that time - go for a weekend trip. The easiest is, of course, if you live near the river, or any water. You should be alone there and don't disturb anyone. You should go to the place with the water - lake sea, but preferably river, because it's a moving/running water. This should be done just after the sunset, in an early evening
Light the candles and leave them burning behind you, on the river bank (or beach), but not too far from the river, while you turn to the water, take each other's hand and step into the water together, each keeping the rose in that other, empty hand. You don't have to go far. Say these words together:
"Our love is warm like the fire,
deep like the river,
free like the air,
solid as the ground(soil).
God/goddess (whatever is your choice),
we're asking you to bless it,
and let us keep it
in our hearts,
for the rest of our lives."
Then throw the roses into the water - it's best if the river stream slowly takes them away, as they float on its surface. Get back to the beach, eat one cherry each and, without turning your face to the river, throw the kernels in it, behind your back. Don't look back if you don't have to. Leave, leaving the candles burning, and let the 'offers' being accepted quietly.
Come back in sunrise to the very same place, get in the water with your whole body, you can swim too... bless the river by blessing it (her), all its (her)brothers and sisters on the planet. Then thank your goddes for listening to you, and leave. If the candle flame still burns (which will, of course, depend on the size of the candle, and wind, and other factors) - leave them there; if not - take then home, wrap it in a piece of red cotton or silk, and keep it somewhere in your bedroom, especially if you live together, or each can take one candle and keep it in their own bedroom.
The ritual can be repeated, but do not come for it again until the same time next year.
Last edited on Mar 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2127 - Dream of Me
Candles and incense aren't necessary, but I always feel its helps me concentrate and get more into what I am doing (though i burn herb mostly in place of incense) any that would promote psychic senses or feelings of love/lust would work well -
In a dimly lit or dark room, close your eyes and visualize the person who you want to dream of you (preferably when they are sleeping if you know that they are sleeping), once you feel confident that your mind is connected with theirs, project to him/her a mental image of how you want them to perceive you, and, as you recite this, imagine you are doing what you would like to do to them (i.e., kissing embracing) as if it were actually happening, also visualize the setting (bedroom, in a field of flowers, get creative you want them to have a nice dream don't you).
"In your mind i now invade
you see me there but no words are said
like an angel i descend upon thee
my love you feel so tenderly
you feel my touch upon your skin
our hands are intertwining
you see in my eyes a blissful grace
and my lips you sweetly taste
this dream you'll carry even after you wake
what you feel shall not be fake
and when you see me face to face
its me you shall want to embrace"
Recite as many times as needed (as you visualize the dream) till you feel confident that it was mentally projected to them. Remember you want your mind to be clear of any other thoughts because you don't want to send mixed messages - anything else you might be thinking of could also be projected to them.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2128 - Spell to Banish Jealousy
Starting in the east, walk around the room clockwise with a cinnamon joss stick in your right hand. Visualize a blue sphere surrounding your home.
2. Step into the circle. Using the knife, etch your name on the candle chosen to represent yourself, and the jealous person's name on the green candle. Start so the name begins nearest the wick and goes down the candle.
3.Anoint your candle with cinnamon oil. Light it saying:
''It is my will to banish jealousy from my life.''
Now anoint the green candle and say:
''This candle represents a jealous person who will trouble me no more.''
4. Light the green candle and move it out of the room towards the front door, saying:
''I banish envy out of the door. May your spirit grow past petty spite, to fill your soul with love and light.''
Allow the candle to burn down to the wick.
5. Bind your spell by imagining a blue ribbon of energy and tie a knot with this around your candle, saying:
''I call on Earth to bind this spell, Air to speed its travel well, Fire bring spirit from above, Water fill this spell with love. This spell bound around shall be, to cause no harm nor return on me. As I do will So Mote It Be.''
6. Thank the elements, saying:
''Earth, Water, Fire, Air, leave this circle to my care. Go with my thanks and with my love.''
Now walk around the room anticlockwise with a cinnamon joss stick, seeing the blue circle of flames fading away
#2129 - Peace and Understanding
Cast a circle, light the pale blue candle from the altar candles and light the frankincense. Allow them to burn briefly alone while visualizing a peaceful resolution to the current situation.
Visualize all the parties reconciling and peace returning. Light the astral candles one at a time, as you light the candle state it's identity, ie: "This candle is me, ________.", or "This candle is ________, my friend".
As each candle is lit, visualize the person it represents. Meditate for a few minutes on peace and understanding, allowing your mind to travel to a calm, beautiful place to relieve any stress brought about by the situation. Place a bit of the salt into the water saying: May any impurities be cast out of this water that it may serve my purpose.
Pick up the water and walk deosil around the circle casting water as you go and saying: Purified water cast out the stress and strife that exists between myself and my family/friends. Cast out the arguments, cast out the misunderstanding, cast out the ill will.
Return to the altar and repeat the following spell:
"From out of the dark and into the light
A circle cast, a candle burns bright.
I look towards the sky...my song do I sing.
Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring.
I offer my all! My mind, I then clear
Harken my call! I feel you are near!
Candle burns higher; my spirits set free!
Hotter than fire, this magick will be!
Let magick come 'round, from under the ground,
To form with my sound and then, to be bound!
Around me I feel the magick so real,
Before you I kneel.. the spell I now seal!
Let all hatred cease! And let there be peace!
Bring understanding and love, below as above!
These words that I say, with magick today!
This spell that I send is now at an end.
Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade!"
At the end of the incantation sit for a moment and look at the flames, visualizing the result you seek taking place. Repeat the next two nights. Moving the astral candles half the distance to the light blue candle the second night and all the way to it on the last night and allowing the candles to burn out on the final night.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2130 - Acceptance Spell
''Goddess please help me to be,
accepting of others idiosyncrasies.
Let me truly see the value of,
greeting all with perfect love.
Guide my heart to let others be,
and treasure their individuality.
Each one unique and special find,
a positive thought in my mind.
To always be kind and fair,
so mote it be I now declare.