2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Cloak of Ages
- Unity charm
- Yule Ritual
- Binding a Familiar
- Know Where Someone Is
- Make Hair Grow
- Summon a Faerie
- See Your Future Husband
- Smoother Skin
- Send Love To Another
#2231 - Cloak of Ages
Dump anything to personalize the spell on the cloak. ex: blood
Point the wand at the cloak and say: Thervh Lecato Reterioum.
Wait 5 min.
The cloak is now enchanted
#2232 - Unity charm
Hold item you wish to charm in off-hand. Then put your power hand over the item with palm down.
Then say:
I imbue this charm to act as a link to other charms,
And only the charms are link by this physhical world,
As this charm will create harmony to these other charms.
This is best used with multicharmed bracelets. Best charmed to the chain rather than a spacifis off link.
#2233 - Yule Ritual
First of all, Yule is the celebration of the winter solitce its herbs are: Bayberry, Blessed thistle, evergreen, frakencense holly, laurel, mistle toe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar. First get your log and drill 3 holes in it. Put in a green,red and gold candle for the yule colors then decorate with greenery, gold bows, rose buds, cloves and dust with flour.
Last edited on Jan 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2234 - Binding a Familiar
Using the Black chalk, draw a large square, this will be the binding square for the darker parts of the ritual. Then, using the red chalk, draw a diamond-type shape inside the square, make one point of the diamond jut out of the square, enough to draw inside. Then, using the black chalk, draw a swooping line from the point of the diamond sticking out, to the two points of the square, closest to the point. Finally, using the red chalk, draw the moon cycle with the full moon being inside the diamond point, the other cycle phases being between the diamond point and the swooping black arch. (If you know any Binding runes, you may draw them in red chalk along the diamond lines inside the square.)
Now that the ritual space is drawn out, you should place the animal's essence inside the center of the diamond. Then you should take the salt and, inside the diamond, create a circle, so that it is touch the diamond buy the edges, then a triangle inside the circle, with only the points touching the circle.
Once all of this is complete, place the candles around the square, at places where the diamond points touch it. the white candle should be on the right-most side, the black of the left-most side and the red at the bottom, with the jutting diamond point at the top. Lighting the incense begins the actual spell, so steps from here on out are crucial, and if you are unsure you wish to be permanently bound to this familiar, than you should stop now. Light the Vanilla incense on the black candle, and place it in the space between the circle and the diamond, near the white candle. Light the cinnamon incense on the red candle, placing it in the space between the circle and the diamond, closest to the red candle. Light the Sage incense with the white candle, and place it in the space between the diamond and the circle, nearest to the black candle.
With all the incense burning, you need to fill yourself with the emotions your feel when with your familiar, usually trusting, loving emotions. When you are filled with said emotions, and sure of the energy, this chant will seal the spell and bind you to your familiar.
''Once alone, Born apart,
Together, we are a single heart.
Bound by magic, light, and Sage,
Live together through our Age.
Bound by salt, flesh, and Fire,
May we share the same Desire.
Brought together by the gods,
Let us never be at odds.
Sealed together, you and I.
While one lives, the other shan't die.
So Mote it be!''
Last edited on Mar 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2235 - Know Where Someone Is
Cut your hand and put it on your ear for 20 seconds while you whisper, "you have been marked" and imagine your target.
Last edited on Jan 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2236 - Make Hair Grow
Hold the part of your body you want hair to grow and chant this: "this hair of mine is awful short make it --- inches long in the time period of one night". Imagine how you want your hair to look like within the night. The more you brush your hair the quicker it will grow.
Last edited on Jan 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2237 - Summon a Faerie
Then take the 7 Flowers and sprinkle them into the bowl.
Now pour one cup of water into the bowl and chant
''Faeries! Faeries! I call of thee, Take this offering! I call on you! By the power of 3, So mote it be, So mote it be, So mote it be...''
Now in about a Day or so, a you will see a Light appearing ontop the Bowl. If the Faerie likes the recipe, It'll come into your home.
#2238 - See Your Future Husband
Cast this spell around 11:57. It must be cast in front of a mirror. First eat one slice of the apple then brush your hair and throw the other apples over your shoulder at the same time. Then at midnight your future husband should appear in the mirror.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2239 - Smoother Skin
Then take the wax and pour it on the spot(s) where you want your skin to be soft at. let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Wash off with warm water
#2240 - Send Love To Another
After casting the circle and centering your mind and energies, focus on only good emotions and thoughts of love and peace. Focus on the Goddess and the person you want to send your love to.
Write the name of the person on the paper, you can add drawings, runes, symbols, poetry, reinforcing words (Like strong, happy, carefree), etc. Then hold the paper in your hand and put the rose petals in the center and sprinkle the rosemary on top of it, and say;
''A rose is strong, a rose is love
A symbol of the Goddess above.
And this herb of comforting feeling
friendship, love and healing
Rose petals and Rosemary
May it all be peaceful and merry.''
Roll the paper up until it looks similar to a cigarette and the paper is wrapped around the petals and rosemary and keeping it together. Hold it over the cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl and take the lighter.
Burn one end and let it burn like incense in the cauldron until it burns up. Say:
''And as the fire grows and grows
May my love and will be shown
By the Goddess, I ask that *Name* gets what they need
May love come and *name* be freed.''
When all the rose petals, paper and rosemary is burned up, the message has been sent.
I use this spell a lot myself, and you can play around with it by adding more herbs or even oils if you'd like. Its simple but effective.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.