2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Amulet-spell for the unfading beauty
- To Mend A Broken Heart
- Attract to Me
- Cemetery Powerful Love Spell
- Demonic Love Spell
- Beauty of Face and Body
- Powerful Love Spell
- Spell for love in New Moon.
- Vampire
- Make something happen
#2371 - Amulet-spell for the unfading beauty
Lay on the altar of green lace flap on top of him lay golden. At its center pour hazel bark, cardamom, grains of paradise, basil and thyme. Pick up the ginger and focus on your inner beauty. Envision it as light patches running through all of your aura. Put the ginger on top of the grass. Add the cinnamon stick, apple seeds, rose quartz and garnet. Gather both ends of the flaps in a knot, tie a ribbon in their three turns, ribbon tie a triple knot. Over three and wrap the ribbon stem roses and tie it to the three nodes. Carefully trim the ragged ends of the stem and ribbons, and the resulting bag energy charge, saying:
Treasures from the outside, the treasure inside,
The charm comes from my heart.
Beauty on the outside, the beauty inside
She never leaves me.
Keep the bag on the altar or near your bed where you can see it every day.
#2372 - To Mend A Broken Heart
Write the name of the person you no longer want to hold your heart on one piece of paper and your name
on another.
Light the candle, allow it to burn down and the pins to drop out into the wax.
As the pins start to burn, lessen my yearn for your heart and desire make our love now expire.
Fold the pieces of paper, the one with your name on you keep the paper with the other wrap up in black
ribbon, stick the waxy pins through to secure the ribbon and paper and bury somewhere you won't cross
again. Sprinkle over black pepper and walk away. As you walk away from the name, your heart walks
away from their heart.
Spell by DarkStar..
#2373 - Attract to Me
"Attract to me like glue on my flesh.
I will be your absolute best".
Chant 10x and Imagine the persons face.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2374 - Cemetery Powerful Love Spell
Put on the grave of three candles. (The tomb to be older).
One at the head, right at the cross. This candle must be purchased in the church. The two legs of the deceased, simple candles, bought anywhere.
Disposes candles so we've got a kind of a triangle.
In the middle of the triangle put a metal bowl, we put into it bewitches her hair, dripping a few drops of your blood and sacrifices. Need a dove. Dove just unscrew your head and pour the blood into the same bowl, sprinkle a little and a little ground with the graves, on which all this is done.
Devils at the Tomb of the Cross, so that the cup was as if in the middle of the cross. Further, to be at the foot of the grave, it is possible to advance, to light the fourth candle and hold it with bare hands so that the wax is dripped into the bowl. It is also necessary to look at the cross and see bewitches humans. You have to visualize it and read the plot:
''You're dead man,
In his grave you sleep
In white light without looking.
You do not see how my soul Love is alarming.
Do not you hear the heart beating.
I (name) Please, I implore, I command,
Tie me (name) eternal fetters.
Let the wax drip into the bowl, because love comes to me.
Let a bowl is full, so our love filled.
Love me (name) as the Sun Loves Day, Love me (name) as the sun loves night.
As a Day in the Sun misses, so you're yearning for me.
Do not drink, is not without me, not you.
Love (bewitches the name) (your name) forever.
I call my sound, it does not unleash one. Neither the will of God. Neither the devil himself. ''
Read three times. The candle is in your hands, put out a bowl and dig this whole bowl at the head of the grave.
Others put out the candles with your fingers and throw.
#2375 - Demonic Love Spell
the right side - black spool of thread.
Under the photo of the crucifixion put on anyone doing face-up.
And on the very same cross on top, put a piece of beeswax.
Light the candles of black wax three you prepared (in the name Devil's Trinity) and read the spell:
Thirteen forces of hell, thirteen demons
Underworld beseech you, from the hell of bedrooms call
A cross upside down, dug the grave
The blood spilled
Witch-whisper magical zalet
Nine door opens for you to call it
You wander around the world crowded
Yes, Hawkeye, crow wing
(Name) find that during the day, that night
Above ground, under water
But amid the fields, but of woods
You will find (name), but his heart is to find
And if the heart will discover, the arrows at him enter
Torture, torment him become
To point out the decree, there chase
Cross upset
You conjure demons thirteen
Thirteen forces of hell in the heart of the (name) will send
You torment him, torturing, burning with fire
Torment him come forth, yearning to shift
During the day let the fire at night so the light
Think of him (name) of (name)
Miss him (name), rydom mourn for (name)
This is my imperative of hell
Thirteen demonic forces of the message
This cry of hell, demons
Flour (name) of (name).
Read it three times looking at the picture of who ought to bewitch.
Then the picture is light the candles on black, put on a plate without a pattern, let pictures turn to ash.
Then take a piece of wax, and the imaginary, imaginary it naminay when it becomes a soft pliable, add pictures from the ashes of what was left, and continue kneading his hands until he can not make a similar form
on the heart.
Put back on the crucifixion of this piece of wax:
Then take the first of the needle that you cooked and stuck in this piece of wax with the words:
(Name) of flour (name) to suffer!
Stuck second, exclaiming:
(Name), day and night without the (name) did not find the rest!
The third:
(Name) to tears (name) will expire!
Fourth stuck saying:
(Name) of black longing for (name) faint!
(Name) grief to (name) nailed!
(Name) of the thirteen demons to (name) nailed
(Name) to the power of hell (name), sew!
(Name) of the blood boiling, to (name) take a strong liking!
Ninth needle sticking Say
(Name) to (name) under the earth cry beckoning!
(Name) cooked pot of hell!
Formulated eleven needle sticking speech words:
(Name), a passion for (name) to indulge!
(Name) of (name) languish whim!
Thirteen sticking the needle of the river:
(Name) of course hell, in one bed with (name) to share! Amen
Then, take that black thread and is passed through the ears of all the needles.
When the thread that is threaded, then both ends tie knot, and capped with wax on the site enshrined Creating the turn of each candle, saying each time:
The thread is black, attended by thirteen gates, but the end came that click
conjure, the demons-cry of flour
heart, (name) to proceed, pine, by (name) flour stradat.Amin
After this action, keep his way into the woods, under the aspen bury all (cinders from the candles, but a piece of wax, with needles in it, wrapped in cloth that)
Yes, leave a generous mercy of Devils is on the cross roads in the forest is to say:
Accept, then delight, then be filled with strength, but my case will converge, spoken words of others like flint is harder! You still farmed, I specified that it is specified. Amen
Next, go away without looking back
#2376 - Beauty of Face and Body
In order to bring the beauty of the face and body, the first day of new moon, take two candles, and connect them together, tied a woolen yarn of both colors (red and yellow) light up after. As long as they burn, say:
"White and red mixed up,
Blood and milk is poured,
Drop by drop me back,
Illuminated with light all around me
My body begins to get younger,
Colors of spring returns to the face."
After the candles burn down, collect the remains and crumble into the bottle, and then fill the rest, mix well and close the cap, after the light a white candle and seals the neck of the bottle with white wax. Bury deep beneath an apple tree or a cherry.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2377 - Powerful Love Spell
Spell is better spend on growing the moon. Put the photo on the tray, put the candle on top. Roses lay around the photo. Take a candle and say a strong spell on a man's love: "Candle, I give you the name of (name)." Put the candle back in and light it. Repeat nine times a spell, concentrating on his desire:
"I stir up your heart, as it kindled a candle burns let your love for me. Your heart will melt like wax melts, as this wax flows, and you love to come to me. The candle burns, and love for me grows. Light a candle, and will show you the way to me. "
Let the candle burn down. Collect all the roses, and attach them to tie on his bed down the flowers, they should hang to dry. Brush a photo of the wax and hide in a secret place. If, before the full moon spell did not work, you can repeat it back to the Moon. Roses - a presentation of a gift of the goddess of love, so they must be at least a dozen.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2378 - Spell for love in New Moon.
- Scourge silk plet time plet destiny, weaving words. Weave it (name), the fate of his fate. I will be a reign in his heart, mind, soul and desires. Suppose he does not know the rest and relaxation, yet connect with me into one. As I said, so be it!
Roll the hair and thread woven into a ball and hold it between your palms of your hands until it is heated by the heat of your body.
Straighten the table onion peel and write on it the name of your favorite red marker. Circle the name of the pattern of the heart. Now, wrap the ball in the husks and silk from the hair. Tie bundle of red thread. Take it in hand and attach to the heart. Then the bundle you need to burn to the ground. While he will burn think about your loved one. Gather the ashes and put it in a red jar. Pour a little olive oil and place the jug under your bed before the full moon. In Moon, remove the jug, dip into the oil left thumb and lightly grease with butter crystal glass edge. Pour in a glass of red wine or red fruit juice and treat your loved one.
This spell is very effective and works immediately.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2379 - Vampire
For this you must be confident in your own abilities. If not, the spell will fail and possibly backfire. The effects of this spell are completely permanent and everlasting. Do not take this lightly. If you do do this spell, you cannot show even the slightest bit of fear or pain. It wont work if you do. You have to give yourself happily to Satan.
Now, you need to go to a completely secluded spot. A spot away from all worldly distractions. This place should be a place of nature. A field or forest. I find this spell works best in a forest. It should be dead silent except for the sounds made by the creatures of nature. Immense concentration is a must. This is best done at night. Two nights away from a full moon. This spell will be done three times. Once two nights before full moon, again the night before a full moon, and finally on the night of the full moon.
There you will place the wax candle in front of you. Light it carefully with the match. As the flame illuminates the natural world around you close your eyes and clear your mind. Concentrate on what you are about to become. Focus on the monster inside.
Once your eyes open take the knife and place it on the underside of your wrist. Make one long horizontal cut across your flesh until blood pours from the wound. Try and make the cut shallow and not deep enough to hurt yourself. Caution: Seek medical help if bleeding heavily.
As the blood flows take the bloody knife and burn the tip before placing the hot blade on your open wound. Don't make a single sound of pain. Once this is done take your open wrist and place it over the flame of the candle so the flame licks at your blood coming from the wound. As the flame burns your blood say this:
"Satan hear my plea. Free me from my mortal bonds. Take my soul and set me free. I want to run with the night. The moon rises as I succumb to my true nature. Please! Give me unrest!"
After you are done with the chant take the cup of blood from another magical being and drink it. You must drink every drop.
Last edited on Nov 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2380 - Make something happen
Once your eyes are open unfold the piece of paper and rip it in half. Try to get either directly through the center of the name or try to rip the crease. The crisper the edge on the rip the more likely the events will happen.
This has worked for me 99% of the time. I've 'wished' for everything from sex (Eh, it's natural), to getting a good paycheck at work. You can write either your name on the parchment or another persons'. The effects will be the same. (If you write your name you ARE wanting the effects for YOURSELF)
Now, as will most magic, this is dangerous. The effects of your 'wish' can be irreversible so think twice before wishing death or something else bad on another human being. If they die, there is no way to bring them back. Mean what you wish!
This 'wish' works best when you are alone with little to no distractions. Give yourself space from most worldly objects. Let your mind drift into the essence of what you are wishing for.
Have fun with this. I've done this quite a lot and it works most of the time. The only time it did not work for me is when I 'wished' for someone to be killed in a car accident. Mind you, the accident DID happen, but they were not killed. Just a few broken bones and a concussion. I really regretted it and I'm so thankful that the person didn't die. So please, heed my warning. Be careful.