3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Siren Charm
- Sirens Call
- Get rid of anger
- Personality Change
- Protection Potion
- Barrier Protection
- Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
- Charge a Crystal Ball.
- Love Binding Potion
- Love
#2551 - Siren Charm
On the full moon go outside, light the candle touch the woman on her head or touch the pictures and chant :
Oh moon listen to my cries! I call upon the sisters of the seven seas! I bless this girl to take some of our charm. From now on she'll be the blessed one. I call upon the sirens. Tonight and forever! With this moon I give her this gift! So mote it be!
To take back the blessing look at the woman and say:
I gave the power! I m taking it back!
You didn't use it with respect so you'll be powerless from now on!
Oh sisters let the blessing fade! By the next moon you'll be meaningless again! So mote it be!
#2552 - Sirens Call
Just chant:
Oh! Sisters of the seven seas! Oh beloved creatures! Hear my plea! I am your sister. I call upon our everlasting powers to help me...
(State what you want, who you want to seduce and then thank the sisters)
#2553 - Get rid of anger
You who may be upset with me
You, who may not see my pain
Feel the love I have for you
Try to be merciful and understand me
Get rid the anger now!
So mote it be!
Now think about the person calming down and huging you and it will happent.
That spell was given to me by Monicawolf... Love you Mon :P
#2554 - Personality Change
Think of how you want to be. Let it echo in your mind for an hour while you focus on it, projecting the personality you want stronger and stronger onto yourself. Do this 13 days in a row.
#2555 - Protection Potion
Cast a circle if you wish (not really necessary) get yourself in your meditative position and focus on the word protection for about five minutes. What it means, its physical form, sykik form and what kind of energies they are. Feel these energies. Once you are in the right head space, pour all ingredients into bottle (feel free to substitute some ingredients for the oils of them, if you wish the potion to be less dry. Also, you can add water if you want, but only a little. place the candle, bottle, and amethyst into a triangle position. The top point facing away from you (the bottle) and the bottom two points at the bottom right (candle) and the bottom left (amethyst). It should look like the alchemic symbol for fire (no relation). Make sure there are no distractions in the room; ie phones, lights, anything that bothers you I your meditative state. Then sit in front of the triangle of items, meditate on protection as before. Once ready, chant:
"God and Goddess of the sky and earth,
grant me protection from all that is evil,
and guide my safe passage through life.
Through this bottle, I bestow protection from all that could or will harm me, or the person who possess this object. The caster of such harm be struck by three fold. This is my will,
so mote it be."
keep meditating for a minute or two. Then, open your eyes. Pour the wax from the candle carefully into the bottle (do not use the funnel, the wax dries too quickly). keep meditating afterwards. repeat this action occasionally. Do this 2-3 times. Once done, end with the words:
"Let it be!"
be sure to say these words loudly (not too loud) and confidently. You are done. enjoy.
should ward off just about all harm. protect you from major damage and all psychological attacks. Also helps you defeat a foe.
#2556 - Barrier Protection
Draw a circle around the person or thing being protected. Place the barrier seal in the middle with them on it, then have them focus there energyinto there hands ans blast the seal.
If your doing the spell for you make the seal into a pendent and wear it for prtection.
#2557 - Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
Place both hands in the air. Speak loud and clear, " (Name), I bind you now from doing harm or causing pain". Continue to say this until you feel power coursing through your body.
Now say as loud as possible, "I've said these words of binding so now it shall be". Band your hands together as hard as possible, clasping your hands together at the end. Repeat this final chant three times.
#2558 - Charge a Crystal Ball.
Place the crystal ball on your altar between the candles and say, "Crystal ball, let the power of the future and the past enter and embrace you, so mote it be".
#2559 - Love Binding Potion
Put the holy water in a glass. Then, draw a big heart on the paper. Write your name and then his/her name. Put the glass on top of the paper. Say:
"There is a guy/girl out there,
Who wont notice me.
Make him/her look,
Make him/her see,
Who I am,
who I can be."
Then, say
"I add these 4 rose petals.
One for luck
One for love
One for Peace(
And the last one,
For me and him/her to be together
Stir the potion and take the rose petals out. place the petals around the glass. Drink it up, and in a few days, he/she will ask you out, or you ask him out.
#2560 - Love
Place all the objects together while holding hands with a friend. Repeat the name of your intended three times. Then light a candle in the middle of all the objects to draw their love to you.