Have you lost someone you love. Do you know relize what you have let go. This is the spell you need.
You may need:
5 white candles
Item/Pic of Lost Love
You may need:
5 white candles
Item/Pic of Lost Love
Mark out pentagram with salt
Place the candles on the 5 points
Light them
Stand in the middle
Chant the Following thrice:
"Wither my love,
Wherever you Be,
Through time & space
Take my Heart, Nearer to thee
This is my will
So Mote It Be!"
Whilst chanting spen around slowly holding the Item/Pic out in front of you, for the first 2 time chanting, keep you eyes fixed on the Item/Pic and on the Third time visualize your lost love and you re-united.
"Spirits send the words
from all across the land.
Allow me to absorb them
through the touch of either hand.
For 24 hours from 7 to 7.
I will understand.
All meanings of the words,
from here to heaven."
You say this spell you could instantly fall asleep or have to drift off by yourself. The speed of this spell is varying.
You may need:
Someplace quiet
You may need:
Someplace quiet
WARNING: If you do thid spell in public you may instantly fall asleep.
Grab your book and place it infront of you.
With your hand or a wand tap the book three times and say:
"With all my power and might,
I wish to go into this book tonight,
The book (name of book) I will go,
and live the life of the main character,
All i ask is for this plea,
This is my wish so mote it be!"
You can repeat the spell and can improvise if needed. For me it has worked all the times I have said it but one time I instantly slept for a short time then woke up as if nothing happened but still had the memory of it. Good Luck!
Roses(Preferably picked by someone who loves you etc, Mother,Sister)
Honey and sugar for sweetness
your favorite drink
Pink candle (optional)
You may need:
Roses(Preferably picked by someone who loves you etc, Mother,Sister)
Honey and sugar for sweetness
your favorite drink
Pink candle (optional)
Place the rose petals in the shape of a love heart
Put your hand over it and say ''Me and my love ___ Shall be together as i love her she loves me, so mote it be'' Then put the petals into a glass and pour your favorite drink over them let them soak for a few seconds then pour the drink into another glass sprinkle some sugar into the drink and a drop of honer, Send your energy into the drink and say there name repeatedly
Night Time (most advised at summers night when it is cloudless and the full moon is out)
You may need:
Flowers (any sort that you like)
Crystals (any sort)
Pink Candle
Peaceful place with long grass, wind and a tree.
Night Time (most advised at summers night when it is cloudless and the full moon is out)
Sit under the tree.
Light candles let out crystals.
Meditate deeply.
Imagine there is a huge candy store and your the shop keeper.
Now imagine the person comming to you.
They seem very interested they look at all the things in surprise...
Then they look at you suprisingly and as if they are really interested.
Now open your eyes.
Lay out the flowers, they can represent anything that you want others to see.
"Find me find me ____ (name)x2
find the goodness in me
find it...
crave it
your so thursty for it...
now find it....
erase your thirst."
When you are chanting make sure you feel thursty ( it will help ).
This spell forces some one to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
You may need:
Believe in dragons
Photo of the person or visualize the person
Will to do so
You may need:
Believe in dragons
Photo of the person or visualize the person
Will to do so
"Tis I call upon the powers of old, To call upon the dragon of Justis divine, By oks and trees old make(name)tell the truth or he shall die, In the incinerator of fire old."
Even if the wish seems out of reach or impossible, this spell is the one to use. It has worked for me many a time.
I must add it only works with white magic, so no messing with free will.
You may need:
Candle (For love Red, For healing green or white, For success Purple,For destroying enemy Black, For money Orange)
A piece of paper matching with candle colour
A pen matching with candle colour
Faith in the impossible
You may need:
Candle (For love Red, For healing green or white, For success Purple,For destroying enemy Black, For money Orange)
A piece of paper matching with candle colour
A pen matching with candle colour
Faith in the impossible
Write your name and date of birth on the piece of paper, followed by your wish.
End it with this:
"While many without faith may dismiss
I promise I will always believe in this wish
And in the things I am yet to learn
So grant me this wish I soulfully yearn."
Fold the paper 3 times.
Now light the candle and burn the paper while repeating the phrase above.
Move the candle to somewhere safe and let it burn out.
It might a bit of time for the wish to happen, but it will, unless what you wished for wasn't white magic or unless the spirits saw it wasn't what you needed, although this happens very rarely. For Good reason, cast it in Full mon, for bad reason cast it in Waning moon.
Another basic love spell for the uninitiated or inexperienced that is designed to bring back a lost love.
You may need:
A red candle (South)
A green candle (North)
A yellow candle (East)
A blue candle (West)
Two pink candles
You may need:
A red candle (South)
A green candle (North)
A yellow candle (East)
A blue candle (West)
Two pink candles
Position the candles at the corresponding corners. Hold the two pink candles in your hands and face the red candle(south). Chant the following until you feel satisfied:
"Beautiful Goddess, powerful God, hear my prayer!
Lords of fire, burn my desire, times three
If it is meant to be,
Bring *NAME* back to me."
Obviously chant the name of the person you want to come back to you.