3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Powerful A Love Spell
- Protection Charm
- Attract a new friend
- Empathy
- 2D to 3D
- Make a Perfect Guy Love You
- Friend Protecting Spell
- Cloud Magic
- To Love Again
- Love Potion and Spell
#2681 - Powerful A Love Spell
2. Place candels around you and light them,they are representing -air,earth,fire & water
3. light the rose insence
4. chant... '' As i call upon Pranxtor, spirit of fire and love.
Anticipatroan Ificialibrator Inarum, Muraniro Tarbila Ci Finaroty Apicitna! help me Pranxtor, Oh mighty one, Put this boy/girl__________ into almighty love with ___________
(in the spaces call out the names of the people relevant)
5. As you are chanting wand the wand around your head
6.blow out all of the candels adn as the smoke rises say... '' up, up and away! ''
do spell outdoors
visualise the people together
cast a protective circle!!!!
#2682 - Protection Charm
Put the bowl of water under the moon light, be sure that the moon is reflected on the water, light the candles and put them in triangle shape around the bowl, put the neackle in the bowl and say:
"I, put the neackleon the moon waterand make this neacklecharm of protection in future problems.So mote it be."
#2683 - Attract a new friend
I'm alone, I need
a friend, a friend
who will be there
with me all the
time.So mote it be
#2684 - Empathy
Close your eyes and visualize someone you know standing in front of you, make eye contact with this person.
Stretch out your feelings Telepathically and feel the other person's feelings.
Next Telepathically feel the feelings of the person, this helps you understand them more make peace in the world.
#2685 - 2D to 3D
Chant: "This thing that I have drawn, have made, needs to be real at last. Made 3D and real. I will feel (his/her) light up at my presence, I will see (him/her) come to life, let light, rain, earth, and moon bring (him/her) to life." Leave the drawing outside for a week where it will not be disturbed, and let nature grow over it, whoever you drew should appear in your dreams for 3 days, then they will should appear where ever you put the paper.
#2686 - Make a Perfect Guy Love You
Light the candle. Put the picture in the flame, as it burns chant: "He is not perfect, he is not clean, he doesnt love me, he barely knows me. Make this man whose picture Ive burned, a new man, a fresh man. Now make him love me, so I command, so mote it be".
#2687 - Friend Protecting Spell
Friend protection spell:
"Spirit of the moon borrow me some of your power untill the end,
so that i can with the power of my love protect a friend,
(friend name) is her name in my heart forever,
I place this sheid of magic on her so that she never,
will get hurt by any harm from this world or another,
spirits of the earth you are life and all the plants mother,
spirits of the water you are healing and the cleansing power,
spirits of the wind you are the ruler of the sky and you can go higher than any tower,
spirits of fire you are death and destruction but you are also light,
I'm asking you spirits of the elements to come to my aid to help my friend in her fight,
I ask for your powers to guard and help my friend in any time of need and make all evil go away,
and guide her as she make her way troght the day,
I place this shield upon her as a protection from my heart,
so that there will always be from me a part,
with the power of the three,
So mote it be."
1.Put the candles in a circle on the ground.
2.Sit down in the ring.
3.Put the red/pink candle in front of you.
4.Light all the candles.
5.Clear your mind.
6.Start chanting the spell.
7.Visualaise the enegry come from the moon and from the nature in to your heart and soul.
8.Visualaise the magic shield being crafted in your mind.
9.Visualaise the shield move from your hands to your friend.
10.Visualise the shield flying around your friend protecting her from all harm.
11.Then thank the spirits for their aid and blow out the candles the red/pink one last.
Keep the shield in mind and evry time you see your friend you can close your eyes and visualise the shield around here so that the spell will stay strong.
#2688 - Cloud Magic
Climb to the top of a tree knowing what you are going to make out of the clouds. throw your hands up and say: Clouds so high above me, Make me a ____(what your going to shape) for all to see!
#2689 - To Love Again
Slowly pour the water into the bowl and drop each petal one by one into it. Set the blue and white candle on the left side of the bowl (blue furthest from the bowl) and the red and pink one on the right (Pink last on the furthest side). Big candle goes behind the bowl.
Sing this song and light the candles in this order and do the actions in order too. "The bitter taste of tears I've cried (blue). The emptiness of love, divides (white). All this pain, I know not when (red). My broken heart will love again". Dip your finger in the water.
"I whisper now and sing so fair". Drop water from finger to put out one of the candles. "My last love seemed not to care". Put another candle out. "As the moon shines down on my despair". Put another candle out. "Please let me love again".
Put away all ingredients when you are finished.
#2690 - Love Potion and Spell
''With this rhyme,
with these words,
I call the power of
the universe forth,
Bring the love that
is best for me,
In this time I ask
of thee
Be he kind or be he wise,
Romantic he'll be
till the end of our time
I do now bring one who will love,
and care for me as a lover should
and when we are done and it's time
to move on,
no tears will be shed,
our sadness gone
I now invoke the law of three,
This is my will,
So Mote It Be!''
Allow the potion to brew for a total of thirteen minutes. Upon the thirteenth minute, put out the heat and allow it to cool. Bottle it and place it on your altar. Repeat the candle lighting everynight, and as you say the chant, shake the bottle.
On the night of the full moon, place the jar center altar. Call upon the goddess and ask her to hear you. Draw down her power and direct it into the jar. See the potion explode with red and pink light as it is overfilled with the loving power of the mother. The ritual is done.
Take the jar into your room and keep it on a shelf. Every night continue the candlelighting, shaking, and chanting until the love you have called comes to you. It should not take very long.
Keep in mind this is not a spell for a permanant relationship as you can tell by the words. It wil nevitably come to an end. You can re-word this, change ingrediants, etc to fit your desire. DO NOT ABUSE IT.