3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Potent Love
- Moonlight Summoning
- Love You
- Better Sex Powder Spell
- Simple Love Spell
- Drawing Energy
- Truth spell
- Verus Diligo - A Spell for True Love
- Reveal What Someone Thinks of You
- Seashell of Love
#2771 - Potent Love
First, mix the lavender and vanilla together thoroughly. Then put the feather pieces in the mixture and stir. Next, Rub the mixture on the wormwood(try and cover as much as the wormwood as you can). Now burn the wormwood in the fire of the pink candle while chanting this:
"Hear my will: I wish for love. Come to me. Craft it be. By the powers above and below. Love come to me, so mote it be".
#2772 - Moonlight Summoning
Say this spell outside in a chalk drawn circle: "The light of you, I need. The light of you, I thirst for. I need your light now, oh great Goddess Selene. Hear my plea!". Close your eyes and crouch down in a circle. Light the pink candle
Now take a knife or something sharp and gently cut your finger, drawing blood. Use it to draw a moon within the circle. Stare up at the moon in the sky and see it grow brighter.
#2773 - Love You
Imagine the person you want to put the spell on. Then say their name after that chant:
"You think you don't, but i know you do. you love me it's only true."
After 24 hours they should love you.
#2774 - Better Sex Powder Spell
ps:this spell really works.
#2775 - Simple Love Spell
Next spritz the paper with your perfume.
Fold the paper and place it in the envelope.
Now take the flower petals, hold them in your RIGHT hand. Envision yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals tight in your hand. Keep envisioning this scene.
Drop the petals into the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and seal the whole spell with a kiss. Apply the red lipstick and kiss the envelope!!
Place in a safe place. NEVER open it again, if you do this will break the spell.
#2776 - Drawing Energy
Light the candle, and and put the crystal around our neck, cross your legs and close yur eye, picture the world around you, see yourself taking the energy from the air, take deep breaths, this should take up 2 15 minutes, if it dont work the 1st time keep trying, practice makes perfect.
#2777 - Truth spell
Cast a circle if you do that, if not, find a quiet time and space where you will not be disturbed.
Stand in the middle of your space and place the first candle directly in front of you.
Light it and say,
I am I
and I
seek truth
Place the second candle slightly behind and to your left.
Turn towards it, light it and say,
I am you
and I
seek the truth.
Place the third candle to make up the triangle, light it and say,
I am we
and I
seek the truth.
Now sit down in the center, facing the ''I'' candle.
Close your eyes, breathe up into a meditative state and until you are quite calm and clear.
Now, see you and him sitting opposite each other, facing each other across a candle.
Let yourself rise up and out of your self until you are above the scene and you can see both of you beneath you.
Slowly turn and move so that you are BEHIND the other.
Say in your mind, say to yourself,
I seek the truth
and nothing but the truth.
Now slowly move forward and into the other, until you see yourself sitting across from the you.
Observe, see, know, talk, listen.
When you have learned what you need to learn, GENTLY move backwards and out of the other. Then rise up to the central position where you can see both of you again, then move straight back down into your own self.
Say in your mind to the other whatever you want them to know, or you need to say. Thank them for their presence, and slowly breathe down until you are back in the room, facing your candle.
You can take that time to think about what you have learned and what you need to do or change now in the hard world; when you are done, blow out the candles in reverse order, bow your head and use what you have learned for the good of all, and harm of none.
Good luck,
#2778 - Verus Diligo - A Spell for True Love
Verus Diligo – A Spell for True Love
Warning: This spell should only be used as intended and not to “compel or control” anyone to love you. If you require a spell to control someone, look elsewhere, for this spell is designed to bring your true love to you, which may or may not be the person you may or may not presently desire. This spell is very complex and not for the dabbler in magic. When followed correctly, this spell is extraordinarily effective and unlike other love spells which are temporary, can last a lifetime, so ensure that your intention is pure and your heart is true.
This spell is designed to draw your one, perfect, true love to you quickly and effectively…
Candles Needed (Cleanse each candle and anoint them with a mixture of cinnamon and avocado oil working from the top of the candle down and reciting the words EE-oh EH-voh hay (or IO EVO HE to remove the negative energy and add positive, powerful energy to each one)
* The Gold Candle will represent you if you are male and the silver will represent you if you are female. If you intend to draw a mate that is of the same-sex, you may use 2 of the same color candle (i.e. 2 Gold for 2 Males or 2 Silver for 2 Females). On the one that represents you, inscribe your full name using a needle of the same color and the other, carve the words Verus Diligo (or True Love).
Roses Needed
Supplies Needed
For Spirit
For Earth
For Air
For Fire
For Water
Candles Needed (Cleanse each candle and anoint them with a mixture of cinnamon and avocado oil working from the top of the candle down and reciting the words EE-oh EH-voh hay (or IO EVO HE to remove the negative energy and add positive, powerful energy to each one)
* The Gold Candle will represent you if you are male and the silver will represent you if you are female. If you intend to draw a mate that is of the same-sex, you may use 2 of the same color candle (i.e. 2 Gold for 2 Males or 2 Silver for 2 Females). On the one that represents you, inscribe your full name using a needle of the same color and the other, carve the words Verus Diligo (or True Love).
Roses Needed
Supplies Needed
For Spirit
For Earth
For Air
For Fire
For Water
Your intention should be firm and you should meditate on drawing loving, positive energy your way, increasing your Auras size and radiating that love energy back out into the universe for at least an hour before bed the night before you intend to work this spell. It would also be a good idea to do a chakra cleanse.
Also, take a ritual bath before you begin this spell using ONLY natural ingredients to bathe with (i.e. no soaps or shampoos). Fill your bathtub with warm water, fresh basil leaves, salt and rose petals. You can make your own scrub as follows:
Ritual Bath Scrub
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon sea salt
3 teaspoons grated ginger
1 finely grated lime peel
6 slices of cucumber, chopped
1/2 fl.oz. almond oil
1 tsp of honey
Blend the above ingredients together in a food processor. Using gentle, circular motions, apply to wet skin then rinse.
As you bathe, imagine white light emerging from your skin as you wash, clearing away all negativity and blockages. Then as you empty the tub (stay in the bathtub until all the water has drained), imagine all of the negative energy and blockages leaving you as black tar, going down the drain. Do not towel dry, simply allow yourself to air dry.
When performing the ritual, wear loose fitting clothes, preferably Silver-Colored if you are female or Gold-Colored if you are male. If you do not have silver or gold colored clothing, wear White (i.e. a white robe). Make certain not to bring any Cell Phones, Watches or any other man-made or electronic device into the circle of which you are working as they can interfere with the spell (not to mention, break your concentration).
You will want to soak the Mandrake Root in Red Wine in a Silver Vessel for 7 days before you perform this ritual in the hour of Venus (which should be at Sunrise) as it will fortify the intention meant for this powerful root.
Your altar (or the place which you will use for this spell), must face the North (as well you should when performing the spell. It should also be a fairly large surface as you will need this to work on. Facing the direction of Earth will let the spell take root so to speak, each of the other elements will aide in the spells growth and power. It would be wise to place statues and/or photos of the various pantheon(s) you will be invoking around your altar (see the list I provide below the gods/goddesses you will call upon with vary depending on your intent and the list I provide will aide in you Trust Your Instinct If you do not see a god or goddess on the list you believe you should be invoking, then add them to your spell. Remember, this is all about gaining YOUR TRUE LOVE.
Your pentacle should be in the center of the altar. The Statues/Photos of your chosen Gods/Goddesses should sit at the furthest part of the right and left sides of the altar. It is wise to have offerings placed in front of their pictures/statues (you may wish to do research on the internet to find out what each of them like, usually things like fresh fruits, veggies, etc.).
It is IMPORTANT that you always move in a clockwise direction around the pentacle when placing your objects as this is the direction of creation. Place each of the 5 white candles on or at the points of your pentacle. Around the pentacle, place the 3 Red Candles, the 3 Purple Candles and the 3 Pink Candles (grouping like-colors together) to form the shape of a heart. The heart formation should surround the pentacle and the 5 white candles.
Place the mandrake root that has been soaking at the TOP of your pentacle (within the circle of candles). Place the vessels representing each of the elements (i.e. wooden bowl with earth, chalice with water, etc) at their corresponding locations on the pentacle within the circle of white candles DO NOT YET Immerse the corresponding herbs/plants with their elements or light the candles, as we will do this below in the ritual. Starting from the top of the pentacle and moving CLOCKWISE it should be Spirit, Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Again, It is IMPORTANT that you always move in a clockwise direction around the pentacle when placing your objects as this is the direction of creation.
Place 3 Red Roses and one purple on the left side of your altar and 3 Red Roses and one Purple on the right side. Tie these groupings together with the Hemp or Twine. The remaining Red Rose, Purple Rose and Orange Rose will be placed roses-facing you at the north side of your altar (above the heart formation of candles) bundle these together with hemp also. We will be using the white roses in the ritual so keep these, as well as the remaining ingredients, handy.
Now, for the suggested Gods/Goddesses for your intentions:
If you are straight - Attracting a Female
If you are straight - Attracting a Male
If you are Gay Attracting a Partner
Backlum Chaam
Chou Wang
If you are a Lesbian Attracting a Partner
Begin by consecrating an area that you will be using to perform this spell Cast a Circle and Call the Quarters. If you do not know what these things are, you are in the right place to find them (the internet) and perhaps you should do more research before continuing forward.
Once your circle is cast and the Quarters have been called, you may begin.
Call to the Gods/Goddesses you are using and gain their attention by reciting the following (while reciting their names, light each of the candles CLOCKWISE ONLY):
Great Gods and Goddesses of deep and everlasting love (name your Gods/Goddesses), I call to you in this, the hour of love, in the day of love and plea for your aide. I, (your name), a humble and lonely mortal in desperate need of your mercy. With this spell, please see, hear, touch, taste and smell my call and grant to me, my one Verus Diligo.
Place the herbs representing each of the elements as follows:
First, place the elements representing air in their vessel and ignite the diffuser, moving the scent of the air herbs through the air and say, Like the roaring winds you sing a never-ending melody for me and I for you.
Second, place the elements representing fire on a charcoal briquette in the vessel representing fire and ignite them and say, Lovely and righteous, we shine brightly, glaring now and forever more.
Third, place the elements representing earth in their vessel and chant say, Great is our love, resonating with energy like a new mountain, sprung deep from the earth.
Fourth, place the elements representing water in their vessel and say, Zen, like rivers flow peacefully, shimmering in the night moon.
Fifth, prick your finger and let three drops of your own blood drip atop the mandrake root and say, Our souls are bound together I reach within and call to you. Three drops of blood I bring, now mandrake let it be this is my spell, with harm to none, True Love to now come to me.
Now, on the virgin parchment, write your name and surround it with a circle of the following phrase (From Solomons Seal of Venus):
Benedixitque Ielis Deus Et Ait Crescite Et Muetipluamini Et Replete Terrum.Enclose all of this within a heart and write Verus Deligo around the heart 7 times.
Below this symbol youve created, write 16 Qualities you must have in your true love.
Fold this parchment 7 times and use the 2 Lodestones or Neodymium Magnets to secure it. Then, place the parchment in the center of the altar, atop the pentacle.
Now, take the 2 remaining candles representing you and your true love and place them in the center of the altar, side by side, before the parchment. Light both candles, lift each up together and join their flames together, dripping the melted wax they create onto the parchment and say, Magnetized and Sealed, True Love is mine to wield. My love shall come at last, Gods and Goddesses, please bring him/her fast.
Extinguish with your fingers the 2 Candles representing you and your true love and using the Red Ribbon, tie the two together, making 3 knots. Place the waxed, magnetized parchment on top of the two bound candles and include 2 white roses (for purity) and tie them all together using the remaining piece of red ribbon (making 3 knots again).
Place the tied stack into the heart shaped box. Take up the 3 bunches of flowers and place them in the box on top of the tied stack of flowers. Then, starting with the Mandrake Root, take up each of the herbs/elements in a CLOCKWISE motion from the altar and place them in the heart-shaped box trying to keep them in the same altar position inside of the box. Now, seal the box and say, This love is mine to keep and forever he/she shall remain. In my heart Ive created a space for the true love, I deserve, to enter in.
Now, in a clockwise order, extinguish the candles, DO NOT BLOW THEM OUT. As you extinguish the candles, you will thank the Gods/Goddesses by saying (in your own words and from your heart), Great Gods and Goddesses of Love, I thank you for your presence and for listening to my plea. Please accept these offerings (referring to the offerings placed before the images/statues of your Gods and Goddesses) as a small token from me. Blessed Be!
You can either bury the heart shaped box containing the spell on the northern side of your property, or if you dont have a way to bury it, you can hide it beneath your bed (on the northern most side). Once closed, the box must NOT be opened until your true love is found.
I bless you reader of this spell, that should you perform this rite, your true love find you swiftly and may happiness rule your life eternal.
Blessed Be!
#2779 - Reveal What Someone Thinks of You
Write the name of the person you are wondering about on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, then half again. Draw an eyeball on the outside of the folded page. Slip the page under your pillow and before bed and chant:
"With dreamers eyes I seek to see what this person thinks of me. Be it good or be it will reveal to me as is my will."
Close your eyes and picture this person sitting across a crowded room. The room is all a buzz with conversation you cannot hear clearly. This is gossip about you that this person started. It may be good things and/or it may be bad. As you move towards the person let yourself fall asleep.
When you wake, jot down what you heard in your dream, particularly anything she or he said or did. Your answer will reveal itself. If you do not get the answer to your questions, consider what was revealed to you instead. Perhaps there is a truth you are missing that is more compelling then the one you seek. Blessed be!
#2780 - Seashell of Love
Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As you do this, say: "By the power of three, so mote it be".
Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl, mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into the wind to carry your requests to the God and Goddess. Carry the shell with you in a pocket, in your purse, or wear it as a necklace.