2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Make Someone Love You
- Seal Emotions in Items
- Love Spell
- hade an object
- Heart Heal after a Love
- Lust Oil
- Dyeing for a Baby
- Cupid Demon Reverse
- The Cupid Demon
- Revenge on Your Ex
#2821 - Make Someone Love You
To make someone love you!
" ______ my love, my life, my spirit, come to me and forever we will be!"
#2822 - Seal Emotions in Items
First you need to set up your pentagon than put the candels at each corner. Than you put your items in a triangle than light the candels. Chant these words:
"Hide my feelings and keep them away till I say okay one day."
#2823 - Love Spell
Light the candle and the image while saying: "Lovers wishes vs lovers kisses. With cupid's powers bring my lower to me. I want (name of person) as you can see. Open his/hert heart to me".
#2824 - hade an object
#2825 - Heart Heal after a Love
1) place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.
2) Use the ribbons to join the pictures together (this represents your love that linked you together)
3) Light the candles.
4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and your picture are moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going in seperate directions)
"My heart is broken, it needs to heal
I separate the love that I still feel
Heal my heart, help me move on
When the candles go out my love will be gone."
Blow out the candles.
Slowly over the next 24 hours your love for your ex will fade.
Although often you never get over your love of your ex this spell helps soften the blow and helps you move on to love someone else.
#2826 - Lust Oil
'' Now is the time, Now is the hour, Mine is the magick,Mine is the power.'' 3X
''In this night,and in this hour, I call upon the Ancient Power.I draw out the feelings you hide so well, These feelings you keep a secret, to me you will tell. The Hidden Desires, The Lusty Fantasies, The Sexual Secrets, will be revealed to me.With Harm to none, so shall it be.''
While you say the spell think about the person you are using it on. Visualize their feeling being drawn out and them acting upon those feelings.
Blessed Be,
#2827 - Dyeing for a Baby
Put the pink baby blanket on the floor and have the boy sit on it.
Put the blue baby blanket behind the boy and have the girl sit on it with her back to her partners back.
Have the boy hold the baby bottle and the girl hold the rattle.
Put the pacifier in between the blankets.
Lay the quilt down next to the baby blankets.
Put the neckalace in the middle of the quilt. Pour the water on it.
Give one piece of paper and a pencil to the boy. Have him write on the top:
"A baby I wish."
Then have him wright the item he is holding and the details. Have him write what he is willing to do for one. The take it and put it face down on the quilt.
Do the same with the girl. Take the papers and rip them , equally so you can put it back together. Say:
''Paper pieces, baby to them _ and_."
Tape the papers back together but make sure the pieces are mixed up so what the girl wrote is taped together with what he wrote. Make them lay togther on the throw blankets. Make them close their eyes and repeat after you.
1. Girl repeates after you, '' Baby is wha I wish.''
2. Boy repeates after you, '' Baby is a dream.''
3. Make them repeate this together after you,'' I will kiss and have a baby.''
Then make them kiss lightly for 3 seconds. There you go! She is pregnant!
#2828 - Cupid Demon Reverse
Powder Instructions:
1. Use a cup of sugar and put it in the bowl (its alot of sugar)
2. Put 1 small drop of lemon juice in the bowl
3. Stir.
4. Put half of it in one jar the other half in the other jar. Sprinkle some on the girls left hand and some on the boys right hand.
There you go 4 the powder!
Un-do spell Instructions:
1. Have the ex couple sit on the quilt facing eachother holding hands criss crossed.
2. Put the candles next to the quilt, in a triangle points way.
3. Everyone close their eyes and you should hold the ex couples hands.
4. With your eyes still closed say:
'' I made th couples seprate now I regret. With all my powers and engery from my soul I reunite this couple! She____, and he___, I apoligize, so now say you love eachother.''
If these dont work they were never made for eachother.
#2829 - The Cupid Demon
#2830 - Revenge on Your Ex
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write their first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and them put it on.
This may sound like a love spell, but thats because it is! If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!