This spell is a simple spell to enchant water to protect you from negative emotions, evil spells, evil witches, and so forth.
You may need:
) A glass of water.
) A Quartz crystal.
) Your voice.
) Your dominant hand's index finger.
You may need:
) A glass of water.
) A Quartz crystal.
) Your voice.
) Your dominant hand's index finger.
1.) Get yourself a glass of water.
2.) Place a Quartz Crystal at the bottom of the glass of water.
3.) Dip your dominant hand's index finger into the water.
4.) Say this chant loud and clear:
''Water of love and water of feeling,
provide me with spectacular healing.
Protect me from harm and evil to come,
encircle me with light and love from the sun.
As I drink to the lord, our one mighty father,
I ask of you now, do not let evil bother.
I wish to be touched by the angel of protection,
so protect me now from evil infection.''
5.) Drink the glass of water to activate the protecting energies of the crystal and the spell.
Sit down with legs crossed and hands on your knees with palms facing upwards. Make sure you are comfortable and once you are, start meditating. Imagine your love and imagine you and them sharing a romantic evening together. Then chant:
"I wish to be with none but you,
And spread our happiness until its dew,
You will share romance with me,
Be mine my dear, so mote it be fight. "
Once saying this open your eyes and light the pink candle saying your lover's name. Then light the red candle and say:
"Our love shall burn forever more. "
This sounds gloomy but when you think about it, it really works. Then hold the petals in your hands and say:
"Be with me, be with me."
Say this until you feel completely driven by your love. Then spread the petals in your lover's house or give them to him/her.
If you wish to become friends with a certain person, look at them or imagine them in your mind. Imagine the two of you shaking hands. Say:
I look to thee,
To be my friend.
Your friendship with me,
Shall never end.Now you have said this, before you go to bed every night say:
Tenna' ento lye omenta (pronunciation: tenner en-to lee-ay oh-menter)Translation:Until next we meet. Soon enough, this person should begin to take an interest in you.
NOTE: Even though this spell attracts a friend, you have to accept them. For instance, they will come up to you and try and start a conversation then you will have to return the gesture by talking with them or by any other friendly way. This spell doesn't make a friend it only encourages a person to approach you. This spell will last for a week, depending on your focus, and if nothing happens you may repeat it and add things like a circle, or the burning of incense etc. Whatever you deem necessary.
Enchant an item to boost positivity and self confidence.
You may need:
An object of choice (ie. stone, coin)
A voice
You may need:
An object of choice (ie. stone, coin)
A voice
Once you have your object, you may wish to wash it in a stream or a body of natural water. Then, place it in your palm of your power hand (the hand you write with) and chant:
This object is mine and shall forever be,
A charm of great intensity.
I seal this spell and let it be,
Be my luck, so mote it be.This charm should be carried always with you and placed underneath your pillow whenever you are sleeping. Once you feel like you do not need it anymore, simply hold it in your power hand and say:
It is done.The item will no longer have any value to you after doing this.
This spell will take you evil side good side and the choas in side you.
You may need:
3 items
5 black candel
a pentagon
You may need:
3 items
5 black candel
a pentagon
First you need to set up your pentagon than put the candels at each corner. Than you put your items in a triangle than light the candels. Chant these words:
"Hide my feelings and keep them away till I say okay one day."
Light the candle and the image while saying: "Lovers wishes vs lovers kisses. With cupid's powers bring my lower to me. I want (name of person) as you can see. Open his/hert heart to me".
1 a small object for pratice ex. pocket change, chapstick, straw, etc.
You may need:
1 a small object for pratice ex. pocket change, chapstick, straw, etc.
i hav done this for bout a year now and this is cool i can hade an entire house here we gooo............... ok first u need 2 be calm now see ur object srounded by only black or white which evr 1 u like best and see it clear now see the main color of it's back ground very very fuzzy and the object gets a little fuzzier now do this until u see a fuzzy blob of the object and the background clear now see it fade and as it fade's chant: ''this object hidden with heart, make it invisble no matter how smart, make it lost never found, make it lose
This spell helps you get over your ex partner and help you move on.
You may need:
White candle
Red candle
White ribbon
Pink ribbon
Picture of you
Picture of your ex
You may need:
White candle
Red candle
White ribbon
Pink ribbon
Picture of you
Picture of your ex
1) place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.
2) Use the ribbons to join the pictures together (this represents your love that linked you together)
3) Light the candles.
4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and your picture are moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going in seperate directions)
"My heart is broken, it needs to heal
I separate the love that I still feel
Heal my heart, help me move on
When the candles go out my love will be gone."
Blow out the candles.
Slowly over the next 24 hours your love for your ex will fade.
Although often you never get over your love of your ex this spell helps soften the blow and helps you move on to love someone else.
This oil will NOT make someone love you. It will just draw out their feelings for you.
You may need:
100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 pinch Rosemary
1 pinch Cinnamon
1 pinch Caraway Seed
1 pinch Dill Weed
4 Red Rocks (you can paint them that color)
5 white Tea light Candles
2 Red Candles
Small Bottle
You may need:
100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 pinch Rosemary
1 pinch Cinnamon
1 pinch Caraway Seed
1 pinch Dill Weed
4 Red Rocks (you can paint them that color)
5 white Tea light Candles
2 Red Candles
Small Bottle
Mix all of the herbs in a small bowl. then Place them in the small bottle with the Olive Oil. In a dark room set the rocks in a small circle, Facing the compass points. make sure the circle is no more than 1 foot across. Place the Red Candles right outside the circle at the East and South points. Place the white candles inside the circle and form a Pentagram.(Five-Pointed Star) Put the bottle of Oil in the center of the Pentagram. Light the candles and begin. First do a power chant. Something like:
'' Now is the time, Now is the hour, Mine is the magick,Mine is the power.'' 3X
''In this night,and in this hour, I call upon the Ancient Power.I draw out the feelings you hide so well, These feelings you keep a secret, to me you will tell. The Hidden Desires, The Lusty Fantasies, The Sexual Secrets, will be revealed to me.With Harm to none, so shall it be.''
While you say the spell think about the person you are using it on. Visualize their feeling being drawn out and them acting upon those feelings.