3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Duanes Ressurection Spell
- Love Spell
- Candle Magic
- Love Forever
- Bring Me a Lover
- Duane's Love Charm
- Imagination Stretching Spell
- Lust & Desire Spell
- Powerful Japanese Love Spell
- Spell of Answers
#2841 - Duanes Ressurection Spell
Resurrection Spell
If some one dies look at picture put sacred circle.
Put your blood in a cauldron put to get blood put a pin throw your finger then say:
"Bone breath fresh blood I'm a pure. I ask osires I beg of you return her to me or him."
Then say the name while doing a spell burn a black candle about 10 around you in circle.
#2842 - Love Spell
Light candle then burn girls picture or boy saying:
"I bind you to me think only of me no matter what anyone says or thinks I bind you I conjure thee goodess of love hear me so mote it be."
#2843 - Candle Magic
There is 2 spells in this 1 you'll need candles and then say 1 to 3 times every day.
"Unto your realm great Dana I do commit this spell do bring its rich rewards to me so for to help me in my task, by all the strength of the moon and sun, by all the strength of sacred oak, by all the strength of the great Goddess fair lady of the flowers, and her lover the horned God lord of animals. So may this spell be manifest for me."
"Candle of power, candle of might do grant my wish upon thisnight. May power flow from candle fire and bring to me my heartsdesire my words are strong, my cause is won I now declare this spell is done."
#2844 - Love Forever
Chant: "Love is before me. Love is behind me. Love is beside me. Love is above me. Love is below me. Love is within me". Visualize the person you want to fall in love with you as you say this chant three times.
#2845 - Bring Me a Lover
#2846 - Duane's Love Charm
Look at the picture of the target. Say, " By my eyes you will notice me and love me. I conjure thee, so mote it be".
#2847 - Imagination Stretching Spell
#2848 - Lust & Desire Spell
First anointed both candles with the apple blossem oil.
Then light the pink and red candle. Put the pink candle
left to you, and put the red candle right to you. Sit
in the middle of the floor where the candles are.
Then concretation think of what you want too achieve by
spell. whether it be lust, desire, or them just wanting
Then Chant:
"I want you too want me, I want you too need me,
I want you too desire me, I want you too lust after me, I want
you too see that we were meant to be, lovers name I want my
desires meet, I want lust too over flow in the body of yours,
In this night of passion only you can lust and desire me , this
is my will so mote it be."
Chant these verses 5 times then blow the candles out take a piece of parchment paper and a red ink pen write your lovers name down.
Then write down your desires and what you would like too happen with this situation, on the same parchment paper. Then pour wax of the red candle over the lover's name. Then after you have pour red wax over your lover's name, then pour pink wax from the pink candle over your desires and what you would like too achieve.
Then when both wax on parchment paper is dry then fold and seal in a regular envelope. Carry envelope with you everyday untill your lover approaches you, then after the night of passion or desires, discard envelope.
#2849 - Powerful Japanese Love Spell
First light the red candle and sit in the pentacle rug . Meditated for 10 minutes then Chant:
"Alzen myo-o god of love and lust, bring forth my heart's desires, bring forth my lover's name too be with me and only me."
Then look at the flame of the candle, imagine that your lover or desired lover, is there with you, in the same room, and then Chant:
"I want happyness Alzen myo-o bring forth my greatest love of all time."
Then eat the piece of chocolate and light the incense, spread incense around the room until it smells like the incense rose .
Then Chant:
"Benten Goddess of everlasting love grant me the power of seduction, give my dearest lover's name a heart that is not sour but sweet, and let there be everlasting love throughout both our days. So shall it be."
Let the candle burn for 3 days or until lover returns or lover notices you.
by: modelavery
#2850 - Spell of Answers
Fill the glass jar with water half full. Pour some dish soap into the jar with the water, and add a pinch of glitter. Light the white candle. Rotate the jar clockwise 3 times infront of the candle. Then hold the jar infront of the candle. Study the jar and the soap and search for shapes and hints. This is the answer to your question. Also look for certain movements of the soap/glitter, such as if the glitter moves from the lower left to the upper right, this could mean a positive answer. If the soap/glitter moves from the upper left to the lower right, this could mean a negative answer. Like with all spells, if you don't get it the first time, dont be discouraged.
~Blessed be~