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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Truly In Love
  2. Attract Him
  3. Love Eternus
  4. Love Spell
  5. Simple Funerary Rite
  7. Love Me or Die
  8. Ghostly Candle
  9. Courage Enchantment
  10. Change Eye Color

#2941 - Truly In Love

Do you want to know if you and your lover were meant to be together? This spell can help determine that.
You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 White candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 White candle
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    Bring a couple together to determine if they were meant to be. Place a red candle on the right side of the girl, then place the white candle on the right side of the guy. Light them both, and sit for five minutes. The couple should be thinking about each other during this time.

    Open two windows and a door (if there are such things in the room you are in). Relax and chant these words together: "Gods, are we meant to be? Or is this love fake? If this love is fake, let us feel it". Close your eyes and sit in silence for another five minutes. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings. If you feel bad or pain than you are likely not meant to be together.

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    #2942 - Attract Him

    Attract the boy that you love.
    You may need:

  • 1 picture of him
  • 1 heart shaped locket
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 permanent marker
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    You may need:

  • 1 picture of him
  • 1 heart shaped locket
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 permanent marker
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    Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write his first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and then put it on.

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    #2943 - Love Eternus

    It will bring you a love that is just for you and will always before you in this life as well as the next.
    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Coriander
  • Lavender oil (not required)
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    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Coriander
  • Lavender oil (not required)
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    Mix the herbs in your favorite tea and heat the oil. Then chant the spell:

    "I call thee forth from realms, portals and time to my will, be not deaf, dumb or blind. Come to me, my beloved dear. Do not be far when I need you here. Love me always and love me true. Do now what I want for you to do. I destroy all binds that keep you from me. Stay with me, eternally. Let my will now be done, by the setting of the moon and the rising of the sun. With my power and will, bring us together as one. You are mine and belong to me. Aphrodite- Blessed be".

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    #2944 - Love Spell

    Easy spell to help someone love you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Clear your mind. Concentrate 100% on your target. Point at him or her, focus, then whisper: "By my hands and my feet, I conjure thy heat. Change the mind of this lover to love me with desire".

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    #2945 - Simple Funerary Rite

    A ritual for those who have passed away.
    You may need:

  • Fire safe bowl
  • Half cup of wine
  • A stick of incense
  • A white candle
  • A photo of the person
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    You may need:

  • Fire safe bowl
  • Half cup of wine
  • A stick of incense
  • A white candle
  • A photo of the person
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    If you can do so, do this outdoors. If not, inside is fine. Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (IE. if he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood, if he was a homebody, cinnamon, etc.) If you have a photo of him, set it in front of you. If not, hold the image of your friend firmly in your mind.

    Take a small fire-safe bowl filled with the wine. Warm the wine over the candle flame. Visualizing your friend surrounded by a soft white glow, wish him well on his journey and assure him you will see him again in your next life. Drink the wine and let yourself remember all the wonderful things you and he shared.

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    #2946 - ANTI-LOVE

    You may need:

  • 1 Black Couple Candle or 1 Black Figural Break-Up (Divorce) Candle
  • 1 bottle Crossing Oil
  • 1 packet Crossing Sachet Powder
  • 1 packet Crossing Incense Powders
  • 1 packet Hotfoot Powder
  • 1 packet Goofer Dust
  • 1 Bottle containing
  • 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Nails, black dog hair, black cat hair
  • 1 packet Devil's Shoe Strings Curio
  • 1 packet Devil Pod Curio
  • 1 packet Hyssop Herb
  • 2 White Offertory Candles
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black Couple Candle or 1 Black Figural Break-Up (Divorce) Candle
  • 1 bottle Crossing Oil
  • 1 packet Crossing Sachet Powder
  • 1 packet Crossing Incense Powders
  • 1 packet Hotfoot Powder
  • 1 packet Goofer Dust
  • 1 Bottle containing
  • 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Nails, black dog hair, black cat hair
  • 1 packet Devil's Shoe Strings Curio
  • 1 packet Devil Pod Curio
  • 1 packet Hyssop Herb
  • 2 White Offertory Candles
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    Preparation: This spell is presented in several degrees of
    severity, allowing you to choose just how much trouble you
    want to make. In addition to the items here, you will need
    something personal from both parties, such as their hair,
    footprint-dirt, menstrual blood, semen, photos, business
    card, or the like. The more intimate the better. In
    addition, you should symbolically write their full names on
    two pieces of paper 9 times. Use black ink for the one you
    want to have get away and red ink for the one you want to
    stay near you. Use black ink for both, if you want both to
    get away. Whatever item you use, those things, plus the
    name-papers, will be referred to as ''the couple's personal
    items.'' Work during the waning of the moon).

    Doing the Job: Make the Crossing Incense Powders into cones
    (use a twist of paper, pack the incense in with your finger,
    and turn it out of the cone). On the Black Couple Candle
    carve the couple's full names with the words BREAK UP
    between their names. Dress the candle with Crossing Oil and
    sprinkle it with Crossing Powder. For each of the next seven
    days burn a portion of the incense and one section of the
    candle. Pinch the candle out between times, never blow it
    out. During these 7 days, you will work the spell itself.

    The bottle contains 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Rusty Nails, the
    Hair of a Black Dog, and the Hair of a Black Cat. These are
    to cause pain, anger, emotional incompatibility, distance,
    and quarelling between the couple so that they will ''fight
    like cats and dogs'' and seek to part from each other. You
    have 3 types of powders. Each is alleged to produce a
    certain result. The more you use, the more mischief is
    believed to result. Hotfoot Powder is to drive someone away.
    Crossing Powder is to bring about bad luck, trouble, and
    illness. Goofer Dust is to mess people up seriously, even
    unto death. Choose 1, 2, or all 3 powders; blend them
    together if you want.

    Mix the couple's personal items with the powder(s) you have
    chosen, then put the mix in the bottle with the pins,
    needles, nails, dog hair, and cat hair; stop up the bottle
    and bury it under their doorstep. As you do this, pray aloud
    for their intranquility and break-up in your own words; ask
    in the name of your God or Saint. If you can't put it under
    their doorstep, hide it in a hollow tree where they can't
    find it, or carry it to the nearest graveyard and bury it
    (praying for the death of their relationship), or carry it
    to a crossroads and throw it into center of the road
    (praying for them to travel apart from each other), or throw
    it into running water (praying to have them both carried out
    of your life).

    CLEANING UP: Wrap up any left-over candle wax, incense
    ashes, and unused materials in a piece of black cloth.
    Secure it with black thread and tie it. Throw it out at a
    crossroads or bury it in a graveyard.

    PURIFICATION AND PROTECTION: Because breaking folks up is an
    Enemy Trick, you must cleanse yourself and protect from
    retribution. To take off your sin, prepare a bath by
    steeping the Hyssop Herb in a pot of boiling rain water or
    spring water. Light the two white candles, stand between
    them, and pour the Hyssop bath over your head while reciting
    the 51st Psalm (''Cleanse me with Hyssop; wash me and I shall
    be whiter than snow''). For protection, drive the 9 Devil's
    Shoe Strings into the dirt across the path to your door-step
    to tangle up anyone who may try to retaliate and cross you.
    Put the Devil Pods outside or behind your front and back
    doors to repel any evil work that may be directed toward

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    #2947 - Love Me or Die

    If you want a man to love you and he absolutely refuses, you can goofer him to love you.
    You may need:

  • His hair
  • Your hair
  • A small John the Conqueror root
  • Goofer Dust (or Graveyard Dirt)
  • Love Me sachet powder
  • A piece of brown paper
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes red
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes black
  • A brand new spool of red sewing thread
  • A red flannel bag
  • A sharp pen knife
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    You may need:

  • His hair
  • Your hair
  • A small John the Conqueror root
  • Goofer Dust (or Graveyard Dirt)
  • Love Me sachet powder
  • A piece of brown paper
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes red
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes black
  • A brand new spool of red sewing thread
  • A red flannel bag
  • A sharp pen knife
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    On the paper, write his full name 7 times in black ink, then rotate the paper and write “ love me or die” over his name 7 times in red ink, crossing it and covering it. Set the paper aside. Use the pen knife to carve a slit-shaped hole in the root and wedge your hair and his hair in there together. Then pack the slit tight with a mixture of Goofer Dust and Love Me sachet powder.

    Thoroughly wet the written-on paper with your urine and wrap it around the root, pressing and forming it as you would paper mache, to keep the hairs and powders inside. While it is still wet, wrap it up in the red thread, going round and around very neatly, like a ball of twine, until the paper is entirely covered. When you are done, tie the thread off with seven knots and leave a length of thread to hang it from. You can double or triple the hanging-thread for strength, and finish it with a loop for your finger.

    Carry the prepared root in a red flannel bag and moisten it with your urine when needed. Hold it by its hanging-thread to "operate" it, swinging it back and forth or round and around toward you as you call the man's name, to draw him to you. Get a rhythm going, and say his name, like this, over and over: "First Name, Last Name, love me or die; First Name, Last Name, love me or die; First Name, Last Name, love me or die."

    You do this and the man will either love you or he'll get real sick. If he gets sick, don't let up; just keep your urine wet on that thing, just keep working with it. That's the way you get him, you weaken him. When he is about finished, you can nurse him back to health. Then he's all yours. I recommend that anyone who undertakes making such a "Love Me or Die" hand should be prepared to properly dispose of it if it is successful, or you may always have a sickly man on your hands.

    The making of this love spell is an exercise in working with pairs of opposites: The Love powder is mixed with Goofer Dust. The John root is male and you cut a slit-like hole in it to make him less strong and masculine. You mix your hair and his hair up together, so he will be as obsessed as you are. You offer him the choice "Love me or die." When he gets sick, you nurse him back to health. The whole thing is about mixing opposing pairs -- male/female, love/death, sickness/health, him/you -- into one mess.

    By the way, the specific shape of this mojo hand -- a round object wound around with thread or string -- is sometimes referred to as a Jack or Jack ball, although my informant did not call it by that name. Most Jacks, hung from their strings, are used for divination, like pendulums, but some are carried in the pocket or in a bag, as a hand.

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    #2948 - Ghostly Candle

    This is another "honour the Dead" thing. This works well with Necromancers.
    You may need:

  • Black Candle
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Black Candle
  • Salt
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    Light the candle and place it somewhere in your house (Where pets and parents can't get at). After that use this chant:

    ''Ghost of my home, feel welcome
    Ghost of my home, make yourself at home''

    After, sprinkle some salt and repeat:

    ''Home, sweet home''

    After, leave the candle to burn for 9 minutes *Check on the candle every 3 minutes*. If the candle is out before then, then your spirit won't accept your welcome. If it still burns, that means he's welcomed to your home.

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    #2949 - Courage Enchantment

    This spell worked for me... when I wore the necklace... it brought me courage. You need to be scared when you use it.
    You may need:

  • Any Necklace or Jewelry you can wear
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    You may need:

  • Any Necklace or Jewelry you can wear
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    First... cast a circle and then purify it. Second you must transfer energy into the object in question and then begin manipulating it to give courage. Chant while doing so: The meek are weak give me strength courage boundless courage to do things I wouldn't normally do no matter what it is. Note: Please do not use this to give you courage to commit suicide... I have enough problems NOT knowing I have blood on my hands.

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    #2950 - Change Eye Color

    Want change your eye color? Here's the trick.
    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Pink Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Pink Candle
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    Make sure it is night. Light the candles and concentrate for some time. (You must hae complete focus on the spell only). Picture the color of your eyes for 5 minutes. Then picture the color that you want. Then chant:

    ''Become of me''.

    Repeat this whole process 2 times and you will see changes in the day.

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    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters