3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- The Truth
- Desrie Between You And Another
- Physically Change Body
- Easy and Quick Love Spell
- Powerful Love Spell
- To Spark Love between Two People
- Deep Commitment Spell
- Attraction Spell
- It's Over Between Us
- Cupids Delight
#2961 - The Truth
All you have to do is say this: "For the ones who want the truth revealed, open hearts, and secrets unsealed."
#2962 - Desrie Between You And Another
Pick any kind of candle, of any color, and light it. Let the candle burn for 30 minutes, then chant these words while staring at the candle:
"Make (name) want me like they never have before. Make (name) desire and crave my affections. Make (name)'s heart beat for me".
After you chant this blow out the candle and pour wax onto the ground in the shape of a heart. This spell does not have immediate effects and you may need to wait some time before you see results.
#2963 - Physically Change Body
Visualize your body and how you desire for it to look. Then, find a piece of paper and draw your desired body type on it. Hold the picture in front of a mirror, so that you can see both the drawing and yourself. Chant:
"My body isn't desirable- it is not attractive. I wish for my body to change to this".
Chant that ten times in a row for three days, each day focusing on the visualization of what you want your body to look like. You should start to see small changes as you do so.
#2964 - Easy and Quick Love Spell
Write your names on two pieces of paper which stand underneath the candle holder. On a third piece of paper, write both your names and draw a circle around them. Place the candles about a foot apart on their respective pieces of paper, with the third piece of paper exactly in the center.
Light your candle first and say: "Burn bright, burn true, heart of (your name)". Then light the other and say: "Burn bright, burn true, heart of (lover's name)". If you have a wand, trace a figure of eight around the two candles, making sure to cross over exactly each time over the third piece of paper. If you don't, use the original inbuilt human wand - your index finger.
Say with each pass slowly: "A meeting of two hearts if it is ordained must come to pass". Stop, take a deep breath in and out, and start on the second set. Three passes again, full fig. eight around the candles. "Let no-one and nothing stand in the way of the meeting of two hearts".
Stop, take a deep breath and start the 3rd set of 3 passes. "Two hearts beat as one it is my will and it is done". Now sit down and focus on the paper with the circle and both your names which is the power focus of this ritual. See yourself and the lover together, being honest and true together, talking, making love, making decisions. Just you and her, keep that completely clear and powerful in your mind.
When you are ready, move both candles together and tip them so their flames combine. Take the circle paper and say: "My will is transferred my spell has been heard. As I will, so mote it be". Burn the circle paper in the single flame. Blow out the single flame as one. Wrap the candles and the name papers in tissue and dispose of them.
#2965 - Powerful Love Spell
Place your two pictures in the center of the star, and your knife and ribbon alongside it. Say the following chant, focusing deeply on the words. Please read this through and make sure this is the kind of love you want before performing the spell!
To you the one who's caught my eye
I bind you to me never lie
Never stray and love me 'till
I'm dead in the ground and then even still
Feel for me more than ever before
Each day each hour more and more
Happiness stay you when you're with me
When away sadness you'll see
But worry not for when you think
Of me and close your eyes, just blink
All that joy it shall flood free
And reminded of me you'll be
And every day when you feel down
You'll call to me and sadness drown
Tell of your troubles and tell me true
So your pains I may share with you
When it comes time for me to tell
Listen true and listen well
Offer advice so kind and clean
Of you the others will be green
To me you're bound forever more
Binding never to be tore
Completed now this spell shall be
As I will, so mote it be
Now, if you have means to get a drop of blood:
Take your knife and make a cut on your finger, just deep enough so it bleeds. Place the two pictures side by side, and draw (so half is on one picture and half is on the other) an infinity symbol, linking the two pictures together. Then, put one drop of blood just on the picture that belongs to your prospective lover, and kiss the drop of blood so it makes a kiss-mark. Take the two pictures now, and press them together, with the picture sides facing each other. Wrap the pictures together with the ribbon and tie it tight, focusing on the idea of binding your lover to you whilst you wrap the pictures.
If you DON'T have means to get a drop of blood:
Use the red marker to make the infinity symbol over the two pictures, then take one of the red candles and drip some of the wax from them onto your lover's picture, so it makes a small puddle. Let it cool ever so slightly, then kiss the wax, so it makes an imprint of your lips. Press the two pictures together, picture sides facing each other, then wrap them together with the ribbon tightly, focusing on the idea of binding your lover to you whilst you wrap the pictures.
Finishing up:
Blow out the candles, in the same order you lit them. Take these pictures, and keep them safe somewhere. Make sure the binding never comes undone. You must have powerful focus and intent to make this spell work, and if the person you try to do it on is truly not meant to love you the spell may backfire. It has made me very very sick in the past when I did it on the wrong person, but otherwise has been greatly successful.
#2966 - To Spark Love between Two People
Now, take your two pieces of paper/cards, and on one piece write the first letter of the first name of person A in the spell. Then, on the other piece, the first letter of the first name of person B. Place these two cards between the candles, in the center of the star shape as you chant.
Remember to replace the blanks with the two names of the people you want to bring together, and use proper his/hers for the situation.
Oh God and Goddess I come tonight
On behalf of another to share his/her plight
____ who has the love of none
Seeks ____ to be his/her one
Allow this union and keep it strong
Let these two do each other no wrong
Pull with force so strong these two together
Keep them this way 'till forever
Spell be told an' sealed and done
With trust that ____'s want be won
Hear me true and make hastily
As I will so mote it be.
After the chant, if you have the ribbon, you may tie the two papers or cards together tightly, and either keep them yourself, or give them to the person you have done the spell for. You must blow the candles out in the same order you lit them.
#2967 - Deep Commitment Spell
Place your picture in the center of the candles, then light them counter clockwise.
Say this chant, focusing on the picture of your lover.
To my lover, dearest he/she
Bound together I wish to be
Eternal love and health I seek
Our future bright and never bleak
Open up, be true to me
Love me deep and never flee
I'll not hurt you ever or
Desert you so let our love soar
Our feelings now intensify
Never fear and never lie
So we will stand the test of time
For true love it is not a crime
An it be truly told and done
Our loving wishes to be won
Take this spell and make it be
As I will so mote it be
At this point, if you have means to get a drop of blood, drop the blood onto the picture, then kiss the picture, pressing your lips into the drop, so it leaves a kiss-mark. If you do not have the blood, simply kiss the photo.
At this point, fold the picture up width-wise, three times.
If you've got the thread/ribbon, wrap it around the picture tightly, and tie it in a knot. If you haven't got this, use the tape, but try to use clear tape or white tape, not black tape. Keep the photo somewhere safe, where it will not be disturbed.
You may blow the candles out, you must blow them out in the same order they were lit.
#2968 - Attraction Spell
Chant the following 3 times:
"My appearance is dark I wish it was greater. Send me a lover sooner or later!"
#2969 - It's Over Between Us
On a Saturday at midday write the person that you want to break up with's name three times on the blue piece of paper with the pen. Wrap the paper around the pebble and tie it with the wool until the pebble is completly covered. However leave some wool to tie a knot.
Place the wrapped pebble in the middle of the two candles, the candles must be lit, and repeat the following " 'O bittersweet Love, I set you free on the wings of the dove". Slowly and patiently unwrap the wool and think happy thoughts and imagine your ex to be smiling as he departs from you.
#2970 - Cupids Delight
Fill your bowl up with the boiling water exactly 1 hour before you go to sleep and slowly chant these words as you chop the lemon up:
"My soulmate who is out there: come into my life, into my soul. Come to me tonight".
Pour the lemon juice into the boiling hot water and inhale deeply 5 times. When you go to sleep you should have a dream of your soulmate whether you already know them or not.