2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- A Doll Bewitched
- 3 bells of wealth
- Confession Circle
- Blood Love Potion w/ Spell
- Hypno Crazy
- To see the truth on everything
- Blood Love Spell
- A spell for love to come in your love
- compusion
- Love potion_69.1
#561 - A Doll Bewitched
The doll can be carved from wax, molded from clay or sewn from fabric. A hand-made doll is much more powerful than a store-bought object, so take the time to do it right. Add in the items from their body, using hairs, nail clippings or at least a bit of fabric from clothes they have worn. Also use the same items from yourself. Write or carve his/her name into the doll as well.
Perform this spell on the day after the new moon. Set up your altar and light the candle. Wrap the doll in each piece of ribbon, knotting each one when necessary to keep it attached. Say out loud:
"Ribbons bind and entwine
Your heart, linked to mine"
Write your beloved's name on the paper and leave it on the altar. Set the doll on the paper and snuff out the candle. The next night, light the candle again and pick up the doll.
Very lightly run the feet of the doll near the flame, and say:
"For you, I yearn
For me, you burn"
Again, set the doll on the paper. This time, leave the candle burning for at least an hour. The person you want will soon show some interest in you and quickly fall in love. When your spell is successful, wrap up the doll and put it somewhere safe to keep the attraction going.
This is one example of a good Voodoo doll love spell, and it doesn't even have you sticking any pins into it.
Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#562 - 3 bells of wealth
Ring, ring, ring
The sound of the bells
Ring, ring, ring
The sound of all wealth
Light the center candle, ring the bells three times again. Say:
Ring, ring, ring
Bring money to me
Ring, ring, ring
By the power of three
Leave all of the candles alone to burn out naturally. Leave their stubs along with the bell on your altar until you see some new money coming into your life.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#563 - Confession Circle
The circle doesn't have to be perfect. Sit comfortably around the lit candle, forming a circle. Make sure this is ONLY done with people who you trust already and want to talk to about dark and deep things. One person from the circle, usually the one who decided to do the circle, will go around and mark everyone's right/left wrist with a cross using just their fingers (no actual marks just gently use your finger to make a cross). Make sure you mark the same wrist for everyone.
Now everyone needs to say this:
"In this confession circle, I promise to only tell the truth. I understand whatever is said in this circle will remain here and I will not tell anyone anything that is said within this circle. I will accept my fate or punishment if I release another person's confession outside of the circle."
Now ONLY TELL THE TRUTH about deep things that is usually hard to get off your chest if you want to. Deep things such as assault, traumatic experiences, or difficult issues are usually what people talk about but anything is fine so long as it's true. Only confess things if you want to, you do not have to confess things you want to remain private.
If someone confesses something, you are not to spread it around. If you do, usually you will feel an odd feeling within your wrist where the mark will slightly show or produce pain. The punishment of telling someone else's confessions within the olden days where that people used to slit the wrist of the person who spread the confession of another. HOWEVER, I highly recommend you do not slit their wrist but punish them in a way that is not illegal.
History of the confession circle: The confession circle formed roughly around the middle ages. People used it to usually trick another being into revealing themselves, usually aimed at witches. The confession circle was eventually changed into just being used to get to know each other better throughout history because people slowly stopped believing in the mystical beings. The confession circle eventually stopped being used and was slowly forgotten over time. People now just trust each other with their secrets. However, people who still use it today use it to tell their trusted peers about things that have been sitting on their minds, such as being sexually assaulted, abused, or going through something they can't casually bring up.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#564 - Blood Love Potion w/ Spell
P.S. Befriend target, as you need to use their drink in this.
''Je crée un véritable amour de moi et toi''
Which is french for
''I create true love between me and you''
Not exactly but it's the easiest translation in terms of basic understanding.
Have target drink the ?potion? Concoction, yeah that's good enough.
Anyway, you can alter the spell so that instead of intense love, it could be temporary, like until the next moon, or once I do ''this'' ritual the love shall end blah blah blah etc.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#565 - Hypno Crazy
#566 - To see the truth on everything
#567 - Blood Love Spell
''Je crée un véritable amour de moi, et toi''
''I create true love between me and you''(Basic/free translation)
have the Target ingest the mixture and, if your intentions and will are powerful enough to spark the spell in the right direction, they shall lov you eternally, I am sure there are ways to break the spell, in case things go wrong, but I'm not sure, but that's the risk of using blood magick this way
#568 - A spell for love to come in your love
I call on Aphrodite, on Isis, on Freya
Hear the sound of my own heart
Hear my call.I ask to be blessed with love,
That my heart's partner be found
I ask to be blessed with love,
As my magic spirals round.
Thank you great Goddesses,
I welcome your assistance
In my search for love.
After saying the spell,concentrate on the outcome you are hoping for, and focus your energy to your purpose.
#569 - compusion
2)put your dominant hand on your forehead think of your command
3)throw your hand out towards your target and say your command
remember put power into your voice and these effects are only temporary and last 30 seconds to a minute usally
#570 - Love potion_69.1
Before you do it, how does that spell work. This combination of ingredients will make your victim brave, so he will don't have problem with kissing you. But don't use if you don't want to have a night with him!! It will make him very VERY hard and powerful erection, and he will need help with that. Soo.. Good luck with.. With.. Umm.. Playing?