3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Crush
- Do You Have Water Powers?
- Blessing Moon Peace
- Home from School
- Venus Love Spell
- Love Spell
- Make Them a Friend Now
- Do you like me?
- Love of a Specific Person
- Healing Nature
#751 - Crush
First, describe your crush physically. Example:
- Gender: Male/Female
- Skin Color: Pale
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Eye Color: Hazel
- Height: (Can put a specific height ex: 4'11 or just put tall or short.)
- Build: Thin
Then, mentally:
- Personality: Sporty, nerdy, happy, tomboyish. Anything.
- Likes: Bugs, pizza, alternative bands. Anything.
- Dislikes: Screaming, Instagram, sad movies. Anything.
Finally, make up list of names:
- Emily
- Martha
- Hailey
- Martin
- James
- Rhett
- Alex
- Sammy
Last edited on Dec 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#752 - Do You Have Water Powers?
Put the red candles around you and the cup of water Infront of you. Then concerntrate on making the water move around you to put out the candles. Then while making water like motions with your arms chant "Water,water listen to me hear my desperate plea. If I am the chosen one please will the water move around me to put out the candles". Then for 2 minutes longer sit there in silence. Afterward open your eyes if the candles are out then you are the master of water.
Last edited on Feb 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#753 - Blessing Moon Peace
Bless and dress Red candle with olive oil and pepper. Say the words:
"May the Lord and Lady grant us the strength and courage to conquer our fears.
Let us see others as our brothers and sisters, to be welcomed instead of feared.
Help me be patient and kind.
To listen before speaking and to think before reacting.
For the good of all , an harm to none.
So mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#754 - Home from School
First put the hand towel over your head,
then put the wet flannel on your forehead
cuddle your toy/pillow/cushion.
"I don't want to go to school
I cast this spell to make me get___________ when i drop this item onto my head I will get ill."
This spell will work the night after you cast it.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#755 - Venus Love Spell
After a cleansing ritual and relaxing bath, perfume your body with Ylang Ylang oil.
Choose a magic area in your bedroom, lay out a white cloth and position yourself in front of the mirror.
Cast a protective circle, light the candle and incense, focus on your sexual energy and chant
"I call thee, beloved one,
To love me more than anyone.
Seven times I pierce thy heart,
Today the magic of Venus starts.
I bind thy heart and soul to me;
As I do will, so let it be."
Repeat the chant seven times, placing pins in the heart one at a time after repeating:
"Seven times I pierce thy heart."
Snuff out the ceremonial candle and incense.
Leave the pins in the heart until the following night.
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#756 - Love Spell
At night-time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to
contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a
heart on it and colour it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that
you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being
attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his or her heart
burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on
the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do
so with sincerity.
"Fire come from below, bring me love that I do know,
make my heart blaze and shine, to bring the love that will be mine!"
Soon my love will come a day, three times strong and here to stay!"
Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true! After you are
finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. Soon your love will
come to you!
Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#757 - Make Them a Friend Now
Turn off the light and light the candle. Write the name of the person on the paper, hold up the paper above the candle without you getting hurt and chant twice "Oh great God and Goddess hear me when I plea, I need him/her as a friend please grant me this request for this is my will so mote it be".Then burn the paper on the flame.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#758 - Do you like me?
In a sacred space, cleanse, consecrate, and empower the red rubber ball. As you bounce the ball, repeat the fallowing spell:
"From ground to air
From air to ground
I bounce the magick
Round and round.
Do you like me?
Do you love me?
I need to know the answer.
Dragon's eyes,
And angel wings.
Now I touch
The fairy ring.
Do you like me?
Do you love me?
I need to know the answer."
*** I hope this helps ***
Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#759 - Love of a Specific Person
Wait until night time, cast your circle, and light a fire in the cauldron. On the piece of paper, draw a heart in red ink, and inside it write the name of the specific person whose love you wish to obtain. While doing all this, imagine a beam of pink energy flowing from your heart, onto the paper. Pour all your love for the person into this energy, and imagine them being bathed in this soft, gentle beam of light. Next, kiss the name on the piece of paper three times. Put the paper in the fire and let it be consumed by the flames, and repeat the following three times:
"My heart ablaze and shining, This love I do send to thee, If you find a place in your heart to love me, By the greatest good, so mote it be. Close your circle, the spell is cast!"
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#760 - Healing Nature
Go to the area that is dieing and pour the water in a circle around it.
Place the rocks on top of the water circle so that they also make a circle
Chant this three times:
"The nature here will bloom.
The nature here is loved
with your help I ask of thee
let this nature live.
A force like no other
will help thee bloom
so nature here shall live."
Leave the stones there and go back every few days to check on the area if no progress has been made repeat the process.
Last edited on Dec 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.