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2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2989 Love Spells
2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2989 Love Spells
  1. Sleep Spell
  2. Palm Reading Guide
  3. Make Your Crush Like You
  4. Truth Spell
  5. Good Luck In Love
  6. Hell Meassage
  7. Fire Of Love Oil
  8. Purify Drinking Water
  9. Get Fatter
  10. Send a Message

#681 - Sleep Spell

For those who have trouble sleeping, or if you want to go straight to sleep.
You may need:

  • Voice
  • Candle, or whatever you have
  • Belief in magic
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Candle, or whatever you have
  • Belief in magic
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    Chant the following:

    "By this candle I do sleep,
    Hidden from the day, in the night's deep.
    O lady moon, guide my dreams,
    Cover me in your beautiful beams.
    As this candle flame dies,
    Please close my eyes.
    Allow me to awake in the warmth of the sun."

    Added to on Nov 13, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #682 - Palm Reading Guide

    This guide teaches you how to read palms. Hope this helps you!
    You may need:

  • A palm
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    You may need:

  • A palm
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    Look at your/a friend's palm. Preferred to be the arm you write with.

    The top dent/line is the love line. It shows your love life. The longer it is, the better love life. The thicker it is, the better also.

    The 2nd line or dent is your life line, showing how much longer you will live. The longer and thicker it is, the better your life will be.

    The 3rd line or dent, is how smart/clever you are. The longer or thicker, the smarter you are.

    You should look towards your wrist. For kids, this line/dent is still developing. You should see a line going upwards near your thumb. That's your career line. The longer/thicker, the batter your career.

    Added to on Nov 13, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #683 - Make Your Crush Like You

    This is real it has been tested unlike other spells you need few ingredients (if crush has girlfriend/boyfriend they will break up)
    You may need:

  • One Rose petal
  • A piece of food
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    You may need:

  • One Rose petal
  • A piece of food
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    In the making of the food take the rose petal and throw it on and say "love is around us in every way as dawn shall rise every day, not even the dark forces can break us with this spell I truly lust". Cook the food and give it to the crush.

    Added to on Nov 13, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #684 - Truth Spell

    This spell will let you see what other people are hiding from you or others. People sometimes use it on friends and family, this spell is not to use that way. Good luck.
    You may need:

  • Cleansed aqua morean stone, or a lapis lazuli gem stone.
  • Next you will need a white, or purple candle.
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    You may need:

  • Cleansed aqua morean stone, or a lapis lazuli gem stone.
  • Next you will need a white, or purple candle.
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    Shut your eyes and clear your mind the best you can. The open your eyes and light the candle. Look at the candle for 1 or 2 mins. After that put the stone in your cupped hands. Visualize the stone filing up with the flame in the candle. Say spell:

    "May the truth I seek be reveled to me.
    May the hidden come out.
    To the light, so mote it be."

    Added to on Nov 11, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #685 - Good Luck In Love

    To give a boost of luck in a relationship.
    You may need:

  • Tealight Candle
  • String (I used hemp cord)
  • Small Paper
  • Incense
  • Rock (I used a pink one)
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    You may need:

  • Tealight Candle
  • String (I used hemp cord)
  • Small Paper
  • Incense
  • Rock (I used a pink one)
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    On the scrap of paper, write out each persons name, or use a symbol created out of their names. I added the sigil below and drew two rings intertwining. Roll up the paper into a tube. Wind the cord around it. The tie three knots

    1. One knot for Friendship
    2. One knot for Love
    3. One knot for Luck

    Put the scroll in to the tealight (you probably have to bend it so it will fit). Then add the rock. Set it on fire, let it burn. Light some incense from the fire and let it ash into the tealight. Visualize the smoke going to the two people, giving them the energy from the spell. Once the fire dies out, allow the wax to cool again, leaving the ash and the rock inside.

    Added to on Nov 07, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #686 - Hell Meassage

    Write a letter to Lucifer or any other demon
    You may need:

  • Your blood
  • Something to write with
  • A paper
  • Lit candle or lighter(fire)
  • An envelope
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    You may need:

  • Your blood
  • Something to write with
  • A paper
  • Lit candle or lighter(fire)
  • An envelope
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    When you write to Lucifer or any demon, write a formal letter. It could be dangerous if you do not. Scratch that this will still be dangerous.

    Now as for the instructions. Simply write the letter in your blood on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Then take the envelope and burn it.

    Added to on Nov 03, 2016
    Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #687 - Fire Of Love Oil

    This oil is great for spicing up your love life in the bed room.
    You may need:

  • Oil base
  • Red candles
  • Dried apple
  • A cinnamon stick
  • A part of a rose
  • Rosemary
  • A jar or bottle
  • Rose quartz
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    You may need:

  • Oil base
  • Red candles
  • Dried apple
  • A cinnamon stick
  • A part of a rose
  • Rosemary
  • A jar or bottle
  • Rose quartz
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    Light your red candles and put on what ever incense that makes you feel in the mood . Then take your piece of dried apple and place in the jar then add the rosemary,cinnamon stick, and part of the rose into the jar or bottle then add the rose quartz and the oil base .

    Then chant " Love you today as I always have and always will so mote it be ". Now then add the oil base shake up everyday for 3 days then use it

    Added to on Nov 02, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #688 - Purify Drinking Water

    You will make unclean drinking water clean and drinkable.
    You may need:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Water source (can be river or pond or well. It won't work on already clean water)
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    You may need:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Water source (can be river or pond or well. It won't work on already clean water)
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    Go to a source of unclean water. Stand near it not in it. Take your ride quartz and let it bath in the sun. After waiting 8 minutes say this 8 times while holding the quartz crystal over the water

    "This water is nasty and unclean
    Make it drinkable make it gleam."

    Then drop the quartz into the water and walk away. Best if done around noon.

    Added to on Oct 31, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #689 - Get Fatter

    This spell is to make you feel hungry and want to eat as much as possible at every meal and eat a lot of snacks all then time. It will make you gain lots of weight and get fat.
    You may need:

  • your full commitment.
  • food.
  • a mirror to see how fat you get.
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    You may need:

  • your full commitment.
  • food.
  • a mirror to see how fat you get.
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    Just say this once:

    "Gods and Goddesses help me feel like I am hungry as much as can be, this is my will, so mote it be".

    And the next day, when you wake up you will feel hungry and want to eat a lot. Only say this if you really want to be fat.

    Added to on Oct 28, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #690 - Send a Message

    A simple and quick spell to send a message to anyone near or far. It must be done at night.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • One white quartz crystal
  • Concentration
  • Energy
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • One white quartz crystal
  • Concentration
  • Energy
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    Use the quartz to write your message onto the blank paper. Put your message in quotations. Write the person's full name underneath with the quartz and then circle it three times.

    Hold the quartz in your hand and while concentrating, chant this aloud until it feels warm:

    "I plead, I plead with all of my might.
    May this message send to (receivers name) tonight!"

    Once the crystal is warm, you are ready to cast it. Place it by the windowsill in the moonlight to cast it and it should be sent by the time you wake up.

    Your energy just charged the crystal which wrote the message, by putting it in the moonlight, the message will travel using your energy.

    Added to on Oct 25, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters