2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Galaxy Nail Polish
- Cat Familiar
- Moon Light Eyes and Wolf Eyes
- Saint Peter Road Opener
- Arranging a Relationship
- Summon Fire
- Self-sleep
- Love Spell
- Wish Spell
- Gain a Friendship Back
#861 - Galaxy Nail Polish
#862 - Cat Familiar
First get a piece of paper and draw your cat with a pencil, however you want it to make.
Next color in your cat with your crayons or colored pencils.
Then, on the other paper write your cats info. it must include:
- Name
- Breed ( List every breed if crossbreed)
- Fur Color
- eye color
- tail length
- weight
- height
- Personality
- Gender
Do this info in black ink.You can add other things after that too if you want.
Then, put the papers on top of each other.
Fold them hamburger style once
Then hamburger style again
Then draw a pentagram in BLACK ink.
Then Hot Dog style
Then say this with it to your chest "O (name of your god/goddess), I call upon thee,
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me."
For god/ goddess I think it should be Bast, she is the cat goddess.
Do that spell for then nest while holding it to your chest and then slip it under you pillow and rest.
After you have finished, you need to give your deity time to create your cat. The average wait time is about a week, but if your chosen cat is very intricate, you may be required to wait longer. Also, you'll be able to use telepathy with your cat the day after you finish as the spirit of your cat already exists, but your deity will need a little longer to make the cat's new body.
After three days, you must begin looking for your cat. This is the hardest part as your cat will be a kitten and just like a lost pet kitten, they are hard to find. Just look for the same cat you drew earlier but as a kitten and way more realistic. Use telepathy to call your cat to you. If you don't find your cat by the next week, it will eventually find you.
This familiar will already know how to protect you and other people. Your cat will never betray you, and even when you think you don't want him or her anymore, he or she will be very sad but still by your side. Remember, train your familiar well in the ways of your path, and he or she can benefit others. Only you can see it, so keep your cat a secret.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#863 - Moon Light Eyes and Wolf Eyes
Chant this 1 Time.
"Eyes of the moon when I am good. Eyes of the wolf when I am mad. Normal Eyes when I am normal. Selene, I call her and gods and goddesses. So mote it be."
*Might hurt your eyes a little.*
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#864 - Saint Peter Road Opener
On a tuesday, light 1 candle (red or white ).
Pray from your heart ask saint peter what you need or want.
And if saint peter helps you offer him a novela candle of his image after he helps you out.
Last edited on Feb 02, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#865 - Arranging a Relationship
1. Braid the strings.(leave a small section, about a inch, unbraided.)
2. Light the candle.
3. Light the unbraided part of the strings using the candle.
4. Say 1x "(his name) and (her name)"
5. Let the braid burn.
Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#866 - Summon Fire
In an open space where there is no body to hear you summon fire and with a good voice, wand is used to control the fire. Please try it far from humans.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#867 - Self-sleep
Put the quartz crystal into your main hand then chant:
"Oh Hypnos god of sleep, hear my prayers hear me weep. Draw my energy all away, so I can use it another day. Let the sandman come tonight, and Ill give in without a fight."
Say it 3 times for extra measure.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#868 - Love Spell
Light the Candle and take a Deep breath and Think about him.
Then chant near the Candle 10x
"Hear me Goddesses of love and Gods of Life.
Let me get my love for Life.
I want (the first & last name of person)to love me like I love him/her,
Because Im nothing without him/her.
He/She makes me smile everytime so let me have him/her in my Life.
Let the Power of pure love makes us fall in love.
So mote it be! "
Think about:
- Have much Eye Contact and smiling
- Have good clothes
- Smell good
- Brush your teeth
- And have small talks to her/Him (optional)
Last edited on Jan 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#869 - Wish Spell
Make sure there is a tiny amount of water in the cup. First,put the salt in the count to 2,this goes for the paint and soap also. Then,put in the paint. If it doesn't come out,squeeze it. After that,put in soap in. As soon as that's done,write down 3 wishes on a piece of paper It's best if you write, "I wish for this to work" for best results. Finally,count to 5 and it should work.
I hope this works for you,because I tried it and it worked for me. If not,let me know
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#870 - Gain a Friendship Back
Say this 10x while holding the gift.
"I wish for us to be friends again. I don't want to see (name of friend) made at me anymore. Please I want her/him back! I want him/her by (whenever you go back to school or wherever) so please make my wish come true so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.