Use this spell to remove a poison from your body or life and give it to an enemy.
You may need:
1 Chicken liver (raw)
3rosemary leaves
You may need:
1 Chicken liver (raw)
3rosemary leaves
Hold the liver in your hand. Visualise all negativity in your life, all illness in your body, as a Thick black mist pouring out of your hands and into the liver. When you feel its done cut a small hole and stuff in the leaves and a pinch of salt. Cook it and feed it to an enemy.
Write the name of your enemy on the paper and put it in the water.
Knock on wood three times and say, ''Open the gate to the Darkness''
Add in all the other ingredients.
Stir three times counter clockwise, saying ''sit and stew until I`m through, and what you deserve comes on to you.''
Place in the freezer, knock on wood three times again, this time telling the gate to close.
A WARNING: Be extremely careful disposing of this spell when its done. Wear rubber gloves and either throw it into flowing water or bury it in a bag with salt and smokey quartz at a crossroads.
It's really useful for herbs and circle protection or healing.
You may need:
5 white (little) candles
A container
1 red/pink candle
A lighter
A marker
You may need:
5 white (little) candles
A container
1 red/pink candle
A lighter
A marker
Draw a big (about 20 cm) circle and put the candles in the circle with the red/pink one towards you. Put the container with clean (drink) water in the middle. Light the candles one for one clockwise, and end with the red/pink one. Now chant:
"Bless this soul,
With its heard so pure,
Make it safe and sacred."
Blow out the candles one for one in the opposite direction and end with the red one.
Hello witches, Ravensky here and welcome back to another love spell. This spell will Invoke love to the world and our lives.
You may need:
4 pieces of Rose Quartz
1 Amethyst
4 candles (any kind)
You may need:
4 pieces of Rose Quartz
1 Amethyst
4 candles (any kind)
Place your crystals and the candles, representing the 4 Watchtowers. Welcome the spirits (or Guardians), ask that the spirits will keep you safe.
Take your Rose Quartz crystals into your hands (If the crystals are large, do one at a time.) Close your eyes and attune to the crystals. Let their energy flow into your hands, up to your arms, and to your heart. Allow your heart to be purified.
Then say:
''I am a magnet of love. I welcome love to my heart.''
Place the crystals around the Amethyst and say:
''And love to my life.''
Meditate and focus on the crystals. When you are ready, blow out each candle, saying:
''I send your light and love into the world.''
Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table . Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink.
Chant the following as you write: "What I want, I write here. Please, take my Dream and bring it near. What I want Is, What I should get. Let all my dreams Now be met."
Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases . hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at the image you conjure of yourself.
Circle of flower tops laid. Light a white candle in the center as you burn potpourri incense. Concentrating on what you want say,
"My love please come to me. I need (him)_____now. I need (him)_____here. Let (him) hear my passioned plea. My love please come to me!"
Write your wish on the paper and then fold it. Hold the paper in your hand and say, "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, grant this wish for me. My desire is strong, my will is stronger. With harm to none, this spell is bound. By the power of thee, so mote it be!"
Put the paper in a place where no one will find it and try not to think about it after casting. If there is no result try again in about two days.