2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Good Luck
- Rid of Bad Luck and Memories
- Pain Ritual
- Your Goddess/God Wishes
- Tail
- Curse of Hair Loss
- Random Acid Reflux Spell
- Shape Shifters Killing
- Calling A Lost Witch Spell
- Curse an Enemy You Hate
#1521 - Good Luck
Say "good luck, good luck come to me as I will it so mote it be" then snap your fingers
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1522 - Rid of Bad Luck and Memories
Focus as hard as you can on the selected memory and then wright as many details about the memory as you can. Then fold it in quarters and role it up tight then tape it. Put it in a metal bowl and say:
"This memory haunts me, my life and in my dreams untie the knot and erase this bed memory."
After you say the incantation, set fire to the paper and the memory will be erased from everyone's memory.
Bad Luck
Wright down what happened over the past two days then fold it in quarters and role it up tight then tape it. put it in a metal bowl and say:
"The past few days, the ruins are madding, give me the chance to succeed at something."
After you say the incantation, set fire to the paper and you will get good luck for a month.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1523 - Pain Ritual
Write the following in the center of the parchment paper using the pencil:
Greatest God of the Rivers, the Sky, the Soil and the Air. I summon your energies to get revenge and do unto name of the enemy as he has done unto me
Surround the Parchment Paper with the 13 candles
Light the candles using matches
Stand over the parchment paper/candles and place the personal item from the person you want to cast the free revenge spell upon on top of the words you have previously written on it.
Using each of the 13 candles drop 13 drops of wax on the item saying the following when you pick up each candle:
Agitato Clematibu
While you are dropping the wax focus intensely on your revenge and the bad things you want to happen to them.
Cut yourself with the knife or needle. You will need 3 drops of your own blood (from your hand) and drop it on top of the wax.
Add the chicken heart
Wrap the parchment paper and make a package containing all the items. Use the twine to hold the package together.
Blow out each candle saying:
Cucimo Bestali Pec
Bury the package under a tree
On the night of the following full moon light the 13 candles and let them burn out.
#1524 - Your Goddess/God Wishes
Go into your backyard or a forest or something (just something with lots of nature surrounding you) then sit down. Make a circle around you whilst sitting criss-crossed then say this once:
"O Gods and Goddesses, this is my plea place your power before me!" (then light your chosen candle on a leaf or something making sure the candle does not tip) "O King of the gods, Zeus, I ask you to grant me my wish. Put me in contact with the goddess I must be swish. O (say your god/goddess's name) give me the power of your that is almighty. For the power of you is my wish to see, so mote it be".
Then meditate for like 3 minutes and within 2 days you will get your wish.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1525 - Tail
Sit down somewhere you won't be distracted. Visulize a tail growing from the base of your spine, feal your coxis elongate (if done corectly this WILL be quite painfull) and grow from your back. Keep up this for about a week.
The next week do the same again but start thinking about the fur. See the colour feel the texture, is it soft, is it coarse, or is it fluffy? Think about the length: is it short or is it long. At this point you may get a mild case of phantom limb syndrome which is where your mind can feel the missing limb in this case the tail but it isn't there. Encourage this ,focus on it as much as you can before it becomes painful.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1526 - Curse of Hair Loss
First Cast your satanic pentagram on your altar with black cloth. Second place all the elements in the appropriate spot on pentagram, starting with earth in top left corner, then following a clock wise patern place Air next, then Spirit, Then Water, Then Fire.
In the centre of the pentagram you place the second candle (DO NOT light it just yet), In front of the candle you place a bowl with the photo and hair of your victim.
Then get in contact with the dark forces and summon Hecate (Greek godess of the underworld and whitchcraft). Now that Hecate is summoned light the centre candle, take the photo and hair of your victim in your right hand and say the following curse.
By the power and grace of Hecate the goddess of the underworld I curse thee mine enemy, may your hair fall from your head, as you go to sleep in your bed.
Take the photo and hair of your victim and set it allight with the centre candle, place it in the bowl and finish the curse as follow. "By the power of Hecate the godess of the underworld and whitchcraft this curse be spoken, thus is my wish, so mote it be"
Let the centre candle burn out in the same bowl as the ashes of the photo and hair of your victim. Once the centre candle has burnt out take all contents in the bowl and break it into the black pouch bag and tie it wit the red string.
Go to your victims house and stash this bag somewhere where it would not be found. And watch them go bald day by day.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1527 - Random Acid Reflux Spell
#1528 - Shape Shifters Killing
"When in the circle that is home,
Safetys gone and evils roam.
Rid all beings from these walls,
Save sisters three, now hear our call".
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1529 - Calling A Lost Witch Spell
Power of the witches' rise.
Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood, I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me.
#1530 - Curse an Enemy You Hate
You must be angry for this to work. First, go outside between 10:00 PM- 3:00 AM. Light the black candle, and frown while meditating about the person and what shall happen to them (put your chin above the candle flame, but not too close!)
Then chant the following with emphasis: "I call upon the gods and goddesses of night and darkness. From now to (date of curse to end) I shall curse ______. Begin the curse tonight, they will (insert what will happen). I call upon thee, begin the curse (chant this part 3 times)!"
Then when you feel a signal that says yes, snuff out the candles and thank the gods and goddesses.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.