2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Angel
- Get an A on Test
- Moons Curse
- Simple Rice Cleansing Spell
- Good/Bad Fortune
- Remove Bad Luck
- Old Wish
- Birthday Wish
- Luck Charm
- Seed of Thought
#1711 - Angel
Say this spell 3 times:
"Angels flying high
Angels soaring through the sky
I wish to be like you, flying too
Make me one of you
Human no more
Angel that can soar"
On the 5th day ur wings should come.
Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1712 - Get an A on Test
Take a deep breath and chant this before you take your test:
"On this test I take today
I will receive no less than A.
Earth, wind, fire and sea,
As I say, so mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 19, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1713 - Moons Curse
Take the jewelry hold it in your magic hand and chant " Powers of shadow,curse of moon, I summon thee to no longer protect them. Your magic rise your powers not lies". Then give them the necklace. Say: " who holds this, wears it, is who you curse".
Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1714 - Simple Rice Cleansing Spell
STEP 1: Fill the bowl with rice.
STEP 2: Leave the bowl on a table or counter near a window or door.
STEP 3: Change the rice with fresh rice every month. Bury the old rice in your yard.
Yes, that's it but don't let your simplicity fool you.
This will absorb and remove more negative energy and bad luck from your life than you'd ever think.
You don't need to say anything. There's no fancy ritual.
You should ALWAYS have your bowl of rice out.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1715 - Good/Bad Fortune
Take a lemon or apple and stick it with all colors of pins and needles. Ask the mother to bless it to bring good fortune to whom you give it to. Keep it for yourself if you wish to increase your own fortune. If you wish to cast misfortune on someone, use black pins or needles.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1716 - Remove Bad Luck
Place the pink candle on your far left, and your white candle on your far right. Place the green candle in front of you. Purify the room with sage if you have any. You can always get them at any craft store.
Hold the moon stone in your hand and meditate for 2 minutes, while meditating, picture everything in your life getting better. Chant:
" Lady of Silver magic, come to me, and please hear my plea, bring good luck to me,
wash away all misfortune in my life, so I can life at peace,on the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, all bad luck shall cease and in my life, will enter peace. I call out to you to bring luck to me by the power of the Moon. So mote it be. (x4)"
WARNING: Keep in mind, spells usually take time to work depending on how powerful you are, so don't expect this to work over night or within a day. Also, remember that any spell can backfire, especially spells involving love, luck and health. Message me for any questions, or tips. And message me when this spell kicks in. This is the first spell that I put online so I can give you other spells if you want.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1717 - Old Wish
Upon a starry night, catch sight of the first star you see in the sky and chant:
"Star light
Star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have the wish
I wish tonight"
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1718 - Birthday Wish
On your birthday light the number of candles on a cake of your age those who participate eating it have to make your wish come true. Speak your wish or think it blow out the candles. The smoke binds the spell to the participants to make your wish come true. If they dont give you a gift or the smoke element of air carries your wish to the powers that be who grant it so shall it be happy birthday.
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1719 - Luck Charm
Gods and Goddesses, please grant my plea.
bestow the best of luck onto me
through this charm the luck will stay
while wearing it,I will be showered in luck for 7 days
So mote it be!
The charm has to represent a symbol of luck such as a 4 leaf clover.
You have to imagine a stream of energy putting luck into the charm until the candle burns out. That's why you have to choose a birthday candle or another small candle. The luck will last 7 days (168 hrs). You don't have to wear the charm 7 days straight, but after 168 hrs of wearing it, the luck will end. Good Luck!
#1720 - Seed of Thought
Take a seed such as a fava bean on a fullmoon or holloween night channel your thought by willing your energy and invisioning your thought into this meditate let it become your thought draw a symbol of your desire/thought such as a heart for love upon it and plant it and everyday nourish it and reinforce it affirmation:
"As you grow so shall it be become the thing I wish to see so shall it be."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.