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2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2352 Luck Spells
2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2352 Luck Spells
  1. Rock of Blood
  2. Easter Spell
  3. Keep Something in Memory
  4. Unraveling
  5. Three Fold Curse
  6. Candle Spell to Change Fate
  7. Lucky Candle
  8. Banish Evil Spirits and Negative engery
  9. Break a Streak of Bad Luck
  10. One True Wish

#2081 - Rock of Blood

This is to cause someone to feel your own pain. I
You may need:

  • Rock
  • Blood
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    You may need:

  • Rock
  • Blood
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    First you must completly clean the rock. When thats done simply put any amount of blood on the rock, the more blood the stronger it is, and let it soak in the blood or dry till the next day. When the target is found (ex. gangster who recently did something to you.) throw the rock at the target and say "May you feel my pain.".

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    Last edited on Sep 13, 2016
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    #2082 - Easter Spell

    To get your desires..
    You may need:

  • handful of fallen leaves
  • small number of seeds basil or mint
  • bell
  • 6yellow or green candles
  • an easter basketplanting soil
  • paper and pen
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    You may need:

  • handful of fallen leaves
  • small number of seeds basil or mint
  • bell
  • 6yellow or green candles
  • an easter basketplanting soil
  • paper and pen
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    Rose's Easter Basket Of Magick Goodies

    What you'll need:

    * A small handful of fallen leaves

    * A small number of seeds or seedlings
    (I like to use basil, mint, and/or

    * A bell you can ring

    * 6 yellow and/or green candles

    * An Easter basket

    * Some planting soil (enough to fill
    the basket at least half full).

    * Paper and a pen


    STEP 1: Setup a basic altar, and place
    your candles, and anything else that
    represents spring, or Easter to you.

    I like to include a spring wreath,
    and some small plants as well, but
    that's optional.

    STEP 2: On the piece of paper draw a
    line down the middle to form 2 columns.

    At the top of the left column, write
    ''Things To Get Rid Of''.

    STEP 3: Write a list of at least 3
    things you want to ''get rid of'' in

    These could be bad habits, unhealthy
    relationships, poverty, whatever you

    Your list can be as long as you like,
    as long as you have enough ''fallen
    leaves for each.

    STEP 4: In the right column, at the
    top, write ''Hopes And Desires''.

    STEP 5: Write a list of at least 3
    things you desire in life in this

    Don't be too greedy, though don't
    hold back too much either.

    Just make sure you desire them
    deeply, in your heart... and that
    you have an emotional connection to

    This list can be long as well,
    but make sure you have 1 seed for
    each desire.

    STEP 6: Light the candles to begin
    the spell.

    STEP 7: Fill the Easter basket
    with soil, at least halfway

    STEP 8: Take the first leaf and

    ''With this dead leaf, I bury
    (The first thing on your ''Things
    To Get Rid Of'' list...).''

    ''Old things fade away, and fresh
    hope renews with the spring.''

    STEP 9: Then, bury the leaf in
    the soil, in your Easter Basket.

    Repeat steps 8 and 9 with each
    ''Thing To Get Rid Of''.

    Allow yourself to feel hopeful
    through this process...and know
    in your heart that these things
    will fall away from your life,

    STEP 10: Next... take a seed
    in your hand and hold it close
    to your heart, then say:

    ''As the light of the spring
    grows, so does my (Your First
    ''Hope And Desire) on the list.''

    ''Alongside this seed, grows
    this change in my life.''.

    STEP 11: Plant the seed in
    the soil.

    STEP 12: Right the bell to
    ''activate'' the Magick of the
    seed... say:

    ''As this bell rings, I charge
    this seed to attract my
    desire, an' it harm none.''

    STEP 13: Repeat steps 10-12
    for each ''Hope And Desire'' on
    your list.

    STEP 14: When you're done, end
    the spell and snuff out your

    STEP 15: Place the basket in
    a place where the seeds can
    grow. They'll need sunlight,
    and a temperate climate.

    Water them a little bit every
    other day... and as they sprout
    so shall your dreams.


    There's so much power in this
    spell, and I really hope you
    take advantage of this time to
    do it.

    I do this every year, and I'll
    be doing so again this Saturday
    Blessed Be )0(

    Apr 22nd

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    #2083 - Keep Something in Memory

    This spell will stop you from forgetting something for quite some time.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Think about what you want to keep in your memory. Say, "Memoriaeque mandetis," then snap your fingers. The memory should stay in your memory for quite some time (in my spell book, I wrote seven years, but I'm not entirely sure; the effects haven't worn off yet, though).

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    #2084 - Unraveling

    A spell to unravel a problem.
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Scissors
  • Small knitted clothing article
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Scissors
  • Small knitted clothing article
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    Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the inscription.

    Light the candle and say:
    "Problem, problem, melt away.
    Solutions come to me today."

    Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it. Say:
    "Knitted thread, as you unwind,
    Problems can no longer bind."
    Wind the yarn into a ball saying:
    "As I smooth you to a ball,
    Solutions rise come one and all."

    Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution will come by the time all the yarn is wound.

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    #2085 - Three Fold Curse

    Curse three of your enemies at once, an old friend taught this curse to me and I have tested it. Just remember; "What goes around comes around."
    You may need:

  • 2 Black Candles
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    You may need:

  • 2 Black Candles
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    Sit down and burn one candle in front of you, the other behind you.(if you're using candles, if not, just sit.) Now concentrate and clear your mind of everything but the spell.

    "You hurt me, I hurt you
    As you see, as I see
    Be a thee,
    three by three,
    mote it be."

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    #2086 - Candle Spell to Change Fate

    Be forewarned, changing may make some parts of your life stronger, yet other parts weaker.
    You may need:

  • A special candle
  • A pentacle with corresponding symbols
  • 4 black candles smaller than the special candle
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    You may need:

  • A special candle
  • A pentacle with corresponding symbols
  • 4 black candles smaller than the special candle
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    Set up altar with the four candles in each corner, and in the center put the pentacle and the
    wishing candle over it. Wait to do the spell until the full moon, and then make sure you do it
    at night and where the stars are in full view.

    On the new moon, look unto the sky for the 7 brightest stars. Hold up a lighter and say/chant: "I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish this night. For change of ______ this night I ask, and by the flame, I ask it last. Seven brightest stars in the sky, light the flame I hold high."

    With this light your lighter, light the wishing candle, and light the little candles in it's flame.
    Now go about business as usual.

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    #2087 - Lucky Candle

    A candle spell to bring you luck.
    You may need:

  • 1 orange candle
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Clove oil
  • Lotus oil
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    You may need:

  • 1 orange candle
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Clove oil
  • Lotus oil
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    Taken an orange candle and annoint it with the oils. Light the candle and say the following three times: "Brimstone, moon and witch's fire. Good luck, I shall now acquire. Work thy magic well. Midnight twelve, the witching hour. Bring the luck I seek, as these words I speak. Harming none, this spell is done. As I will it, so mote it be".

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    #2088 - Banish Evil Spirits and Negative engery

    This spell banishes all negative energy and evil spirits from areas in your home.
    You may need:

  • 1 Candle - in a jar, not a stick candle, you don't wanna burn yourself with hot wax
  • A lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 Candle - in a jar, not a stick candle, you don't wanna burn yourself with hot wax
  • A lighter
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    Have you ever walked into a room in your home and just gotten very creeped out? Or were doing something in a room and felt bad feelings and like you were being watched? This spell will help with that.

    The spell is very simple, yet extremely powerful. I used it to get rid of the negative energy in my home.

    Begin by lighting the candle, it can be any color but black would work the best. Take the candle into the room, keep the lights off and only let the candle light the room.
    Begin walking throughout the room. I don't believe in memorizing and chant for banishing. Its best if you use your own words so you have more power.
    Tell the energy in the room that is not positive that it must leave the room, the house, and the area. Be sure to tell the bad energy that the candle's flame will suck it into the fire, and remove it.

    Say as many things as you like, but keep your cool. The evil spirits may try to frighten you. But they cannot touch you as long as you stay strong and keep the candle lit.

    As soon as you covered the room, tell the spirits and energy that it isn't welcome, and as soon as you blow out the candle, it will be removed and never can return.

    Leave the room and blow out the candle. Don't enter the room until at least 15 minutes. Then all that bad feelings and such will be gone.

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    #2089 - Break a Streak of Bad Luck

    To break an unlucky streak you might have.
    You may need:

  • 7 twigs
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    You may need:

  • 7 twigs
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    Go for a walk and pick up seven twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week.
    Traditionally the twigs should be ash for Monday, beech for Tuesday, elm for Wednesday, oak
    for Thursday, horsechestnut for Friday, yew for Saturday, and elder for Sunday. Take them home, snap them into pieces and burn them in the hearth or a bonfire. Say, "Ill luck is broken as these words are spoken".

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    #2090 - One True Wish

    This will grant your one true wish if cast properly.
    You may need:

  • 3 white candles
  • 2 red candles
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    You may need:

  • 3 white candles
  • 2 red candles
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    Place the candles so that the two red candles are at the left and right points. Chant three times: "By the light of the moon, by the light of the fire: Grant me, now, my one desire".

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    2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters