Since Mother Nature supply's our most basic needs, this spell uses the cycle her existence to fulfil your wants.
You may need:
1 fully grown leaf
You may need:
1 fully grown leaf
Write or draw on your leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want.
Afterwards, place your leaf outside underneath a stone or throw your leaf into running waters.
As the leaf whithers, it takes your desire to the Earth.
In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish!
talk to any roman or greak god. it will help you understand what the god needs you to do.
You may need:
your mind
a friend
You may need:
your mind
a friend
think as hard as you can. and say the following fill in the blank with what god you want
Hello god of ____
will you tell me my deestiny
i will serve you well'
just tell me what i shall do.
Pleas ____ tell what to do
have your friend hold your hands and say this till you here a person call your name.This means that the gods have told you what u have wanted to know.also if you feel u must do something do it. this means the gods have given you a task.
Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On the paper, write the things you most desire (like love or money). Fold up the paper and place it on the saucer in the water. Now put your 7 day candle on the paper and light it. Each night before you sleep, visualize your desires being obtained. On the 7th day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it away from your property.
Say, "To the moon, to the sun, to the skies, to the water. Stars, let your fires burn. Winds, let your strength grow. Let us unite, let us shine bright".
First get a type of crystal now role a piece of paper to fit the crystal. Now glue the paper onto the crystal, then tape the parts that make it stay staple then glue the pieces of tree bark onto the paper. Then when its fully covered with tree bark put tape on each end and then in the middle the on any phase of the moon. Dip it in a bowl of water and then make sure that moon light hits the bowl then after 1 minute take it out and then you have a wand.
Visulize the person whom you wish to cast the spell on and say: "(Their name here) Come to me please,where ever you are come to me. Love me please, I love you cant you see? Come at last be with me, this is my will so mote it be.
Stand in cross position and say, "Light of heaven". Then draw three 6s in the air while saying, "Fires of hell". Throw one hand into the air and the other towards the ground while you say, "I call you both together to break this spell". Visualize power of both beginning to surround you and be stored within your hands. Now put hands over the cursed thing (object or yourself) and yell, "Curse, break!".
1 Pentacle, Preferably In Wax Or Earth, With A Mound at the Center
1 Knife, Suitable for Flesh Slicing
You may need:
5 Human Thumb Bones
1 Pentacle, Preferably In Wax Or Earth, With A Mound at the Center
1 Knife, Suitable for Flesh Slicing
1. Arrange the Thumb Bones at the Points of the Star in the Pentacle
This lets you channel the symbolic energy and life energies of the bones to use in the spell.
2. Slice Your Thumb With the Knife and Drip the Blood Onto the Mound
Don't cut your finger off, just draw a few drops of blood.
3. Write Down What You Wish the Curse to Do
Also add blood to this paper.
4. Chant the Curse Into the Sky From Inside the Pentacle
Draw from the energies of the pentacle, your blood, and the thumb bones.
5. Send the Paper to the Victim Thirteen Days Later
Not only will this freak the person out but it will help the effects of the curse find him/her.
Note: This spell can be used for blessing too. Also, don't cut off peoples thumbs for this. Get A graveyard or mortuaries permission before digging up any skeletons.
Say, "Baby, baby, come to me. Let your spirit now roam free. Baby, baby, give me pregnancy. You're so hot, so come to me. Baby, baby, come to me". Throw the rose peddles into the air.