2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Duanes a Powerful Wish Spell
- Cursing the Hidden Pain
- Cord Magic
- To get Revenge Hex
- Make a Poppet Doll
- Lucifer Blood Summoning Spell
- Duane Evil Revenge
- Blood Bath Sex Spell
- Rotten Skin
- Deadly Curse
#2261 - Duanes a Powerful Wish Spell
This is a little complicated to describe but is well worth it.
You need a piece of recycled paper (recycled notebook paper works fine).
On the paper, write a short poem or chant to the Goddess and God that states your wish.
It is alright if you aren't the best poet on earth! But it is very important that you say exactly how you feel and what exactly you need. Do your best and say it from the heart.
Close the poem with thanks to the Goddess and God.
Fold it in half with the words inside it.
Draw a triple goddess sign on the outside.
Now fold it in half again with the symbol on the inside.
Now draw a pentacle on the paper.
Finally, flip it over and write your name and birthdate on the other side.
Put this aside in a safe place and your wish will come true in due time.
If you change your mind before it comes true, burn the paper and put the ashes to the earth.
#2262 - Cursing the Hidden Pain
First light your candle then make sure you lights are turned off place the doll in front of you and the pins and the blong od the person beside the doll. If the doll has buttons as eyes rip them off or cut them.
Then prick your finger with the pin and make yourself bleed ONLY put one drop of blood on the blonging of the person you hate and one drop of blood on the doll. This will make them connected able to reach the pain.
Once this is done the blood with seep into the doll, wait till it does do not force it.The say these word:
"This night it ends what you've done to me, you made me see thatI don't have to listen to words that hurt or offend me, so with the blood split for me the pain from you to me will come back around only to hurt the tourturer."
Then when you reach the end of it stab two pins in the dolls head and one when its heart is.
The next day somthing will be different about the person you hate so dearly.
#2263 - Cord Magic
#2264 - To get Revenge Hex
Then take the person's picture and look and imaged revenge on the person, what you want too image that happens to them focus on that .
Then take the picture and take the black ribbon and wrap the ribbon around the picture. While wrapping the ribbon around the picture
I bind you from everyone, i close your world , i show you only darkness no light , i punish you , you can never harm , hurt or use manipulation never again against me or anyone else, i chain you too the ground so you can not get up , i bind you too the chair so that you may not move , i sick snakes on you , so that you may scream in pain , i put everylasting torment on you , forever and ever as i will it so mote it be
Then take the wax from the black candle then pour it over the ribbon .
then say :
i seal it through thee art of my anger , sorrow and saddness. (or say what ever you feel from being involved with this person) I bind you too insanity , pain and misery and i sent you far way from me .
then take the black pen and write the person name on the envelope . then put the picture that has a ribbon wrapped around it and wax on the top of it and stick it in the envelope.
then burned the envelope with picture and say :
you can not harm me any more through any resources you have no power over me and you shall see that everything you put me through can be reverse back too you 4 times fold . so shall will see so mote it be .
When finished dispose of ashes . or what ever is lefted of envelope.
#2265 - Make a Poppet Doll
How to do it.
1. First get the picture of the person you wish to Hex, Small not large ex Passport photo.
2. Then the strand of the persons hair.
3. Take the piece of fabric and cut and saw it into a shape of a person.
4. Once the Poppet is ready cut a small hole into the belly then place the photo, the hair and the 3 thorns inside the Poppet, Then saw it back up.
5. Now your ready to say the spell of your choice, for this poppet is now a strong force of misfortune for the person and when you say the spell it will be more potent.
Be Warned: Choose your words carefully.
There are stories I could tell you about this spell that show just how dangerous it is and what it can do.
If you are not sure on anything please PM me.
The poppet.
#2266 - Lucifer Blood Summoning Spell
First you need to image lucifer in your mind. Then take the athame and point at lucifer's picture.
Then chant:
"I invoke thee lucifer bright morning star you are to show me power and wisdom and help me gain my ever lasting desires."
Then light the candles on the altar all 4 of them .
"I invoke thee lucifer,this is my oh divine purpose lucifer to have communations with you, do my bidding lucifer with no strings attached.
I ask for the powerful goddess Tyche to aid me in getting you lucifer to obey me."
Then drink the 1 glass of the goat's blood .
The 2 glass leave as offering to lucifer and goddess tyche.
Then wait but something will happen after you do it, make your wishes and demands when you hear the voice of lucifer.
This is extreme black magic! And this spellis extremely dangerous. I assume no responsibly for what may happen.
Spell by: Modelavery
#2267 - Duane Evil Revenge
Write your victim's name on the piece of paper. Fold the paper in half twice. Place the folded paper in the bottom drawer of the box. Keep the paper there until your revenge has been satisfied. It is important that, once you feel you have obtained satisfaction, you undo the spell by removing the paper from the bottom drawer can you make them love you with this and suffer.
#2268 - Blood Bath Sex Spell
Look at the picture say:
"My heart bleed for you I can't stop thinking of you come to me for one night and three days. I you shall have me so mote it be."
#2269 - Rotten Skin
Do this on Saturday, when the sun is at its hottest.
Get a banana and eat it, but save the skin. Focus on your desire,
See the target and see the inflicted damage. Throw the skin on the ground,
Where the sun can hit it and recite 9 times:
''Like this rotting banana peel,
Thats how I wish your skin to feel.
Let it rot, let it wrinkle, let it wither
Beauty fade, beauty disfigure."
After reciting it, focus on your desire again. But this time put yourself in the persons body and try to feel the wrinkles as if your them feeling it, and give it as much detail as possible.
#2270 - Deadly Curse
Sit for five minutes and focus on how much hate you feel for the target. Convert all your insecurities, all your pain from everything, all the hate you feel for others, your joy, your stress, convert it all to hate for that person. Circulate the hate for five minutes, and say:
''I curse you 27 times.''
27 is an unlucky number. Do that at the same time.
After that, have a cup with milk in it. Pour some vinegar and squeeze some lemon/lime in there too. Stir the potion counter-clockwise 7 times. 7 is the number of completion say:
"What you wish like I curse you Tommy, may all your friendships crumble and die."
Then say:
"So mote it be!"
Dispose of the chemicals in the soil, or water. No other way.