2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Finding Your Spirit Animal or Totem
- Wishing Spell
- Undertale
- Darkest Vampire
- Become a Kitsune
- Become a Therian
- Dragon
- Honey Jar of Luck and Careers
- Dream of Anything
- Get Fatter
#511 - Finding Your Spirit Animal or Totem
Imagine yourself finding a cave and walking in. As you enter this cave, you see it is lit with torches. As you keep walking, you notice that the torches become fewer, and the cave wider. You know that in reality, it should be getting darker in the the cave, it keeps getting brighter. then, you see some torches that are not even lit.
You touch them to see if they have been recently lit, and they are cold. The cave continues to widen. then you see the exit to the cave. and now you are in the most beautiful place you've ever seen. The grass is green, there's a pond in the middle, the place is surrounded by trees.
Then, you hear a rustle in the trees and the most magnificent creature emerges. It may soar above you or walk towards you. The gorgeous animal comes nearer, and you attempt to touch it. Then it goes back into the bush. As you leave, you look in the pond and see your animal's reflection. You know it will take a while to develop a relationship with your animal, but it will come. Then, you exit through the cave.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#512 - Wishing Spell
Raise your arms up to the sky with palms facing up, and chant this:
"Goddess of the New Moon Fair
I ask thee hearken this prayer
May that which I desire be granted
With intent these words are chanted."
(State your wish 3 times and then say)
"Thrice my rhyming spell is spun
To make this wish come true for me
Thanks I give for it is done
This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#513 - Undertale
Get the ingredients and think about your undertale forms and get out the desired clothes
And think or say this spell
"Oh every single undertale charenter gather around and hear my plea. I want to be one of you. I want my clothes and my form ( clothes and form from the desired ingredient ). And my powers ( powers sans eye super speed etc ). And I have another form and it will be ( mythical form ). And when I'm done transforming I will go into your place. And my color ( color fur color skin color etc ). And my eye color ( eye color if so then say hybrid left and right eye ). And my element species ( element water earth etc ). And my main power will be ( power cannot have immortality since you are immortal ). So please oh please ashore sans toreal this is my wish come true so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#514 - Darkest Vampire
Ok, first of all you will need 5 black candles and 1 red candle to begin the casting of the spell. You will also need a photo of the target of the spell (if you want to harm someone else get a photo of that person, or if you want to conjure the powers of evil within you prepare a photo of yourself)
Put the 5 black candles in a circle about 6.ft (2m) in diameter in the room in which you spend most of your time (attention, ritual must be performed at night, after the sun has set). Put the red candle inside the circle and light them (make sure the red one is the last you light).
Next take off all of your clothes and kneel inside the circle facing the red candle. Say these exact words (in your head): "Great masters of evil and darkness, grant me the gift of invoking your powers"
If you want to be the emissary of darkness on Earth take your photo and burn it on the flame of the red candle saying this: "Ascultati la mine demonilor, dracilor si vrajitoarelor. Ma supun intunericului, ma supun puterilor raului si haosului. Va spun acum creaturilor ale infernului, faceti din mine ambasadorul durerii si al raului pe pamant, faceti din mine mesagerul sufletelor voastre! Va ordon sa imi umpleti sufletul cu otrava care a facut din Vlad cel mai temut demon intre oameni. Ma leg la setea vesnica de sange si de durere, ma leg la o viata in intuneric si de aducere a terorii intre oameni"
Translation: "Listen to me demons, devils and witches! I obey darkness; I obey the powers of evil and chaos. I tell you now creatures of the inferno, make me the ambassador of pain and evil on Earth, make me the messenger of souls! I order you to fill my soul with the poison that made Vlad the most feared Demon among men! I pledge to eternal thirst of blood and pain; I pledge to a life of darkness and I vow to bring terror among men!
Now you must visualize yourself as what you want to become, visualize yourself as the darkest creature, do not rush this step, it is very important!s it, congratulations dark one!
Now, for the other part, making someone suffer: Take the photo of your target and burn it in the flame of one of the black candles while saying this: "Dracilor, demonilor si creature ale intunericului, faceti din acest om tinta puterilor voastre, faceti-l sa sufere, faceti-l sa simta toata puterea raului pe pamant. Faceti din viata lui un calvar, sa simta durere cum nu a mai simtit nimeni. Trimiteti, Stapani ai Infernului, creatura cea mai intunecata, cea mai infricosatoare pe urmele lui. Trimiteti emisarul dupa aces tom, trimiteti pe Vlad!"
Translation: Devils, demons and creatures of darkness, make this man/woman the target of all your powers, make him/her suffer; make him/her feel all the power of evil on earth. Make his/her life a disaster. Make him/her feel pain, make him/her wish he/she was dead. Lords of Hell, send the darkest creature after him/her, send the most frightening being in all existence to make him/her pay. Oh Great Lords, send Vlad!
Now try to imagine your victim suffer, try to see him feeling pain. Again, do not rush this step, all the words you have said must translate into this imagination. Now lift up the red candle (while kneeling) and place it outside the circle. Blow out the candles starting with the red one and continuing with the black ones in a counter-clockwise direction. Step out of the circle with your left foot first.
That's it, now you just have to wait to see that person suffer. Now lift the red candle in the air with both hands (while kneeling) and feel the powers of evil surround you. Put the candle down and blow out the candles starting with the black ones in a counter-clockwise direction (make sure the red one is the last one you blow out).
Immediately you will feel a thirst, a craving for something, you will know what you crave once you quench your thirst.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#515 - Become a Kitsune
Get a water bottle or a candle or paper ( light up the candle ) and imagine or think what your kitsune is going to be ( fur color eyes etc ) and think or say this spell:
"Oh goddess inari hear my plea I don't want to bark or meow or squeak or squak.
I want to be a kitsune intelligent and michevius and quick and fast with illusions fox fire shapeshift.
Possession all kitsune powers I need like ultimate immortality and I can never die.
My fur color will be ( fur color cannot be white will be your celestial form ) and my eyes ( eye color ) and I have water/fire powers ( for fire powers ) I will burn this paper just for you inari from the bottom of my heart ( for water powers ) I will drink this holy water just for you inari and I can any powers like Selkie and mermaid powers.
So please oh please this is my wish come true so mote it be."
You have some side effects the only this is I got a head ace.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#516 - Become a Therian
Draw the therian symbol (Theta Delta) on the back of your hand. It can be your left or right hand. Write the following spell on the first piece of paper. Now light the white candle and say three times:
"O (deity you worship), I wish to be whole
Bind me to the animal in my soul
I wish to be a therian, awaken me!
Let me know my theriotype and be free.
Make me a therian, let me awaken soon.
Give me an animal soul by the light of the Moon.
I will not discriminate, I do not care,
If it is a skunk or a fox or a bear.
I am a therian! I am not human!
My inside soul is not my outside skin!
I am a therian! Awaken me!
Show me the animal within!
Let me mentally shift to be just like it!
Let me dream of being it and see it!
Let me phantom shift to feel like I am it!
Let me sense shift to sense like I am it!
I shall shift! I shall shift!
As I am a therian!
Let me awaken to my inner animal! I beg and plead!
This is my will, so mote it be."
Now listen to some music. I suggest some music specifically for therian shifting, spiritual awakening, or something along those lines. Try not to use anything with lyrics. If you wish, use a guided meditation and ignore the steps below.
As you listen, think of all the animals you love, and all the animals you're like, and all the possible things that could be your theriotype. But don't try to pick and choose. If you love love love cats, don't disregard the fox that you might be. Let the god/dess or spirit you contacted tell you. Go into your subconscious. Use gemstones if you must. Now imagine a beautiful place. A wild natural area that you feel safe in. What can you see? Hear? Smell? Focus on this area. Take it in.
Now you notice a mist, swirling up from a body of water, or down from the sky if there is no water. The mist comforts you as it surrounds you, bringing you to the spirit world. Then, the mist dissipates, slowly, revealing the world of spirit. What does it look like?
Now, the mist appears again, fading into a wall of mist before you. Feel a presence. This is your spirit animal, your theriotype. Feel a deep connection with this unseen beast. Now, its nose, muzzle, beak, snout or whatever else pokes out. Do not be startled by what you see. Take it in. Touch it. What is it? What may it belong to?
The mist fades away, revealing your theriotype. What is it? Did the animal you see surprise you? Do not fear. Know that this is you, this is the real you. Let it do what it wishes. If it comes to you, touch it. If not, watch it. See the intelligence in its eyes. It is you. That is your intelligence. Your subconscious has shown you who you are, who you wish to be. This is you. Take in its eyes, its body, every part of it. Remember it. This is your spirit animal, and your theriotype.
Now let the animal give you its spirit and awaken you. It will do so how it wishes. When you have received its spirit, bid it farewell. It should let you leave, but you carry a part of it back. You are now an animal, and a therian. Let the mist encircle you, and feel the presence still there as the mist surrounds you. When it clears, you are back in the nice place you imagined. Go to the water if there is any, and touch it. If not, sit down and raise your arms to the sky. And now, open your eyes slowly. You have just seen your theriotype.
Once you have meditated, draw the footprint or pawprint of your theriotype on the palm of the Theta Delta hand. Draw the therian symbol again on the second piece of paper, then draw the footprint/pawprint under it, then the name of your theriotype species. Burn that paper, then fold up the spell paper. Keep it in a safe secret spot.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#517 - Dragon
First, light the candle if you have one. The claw is to show how fierce a dragon is. Hold the claw near the light source. The light shows how good a dragon can be, or how bright and beautiful the dragons flames are, if it's a fire dragon.
Now focus on the dragon you desire, every scale, every inch of its blood cells.
Think about the dragons personality, if the dragon can talk to other humans, if the dragon is feared. Think if it's a luck dragon or if it has 4 limbs or more.
Chant while imagining, and holding the claw near a light source:
"Dragon of scales,
Dragon of power,
This dragon will fight for me until its final hour.
Dragon with grin,
Dragon with frown,
Dragon who brings me that golden crown.
Dragon who loves,
Dragon who hates,
Dragon with thick (color of the dragons scales) armoured plates.
Dragon is free
Dragon is mine,
Dragon who stays with me.
So more it be"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#518 - Honey Jar of Luck and Careers
First write your job preference (retail, IT, food, etc or something you have expierence in). Draw a pentagram around your field of choice, next write the following chant.
"I would like to work as *your field of choice* very much, this is my wish, I ask by all the power of the gods and goddesses to help me in my time of need. I pray to my Heavenly Father to answer my prayers tonight, for He will light my path to my field of choice and my dream job, this is my wish so mote it be!"
After you are done writing, fold the paper up as much as you can stand, light your candle, and seal your paper with the wax, drop the paper in the jar, fill the jar with honey, screw on the lid tight, drop some wax on the lid. Place jar some where safe.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#519 - Dream of Anything
For best results, do this spell in your bedroom before you sleep.
Draw three dream clouds on a piece of paper. On the right cloud, put chamomile or peppermint inside to remember the dream. On the left cloud, draw what you wish to dream of. In the middle cloud, put a white quartz crystal. Make sure to put the crystal in last. Do this in complete concentration with no interruptions.
After your clouds are full, stare at the paper and say this spell. Replace the blank with what you drew.
"I wish for a dream of ____ tonight,
For in my heart it feels so right!
No fear, or sadness, or evil filled dreams,
but one of ____, and ____ it gleams!
While I drift asleep upon a cloud,
Let me dream of ____ and dream so proud!
Connect my heart's wish to my sleepy mind,
and a dream of ____ is what I'll find..
So mote it be."
Chant it once or until you feel it has been charged, and go to bed. In bed, daydream or imagine about what you wish to dream of and when you fall asleep, it will be there.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#520 - Get Fatter
Just say this once:
"Gods and Goddesses help me feel like I am hungry as much as can be, this is my will, so mote it be".
And the next day, when you wake up you will feel hungry and want to eat a lot. Only say this if you really want to be fat.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.