2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Become a Witch Spell
- Good Luck Charm
- Money Spell
- Satanic Good Luck Charm
- Send Bad Luck to another Person
- Bring back a Lost Pet
- 3 Wishes
- Pair of Wings
- Pair of Wings
- Wish Spell
#681 - Become a Witch Spell
What to Do:
Take the jewelry and put it on.
Say the spell 3x:Take the jewelry off
Hold it in your hand tightly
Imagine yourself as a witch using your powers, flying, etc.. With lots of belief!
"I call on the witches
I call on elements
To grant me my deepest wish
My wish
To become a witch
With the power of flight
I shall fly to the greatest distance and height
With the power to manipulate and summon (element) and (element)
I shall summon and control it in any way I plea for
With the power of wish granting
I shall grant unlimited for anyone including me
There is one power
That is for you to choose based on my personality
I shall cast spells
Make potions
Do all magic
I ask for this plea
Make me a witch in 2 or 3 days
So mote it be."
Tips & Notes:
This is quite a long spell so you can write it down if you want or memorize it.
What I would do if I want to know how to use the elements is to go to the website and find the element or power.
(ex: ability to manipulate and summon fire, that is pyrokinesis so I would go to the site and find the power and it will show you how to summon and control it)
I would do that to the other powers in the spell like flight, wish granting, it has all of it.
Website with the powers: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Powers
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#682 - Good Luck Charm
Gather up (x amount of) small flowers, then take them back to your home. When home, put the small flowers in the bottle ( if they don't fit, push them in with a stick/pencil) put the small luck trinkets in the bottle as well, seal the bottle (how does not matter, any way you like), when you need some luck, open the bottle up, and wave it around the house.
Note: If you continue to fill it every week/month or so, your luck will increase.
Let me know if this works for you.
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#683 - Money Spell
What to do:
Take the coin and dollar bill and put it in front
of you and chant this 3x:
"I call on the gods & goddesses,
I call on thee.
To grant me money,
money to use for this life,
money to use so I can be happily alive.
Grant me enough.
To give me luck.
I shall someday.
Experience money coming my way,
So mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#684 - Satanic Good Luck Charm
1. Light the candle of your choosing with the match/lighter.
2. Hold your piece of jewelry over the flame of the candle and say the spell.
3. When you are finished with this spell you must blow out the candle.
"Satan please hear me,
I wish for this item to be charmed
By your light. Hail Satan."
Side Effects:
Sweating more than usual
Feeling feverish
When the charm touches your skin you might feel the following:
A slight burning sensation
Slight throbbing
Or pulsing sensation
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#685 - Send Bad Luck to another Person
- Arrange the dead leafs in a rectangle and put the candles in a square.
- Sprinkle the candles with salt. place 11 opals around candles.
- Light the candles and tap the picture with the person whom putting bad luck on in the middle of candles. Mix wormwood and sandalwood powder and sprinkle on candles and picture. Place paper with 13 written on it and light it. now wave your wand over the picture and candles while reciting ten times:
"Oh bad luck come please come please,
hear my plea to come to (persons name),
make their life horrible for insert how many days, weeks months years, for bad luck."
4. Then put rest of opals on picture and let it sit for 25 minutes. then put out flames.
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#686 - Bring back a Lost Pet
I was frustrated hat my dog wouldn't come back when I called for her for about 20-30 minutes so I lied on the floor on my back with my hands relaxed above my head to attempt to calm down.
Next close your eyes and recite three times:
"Gods and Goddesses please bring back my bleloved pet (insert pet's name)
He/she is (pet's main color) with (their types/colors for markings)
Gods and Goddesses please bring back my beloved pet (pet's name)."
After you have said it three times say strongly "so mote it be".
It should work almost instantly. Personally my medium-large sized dog came running right back to the door not even ten minutes later. Hope it works for you too and good luck!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#687 - 3 Wishes
If you are using a wish to enchant an item, get that out as well. Place it atop the wish you're using, and leave it in moonlight. (If you are wishing for a magical item and do not have one, it will come to you. Do not think too hard about it once you find it.)
Make a calm environment. If you're thirsty, grab a glass of tea. Make sure you're as comfortable as possible!
If you have any pre-spell rituals, perform them.
Now, start the spell.
Dip your pen (if using ink).
Write your FULL NAME (middle name not needed) at the top of the page, as small as you can. (You'll need space on the page.)
As I write my name I cast out all daemons, fiends and malevolent spirits of any kind that dare attack my spell, body or mind.
Sprinkle a pinch of salt over your name.
I ask of three things to be granted in the way that I have envisioned them. From my wish no harm will come to myself or others, either to grant it or as a side effect of its granting, and if I make a wish to harm others it shall be negated. There will be no other limits to my wishing. This is my offer, this is all I request. I shall write my wishes in ways that shall benefit myself and others, granted in a way that will not harm others.
Write out your first wish, then sprinkle a bit of salt upon it.
After writing the wish, read it aloud and say:
This is my will, so mote it be. None shall harm or be harmed by the choice I have made.
Write the next two wishes and sprinkle the salt. After each wish, say the wish then the chant above.
Then, draw a pentagram at the bottom. It can be as simple or complex as you want, but make sure you draw it. Say:
By the power of three, so mote it be!
Curl up the paper to put the salt in the container. Close the ink (if any) and leave the area. Dismiss spirits if necessary. If you have any post-spell rituals, perform them.
Make sure the paper is safe, it might break the spell if it's destroyed.
Message me results and info about how it worked out!
#688 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only one drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix. Now take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you. Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water. Now hold the other feather to your heart and recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free".
Last edited on Jun 06, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#689 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only ONE drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix.
Take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you.
Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water.
Hold the other feather to your heart.
Recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free."
Last edited on Jan 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#690 - Wish Spell
Make sure there is a tiny amount of water in the cup. First,put the salt in the count to 2,this goes for the paint and soap also. Then,put in the paint. If it doesn't come out,squeeze it. After that,put in soap in. As soon as that's done,write down 3 wishes on a piece of paper It's best if you write, "I wish for this to work" for best results. Finally,count to 5 and it should work.
I hope this works for you,because I tried it and it worked for me. If not,let me know
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.